Villain: Heroine Sacrifice To Heaven At The Start

Chapter 257 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

The 260th chapter arrives at Bai Ting's unit! The boss's legs are weak! (third more! Ask for customization!)

Think of the world of forgiveness hats.

Mu Yun remembered the classic performance of Huang Ze's girlfriend and villain Zhang Zhen.

Although it is not long in the past, listening to the reports of his staff, the two seem to be really mixed together.

As for who is Huang Ze?

Most of Huang Ze's girlfriend has forgotten.

There is a new little life in her belly, so she has no time to think about Huang Ze.

In Mu Yun's reverie, the convoy quickly stopped under a three-story private house.

Bai Ting, the young woman who met the original owner by chance, works in this private house.

Private small mobile phone workshop.

Bai Ting took a daughter and divorced her ex-husband for three years. A good job is definitely not available. If you take your baby to work, how many units are willing to ask for it?

There is nothing to do with this kind of private small workshop, how much you do and how much salary you settle.

Bai Ting's daughter goes to kindergarten, and she works in the workshop.

After her daughter stabilized in the kindergarten, she started to work on a regular schedule. The kindergarten was nearby, taking advantage of the commute time to pick up and drop off her. The days began to stabilize this year.

The owner of the private workshop is a man in his early thirties. Knowing Bai Ting's situation does not embarrass her.

Bai Ting's face value is not clear to Mu Yun, and there is no description in the book.

According to what Bai Ting told the original owner, she worked in a private workshop and several people pursued her.

If this is true, her appearance should not be bad.

The appearance of the Mu Yun team attracted a lot of attention from 207.

This is not a large business center, but there are also many private houses, most of which are contracted by small bosses to build private workshops and small processing plants.

It's lunch time, and there are many people who come out for dinner to and from get off work.

A team like Mu Yun, not to mention that it is usually rare, has never seen it in this residential area.

Can you expect those little bosses to equip their bodyguards with more than five million luxury cars?

So for this luxury fleet, those who are going to eat are very curious.

The moment Mu Yun got off the car, the entire residential area became quiet.

His appearance and the kind of temperament on his body make people can't help but look at it.

"Wang Qing, you take two people up with me.

The head of Zhang Hong's bodyguard went to catch Zhang Xiaoyu's uncle and mother. After almost half a month, his uncle had already been locked up.

The problem lies with Zhang Xiao Yuyu's biological mother.

Zhang Xiaoyu's mother had a very good life and took her young son to travel abroad.

Zhang Hong could only follow out, and he has not returned yet.

Hearing Zhang Hong called back to report, he was very tired.

Naturally, the news abroad is not so well informed.

He just looked for Zhang Xiao Yuyu's mother and found it dizzy.

This woman is just like crazy, playing in this country (cdch) for two days when she is in a good mood, and flying to other countries when she is in a bad mood.

This caused Zhang Hong to vomit blood quickly, and he often found news just now.

This woman has already flown to other countries.

According to Mu Yun.

People are about to say goodbye to the world, you let them see the world more, what's wrong?

Mu Yun said, Zhang Hong ran and broke his leg.

So now the bodyguard next to Mu Yun has changed the person in charge.

Upon receiving Mu Yun's order, Wang Qing followed Mu Yun with two bodyguards to a private workshop.

The other bodyguards all stood beside the convoy in black suits, which made the onlookers very interesting.

This kind of scene is rare in reality.

The employees in the private workshop who stood in front of the window and watched the scene below were a little puzzled.

Because they saw Mu Yun taking the bodyguard to the building of their workshop.

Is this a relative of the boss?

They couldn't think of anything other than this possibility.

Bai Ting, who was planning to go out for dinner with everyone, also saw this scene when she was off work.

She thinks like everyone else.

There was only one person present who didn't think about it, and that was the owner of the private workshop.

Because he didn't have such a relative at all in his memory.

As for his wife?

If they are in the same village, he doesn't know if they are there.

As the knock on the door sounded, the boss was violently excited, is he really looking for their private workshop?

How is this going?

Although the mind is constantly thinking, the boss's hands and feet are not slow.

Run decisively to open the door.

As soon as the door opened, Wang Qing's serious face came in.

The boss was a little scared, but he still asked.

"Hello! I don't know what you are looking for me?"

Not a relative of the boss?

The boss's words made the employees below understand that this person is not a relative of the boss.

Which relatives have you ever met is such a question.

The boss' question was not answered, but a voice came from behind Wang Qing.

"Wang Qing, show the certificate to boss Lu!"


What documents?

Are they people of the country?

The young man who was called to be the boss of Lu was a little bit affectionate.

Are there criminals in his private workshop?

But when Wang Qing opened his ID and placed it in front of Boss Lu.

Boss Lu slumped directly on the ground with his legs weakened.

Several nearby employees hurried over to support him.

"Wang Qing, give the evidence to Boss Lu. If he needs it, he can call the document office to inquire."

The Certificate Office of Yanguo is a place for inquiring about the authenticity of evidence.

You can check the authenticity of the certificate you want to check with just a phone call, but for a certificate like the Zijin Pavilion Security Office, it will be very troublesome for you to check all kinds of inquiries and various registrations.

Even during your inquiry, nearby guards will go directly to the door.

Boss Lu naturally didn't know this, and tremblingly received Wang Qing's ID. How dare he really call to check.

Even if he doesn't know the rigor of the inquiry, he won't be confused enough to actually look up the certificate of this level.

After looking carefully at the documents in his hand, Boss Lu stood up with the support of the employees.

Respectfully handed over the certificate to Wang Qing with both hands.

"Captain Wang, I'm sorry, people like me have never seen anything in the world, so don't be surprised."

"I don't know what happened when you came here? Or is there a problem with my staff?

Others, "Not to mention, they have been working with me for two or three years. I haven't seen anything wrong with them. Have you made a mistake?"

His inquiry still didn't get a response.

After receiving the certificate, Wang Qing reached out and pushed Boss Lu away.

Mu Yun emerged from behind Wang Qing and walked in first. Wang Qing followed Mu Yun, and finally the two bodyguards.

Looking at Mu Yun passing by, Boss Lu knew that this was the real big shot.

But is this guy too handsome?

I didn't dare to think too much. After Mu Yun entered, Boss Lu and the young man walked inside behind the two bodyguards like the other guards.

Those employees are stupid.

It is true that Mu Yun's appearance is too defying.

Many of them are single nobles. When they suddenly see a handsome guy like Mu Yun, how can they not be moved.

Of course, no one dared to act.

Passionate, this handsome guy is obviously beyond their reach.

Their brains are normal.

No show!

Although they thought so, their eyes never left Mu Yun.

No show is no show!

It's always okay to see more!

Even a young woman like Bai Ting who has given birth can't help but look at Mu Yun.

With this kind of appearance, Bai Ting didn't know what to compare with.

Those celebrities Xiaoxianrou seen on TV?

When she thinks about it now, she suddenly feels like Lanshan.

So so!

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