Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 918: Winning The Jackpot? I Suddenly Raised The White Flower! (Seeking Subscription)

The extreme northern magic land, the dense forest.

Lao Liu, who was being dragged by the fifth elder, had a bitter expression on his face:

"Oh, Xianbao also makes mistakes sometimes."

"It actually led us the wrong way!"

"The little guy said that this land is the Devil's Land of the Extreme North."

"But our young master is in the Demon Realm..."

He grumbled dejectedly.

The fifth elder on one side glared at him angrily:

"You're such a fucking idiot!"

"What do you believe in what people say?"

"Didn't you pay attention to the eyes of the people next to him when he said this?"

"That brat is lying to us, it's so obvious that we can't see it..."

"Did you die on a living dog at your age?"

"Ah? Lied to us?" Lao Liu looked back with a dazed expression:

"Then why are you dragging me away?"

"He lied to us, and we are lucky that he is asking others?"

"Kill a fart!"

The fifth elder was very angry: "You killed him, and the group of people next to him made a fuss, can you kill them all?"

"Once there is a big commotion, aren't you afraid that Chen Fu will be free to pick your stars?"

"Ah this․..."

The sixth child scratched his head foolishly: "Then what do we do now?"

"Even if we break away from them, we won't be able to find where the young master 28 is."

Hearing this, the fifth elder pondered for a while, then said:


"I may know where the young master is.

"Ah?" Lao Liu was stunned, and raised his white head:


"On that barren hill just now."

"How do you know?" Lao Liu was puzzled, with surprise in his eyes.

The fifth elder had a contemptuous smile on his face, and explained:

"Just now I noticed a momentary surge of Dao power, it should be an old thinking monkey.

"He set up a small formation on that barren mountain to isolate the consciousness."

"We were too careless just now, so we didn't notice it.

"Now it seems that there should be people hiding there."

"It is very likely that it is the young master..."

"What a guy!" Old Six grinned happily:

"Fifth brother, you are so clever!"

"Then what are we waiting for?"

"Go, avoid these little idiots, and pick up the young master."

After finishing speaking, he pulled the Fifth Elder, and with a wave of his hand, a crack opened in the void.

Step in.

To be reasonable, things have developed to this point.

Lao Liu's thinking has completely changed.

He didn't even think about what the young master looked like.

Instead, treat this matter directly as a kind of entertainment!

This group of monkeys in the lower realm is much more fun than Immortal Daoxiu.

Still cheating!

When the young master is taken away, they will all be killed before parting!

Break their minds!

And the fifth elder is also very clear about the character of the sixth child.

Therefore, he directly stated the location of the few goals.

Otherwise, let him go and pick up the young master by himself.

The other party's narrow-mindedness must hold grudges against him.

Soon, the two stepped into the barren mountainside.

He glanced down at the group of disciples and soldiers who were surrounding the young cultivator just now, talking non-stop.

The sixth child curled his lips and said in disbelief:

"These little idiots are quite happy."

"When the time comes, take that little bastard's hand and let him fester!"

"Okay, anyway, you are an elder who has lived for thousands of years, why are you angry with a child."

"Hurry up, tidy up, and prepare to go up the mountain to catch up.

The Fifth Elder glanced at him dumbfounded, and then straightened his clothes.

After all, he is going to pick up his own young master. Immortal Territory has paid attention to etiquette since ancient times, so we can't lose the etiquette.

Organized properly.

Neither of them dared to appear in front of the young master suddenly.

It's a bad dish to scare people into hiccups.

So I had to go up step by step.

However, it has not waited to walk a few steps.

The strange voice of the sixth child suddenly came over:

"Fifth Elder, what do you think our young master looks like?"

"From what the sect master said, he seems to have the talent to prove the Dao Consummation, which is not low.

"Should it belong to the type of Qi Yu Xuanang?"

"Emm... After we receive him, who will be his master when he returns to Immortal Realm?"

"How about we do it together?"

"You tell him to practice Taoism, I'll teach him how to run!"

Yin man running away?!

You really deserve to be you, sixth son!!

The Fifth Elder glared at him, but he didn't wait to speak yet.

Suddenly there were several small noises on the top of the head.

The sound is very soft, and it belongs to the kind that can't be found if you don't listen carefully.

However, he was the first to notice something was wrong.

The fifth elder stopped in his tracks.

Pulling the sixth child to look up.

Use the special method of the fairyland to transmit the sound:

"Lao Liu, did you hear anything?"

"Huh?" The sixth child looked over in confusion: "No."

"What did you hear?"

"Shut up!"

Fifth Elder gave Old Sixth a slap, "You tm keep your voice down!"

He glanced up and said via voice transmission:

"I heard movement, right above our heads.

"Wait for me to check with my spiritual sense."

"Okay, let's see."

The sixth child felt that the fifth elder was a little too nervous.

Even if there are really 680 people up there, just a group of monkeys from the lower realm, wouldn't it be enough to throw them down from the mountain?

As for being so nervous?

Soon, the Fifth Elder withdrew his consciousness and shook his head:

"Maybe I heard it wrong, there is a big rock on it, and there is no one."

The old six-mouthed girl grinned: "Fifth Brother, maybe you weren't human from the beginning?"

"Do you think it is possible that Hun'er put it on it to scare you?"

Fifth child: "Get out of here, what kind of soul is frightening me? It's dead?"

The sixth child: " are so ungentle, you are scarier than Huner!"

The two walked up, cursing.

But they didn't know that the Fifth Elder really heard right just now.

Just now, there was real movement on the big rock above their heads!

Moreover, it was a movement made by one person!


Just now Qiu Xianhua realized that he might be discovered, so he deliberately arranged for the three of them to separate.

Each went to find a way to sneak down the mountain.

After all, if he and others are being targeted, Dao Li will definitely be useless.

Otherwise, it will be locked every minute.

I can only find a way to go down the mountain, and then use my power after escaping from the magic land as soon as possible.

But I never thought about it.

The unlucky Qiu Yuejian immediately won the lottery!

This is Jill's, Li Tian spectrum!.

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