Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 911: Hiss~ My Defense Power Is Not Enough! (Seeking Subscription)

Glancing at Qi Ling, Yun Zhou didn't care.

Just think that the other party made a mistake and accidentally asked.

Lin Yuan in the cave doesn't look right, so let's watch the show first.

Poked his head and looked over.

Unconsciously, he felt something was wrong.

Just aside, there seems to be something moving.

He turned his gaze sideways and looked over.

In front of the eyes, Qi Ling was squatting on the other side of the big rock, sobbing loudly.

Her shoulders were still trembling unconsciously following her sobbing.

It seems to be crying very sad.

There is a feeling of being out of breath.

Yun Zhou thought that if the crying continued, the three passers-by inside would be able to hear the movement even if they were stupid.

He rubbed between his brows helplessly, feeling a little confused.

Why did I incur foreign debts when I obviously didn't do anything?

Or a baby phoenix?

Speaking of which, after the beginning of this life, I have been nurtured by a bunch of girls.

Yun Zhou has now fully graduated in his perception of feelings.

With just one glance, he could see it.

This little phoenix must have developed feelings for herself.

How did it come about?

It doesn't matter either.

The important thing is that his foreign debts are increasing.

One month cicada still doesn't know how to tell Master Dabao... If this is in multiple phoenix birds...

Yun Zhou came here, knelt down and looked at Qi Ling.

emm... He needs to observe whether this "risk" is worth taking!

Needless to say, Turing was born beautiful.

As a holy phoenix, there is really nothing wrong with this pretty face.

Smart phoenix eyes, tall Qiong nose, long eyelashes fluttering, a little crystal is hazy on them.

It can be said to be "exquisite" to the extreme.

Rather than saying it is a charm, it is better to say it is a kind of nobility of a phoenix.

With this pretty face slightly raised.

It's the heartbeat that can't be hidden from the bad eyes!

Yun Zhou let out a long breath, feeling a little bit bad in his heart.

This so beautiful, I don't even have enough defense points!

【Come here from a long distance, you can’t just ignore everything, just watch her cry right here?】

Yun Zhou felt a sense of loss in his heart, and then sighed:

"Hold back."

Good one hold back!

This time, Little Phoenix was even more sad.

She felt extremely wronged.

Obviously I mustered up the courage to ask, which is equivalent to a disguised confession.

In the end, the other party actually said that she was a "twittering" baby bird!?

baby bird!!

She was a generation of Sacred Phoenix, and she was actually compared to a bird!

is she that bad

When I regained my strength, I left and never saw him again.

The number one pride of the human race is clearly a big bastard!

Hugged and hugged me, and said I was a bird...

Qi Ling felt sad, sad yuppie.


If he left by himself, what would he do in the future?

He doesn't have a mount anymore, so he won't need a sword everywhere, right?

Although it is in the realm of proving the Dao, it takes a lot of effort to walk a thousand miles...

No matter, he has treated me like this, I can't be soft-hearted!

Must leave him!

Let him call me a bird!

Qi Ling's choked voice expressed the sadness in his heart.

Yun Zhou looked at her with raised eyebrows.

Why is this not over yet?

After thinking about it, he pressed his big hand directly on the opponent's head:

"Well, I admit, I've called you for a long time.

After the words fell, Qi Ling's body trembled suddenly, and the crying stopped abruptly.

He raised his little head dully, full of bewilderment.

But that pair of phoenix pupils shone brightly.

Yun Zhou: "I didn't want to admit it for the sake of face, but since you guessed it, I won't hide it from you. I have liked you since you were a phoenix bird."

"It's also for one of my wishes to feed you the Dao Promoting Pill."

"Can you...can you satisfy me?"

Qi Ling was stunned for a long time, and when he came back to his senses, his delicate cheeks were hot, and he stammered: "What, what wish?"

Yun Zhou looked serious: "I want you to be in front of me... naked and disfigured!"

Qi Ling: o(O_0)o

What is baldness??

Yun Zhou: "Don't worry, I didn't let you here, let's find a place where no one is around... can I?"

May I?

Can you ride a horse and say it's ok??

Qi Ling was about to die of anger, she raised her little hand and slapped Yun Zhou fiercely, and spat:

"You disciple, you, you shameless scum!!"

You see, female cultivators sometimes have such double standards.

Don't like her, she is sad.

Be greedy for her, she still thinks you are jealous.

I can't help it~

Yun Zhou silently glanced at the reddish face she had glanced at, looked back and stood up.

There are too many nuns in his heart.

Qi Ling's words......

It's fine if you're emotional, and it's fine if you feel like you're staying away.

He doesn't care much now.

Such a 'big cute (silly beep)' is also one of my own vast scumbags.

Do you still want to be a licking dog yourself and lick her hand?


Seeing that Yun Zhou ignored him and went to the theater again.

Qi Ling bit her red lip lightly, her big dodging eyes were more shy.

Want to make me naked?

This evil pedant...

But soon, she returned to normal, stood up with her red lips pouting, and went to the theater.

Stinky durian is not embarrassed at all, why am I so shy?

He shook his head and leaned over.

Then under Yun Zhou's blank gaze.

He raised his arm, and then the whole person got back into the arms of the other party.

Finding a comfortable position, he moved his body and said, "Hold it, I won't move.

Yun Zhou: "..."


Is it okay to hurry up?

Just when he looked at the other party's fiery long hair, he was a little confused.

Inside, the conversation between Jian and Qiu Pingjia came over:

"Brother, do you think Dad can do it in one wave?"

"Why do I feel a little adventurous?"

"No matter how you look at it, it doesn't feel right."

Qiu Pingping glared at his younger brother angrily:

"Shut up your pit!"

"Is there a time when Dad can't do it?"

"What risk..."

"Don't worry, with our father here this time, nothing will go wrong!"

"Just put your heart in your stomach, you little one!".

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