The emperor's son, how should we deal with the remaining soldiers of the five forbidden forces...?" After everything was arranged, Kunyu moved closer and looked at Gu Linfeng for advice. Originally, he could make these decisions by himself, but since the emperor's son was here, he naturally didn't dare to make his own decisions. "If you don't remove the roots, the grass will grow again in the spring breeze. This is a simple truth that the clan leader will know." Gu Linfeng smiled softly, and a simple sentence was a death sentence for all of them. "Yes..." Kunyu said yes repeatedly, and he retreated respectfully. But at the moment when Gu Linfeng's words fell, he could keenly sense... Mo Qingyun's body trembled obviously for a moment. "What?"

Gu Linfeng looked at the latter calmly, and Gu Chen also looked at him.

"Nothing... Nothing..."

Mo Qingyun knelt down hurriedly, speaking carefully.

"You don't want Qingyun Dao Sect to be destroyed..."

Gu Linfeng smiled calmly, and one sentence revealed all the other party's thoughts.

"Dao Sect is confused and has committed a heinous crime. The right and wrong should be decided by the emperor. Qingyun dare not say a word."

Mo Qingyun kowtowed uncontrollably.

He did not use spiritual energy to protect his body, and soon, his forehead was bleeding.

Gu Linfeng's face did not have much emotion from beginning to end, and he looked at Mo Qingyun indifferently.

The next moment, he glanced at Gu Chen beside him.

"What do you think?"


"Xiaozu, it doesn't matter if we kill a bunch of ants, but I think that we must have a vanguard army to attack Youling, the deepest part of the boundary sea."

"They are weaker... Compared with the army of Kunlun God Clan, they are more suitable and can play the greatest value there."

Gu Chen spoke coldly, and he glanced at Mo Qingyun.


Gu Linfeng took a sip of the tea in his hand and nodded.

After everything was settled here, he took Gu Chen out of the main hall and walked into the depths of Kunlun Fairy Mountain.

"Thank you, Lord Emperor, thank you, Lord Saint, for giving Qingyun Dao Sect this opportunity to make meritorious service."

Mo Qingyun was the only one left in the main hall, and he kowtowed respectfully several times.

After experiencing the crisis of life and death, one knows the preciousness of life.

He knew that Gu Linfeng meant to let Qingyun Dao Sect be the cannon fodder for the journey.

But compared to slaughtering the sect, this is already a supreme favor.

The next moment, Mo Qingyun hurriedly got up and rushed to Qingyun Dao Sect without stopping.


In the depths of Kunlun Immortal Mountain, Gu Linfeng and the others came to a tomb under the guidance of Kunlun Tiannu.

This is a vast area, and it is usually a forbidden area in the forbidden area of ​​Kunlun Immortal Mountain, and ordinary people cannot approach it.

But Gu Linfeng is obviously not among them.

The ancestor of the Kunlun God Clan is buried in the tomb, who was also the fifth general of the Changsheng Emperor in the past.

A million years have passed, and he has awakened from the source of God, but the other party has already fallen.

"Time is the most life-threatening..."

Gu Linfeng stretched out his left hand and lightly touched the tombstone emitting divine light, and there was also some emotion in his eyes.

Thinking back to when he was young, it was this fifth general who accompanied him to practice sword the most.

At that time, this general was often beaten by himself.

Thousands of years have passed, but the other party has already become a pile of yellow earth.

At this moment, even the usually calm Gu Linfeng... had a wave in his heart.

"Young... Young Master."

When Gu Linfeng's right hand touched the tombstone, he touched something, and a light and shadow appeared in the air.

The light and shadow flickered and turned into a haggard old man.

He clasped his fists from a distance, and saluted respectfully as he did a million years ago.

This was a trace of thought left by the Kunlun ancestor after his death, longing to see the emperor's son one last time one day.


When the old man appeared, not only Gu Chen, but also Kunlun Tiannu was completely shocked on the spot.

Even though Kunlun Fairy Mountain was about to be destroyed, the ancestor's light and shadow, which had no intention of appearing, appeared at the moment when Gu Linfeng arrived.

"I hope you are well."

Gu Linfeng looked at the light and shadow and smiled happily.

"I am lucky to see the young master again in this life... I will have no regrets even if I die."

"The array disk of the Zhoutian Xingdou Emperor Array is what I borrowed from the Great Emperor in the past to shock the world sea. Today I will return it to the young master."

The old man in the light and shadow also smiled.

He waved his hand again, and a divine disk emitting a thousand-foot-long brilliance flew out of the tomb.

As the divine disk flew over, the entire Kunlun Immortal Mountain was shaking violently, and gradually

Gradually, the array pattern under the ground disappeared from its original place.

The next moment, when it reappeared, it was already in the endless sky.

The Zhoutian Xingdou Emperor Array disappeared and was collected into the array plate.

The light and shadow of the old man also dissipated. After doing everything, he bowed for the last time and turned into a light spot to return to the world.

The tombstone that was originally shining with divine light also became extremely dim.

Everything returned to peace, as if nothing had happened.

Gu Linfeng gently stroked the divine plate and slowly took it back.

"Now that the matter here is over, let's go back to Beixiao..."

He looked at Kunlun Tiannv with a calm tone.

The descendants of the four great generals of the father emperor in the past all stayed in Beixiao Tianyu...

Only the ancestor of Kunlun petitioned to come to the boundary sea, just to suppress the turmoil in the deepest part.


Kunlun Tiannv nodded repeatedly, very excited.

Only she and the clan leader knew how long the Kunlun clan had been thinking about returning to Beixiao.


Three days later, a large number of people gathered outside Kunlun Immortal Mountain, attracting the attention of countless nearby forces.

"Kunlun clan... is it going to have a decisive battle with the hidden family?"

The neutral strongmen who knew the details were puzzled and couldn't help guessing at this time.

But the scenes that happened next shocked them completely.

With just a horn order, many cultivators actually went to the deepest part of the boundary sea in an orderly manner.

"Where are you going to break into?"

The countless strong men around were shocked when they saw this.

They didn't know what was in the deepest part of the boundary sea, but the only thing they knew was that there was no way to survive there.

Except for a few people, the cultivators who had been there never came back.

There was a great terror hidden in the deepest part of the boundary sea, unknown to outsiders.

The Qingyun Dao Sect disciples led by Mo Daoxu led the way...

With the tragic endings of the other four forbidden forces, the Qingyun Dao Sect disciples were only grateful to Gu Linfeng.

With the support of the Kunlun God Clan, even when facing the deepest part of the boundary sea, the original fear was dissipated a lot.

The army passed by without any obstruction, which made everyone more cautious.

"Pass the order, sacrifice the holy soldiers to explore the surroundings, everyone must be vigilant and careful."

Mo Daoxu, who was in the lead, frowned and ordered the three elders beside him.


"The boundary sea abyss has been famous outside for so many thousands of years, and no one has told you, but anyone who dares to enter... there is only one way to die..."

When they were taking action, there was actually a calm voice that resounded throughout the heavens, causing everyone to change color.

"We are following the orders of the Emperor Linfeng of the Gu family. Anyone who dares to obstruct the army will be killed without mercy!"

Unlike the others who were submissive, the elegant middle-aged man in the lead clasped his fists and spoke firmly and forcefully.

It was Mo Daoxu. He snorted coldly and showed no fear at all, choosing to fight hard.

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