Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 904: You, You Are So Scary! Don't Eat My Back Mound! (Seeking Subscription)

It is true that they went to make trouble for themselves.

But how did you know about my singing last night??

Yun Zhou stood not far away and watched, with a few big question marks on his head.

Beside the stream.

This little young woman from the Wuwang sect is not happy to slander her own son!

"You're full of dung! My Zong Shengzi was caught in the Demon Realm, how could he have a good life!?"

After the words fell, another group of Wuwangzong disciples rushed over.

After hearing the cause and effect from his companion, his face suddenly became gloomy:

"Singing last night? Good! It must be the demon girl who insulted my Zong Shengzi!"

"Say, how did you know? Are you also a monster from the Demon Realm?"

"Don't talk nonsense with her, leave her behind!"

A group of girls from the Wuwang sect were filled with righteous indignation, their necks were stuck, as if they wanted to kill this woman who deceived the public!


With Yun Zhou's current reputation, it can be said that it is the dream of thousands of girls in Haotu.

Wouldn't it be death to slander one's male god?

The long-haired woman saw that they were targeting her, and many people surrounded her, 570 also snorted coldly.

"You women with long hair and short knowledge, it's right that your Holy Son doesn't even look at you!"

With a light spit, the woman's figure suddenly turned into a phoenix.

It circled towards the sky and disappeared from the public eye.

A group of people were left looking at each other.

"Hiss—what the hell, we had a half-way fight with a birdman?"

When Yun Zhou saw Huofeng leave, he was also stunned.

He raised his brows lightly, happily.

A few miles away, on the top of a mountain.

Huofeng turned into a pretty figure again, sitting here with her two little feet swinging on the cliff, with a disdainful expression on her face:

"Cut~ The human race is really a bunch of brainless nympho!"

"Their holy sons have fallen in love with the demon lord, and they are still daydreaming there!"

"A group of childish ghosts who have never seen a man!"

Just as she was sitting on the top of the mountain venting her dissatisfaction, a male voice suddenly came from behind:

"Hey, lift your back mound and make room for me.


The red-haired woman responded subconsciously.

But I immediately realized something was wrong!


Daozhu's PG is called Houqiu!

She is Phoenix!

After what mound after mound!?

She stared at her phoenix eyes, raised her brows and looked behind her with killing intent on her face.

But as soon as she turned her head away, the expression on her face froze.

I saw Yun Zhou squatting behind her, looking at her with a smile, his face was extremely "warm core":

"Hey, little phoenix bird, you swallowed my elixir and ran away, have you grown so big now?"

That's right!

From the moment this woman turned into a fire phoenix, Yun Zhou could see it!

Isn't this the reason why he fed Dao Dao Pill in Tianyu Dynasty before.

As a result, he turned around and dropped the phoenix bird that he ran away, Si Ling?

Seeing Yun Zhou's smiling eyes, Qi Ling's expression froze instantly.

He stood up with a "bass", and was about to fly away.

But before she could move, Yun Zhou's big hand grabbed the back of her neck:

"Little thing, where do you want to run?"

The corner of Qi Ling's mouth twitched, and he turned his head and smiled: "Fen, Master Yun Zhou"

Who the hell is your master!?

"Don't bark."

Yun Zhou smiled half-smile, with a hint of cruelty in his eyes:

"I've been looking for you for a long time, Tianyu Dynasty left me and ran away, and I have to give Wu Zhao a smile, you are very good!"

This wave is more or less ferocious.

At the beginning of the imperial dynasty, the Dao Promoting Pill saved by Yun Zhou was originally reserved for the old turtle of the Wuwang sect, but it ended up being eaten by the phoenix (cidc).

Thinking that the other party would appreciate it, this guy turned around and ran away!

This heartless bird man!

Qi Ling was lifted up and slipped his neck, with an embarrassed smile on his face:

"Didn't I be afraid at the time, that empress played with me all day long, and I finally managed to change form, what if she locks me up?

"So for freedom, I can only sacrifice you... No, I can only run first and then talk."

"People don't kill heaven and earth for themselves, and I can be forgiven for this."


Yun Zhou became a little annoyed, "Then tell me again, what did you say about my singing last night?"

"Ah this..."

Qi Ling sneered: "I, I just guessed!"

Yun Zhou smiled and said, "Just guessing? Okay."

"You may not know, I'm a greedy person, and I like the back mound the most. Do you think I'll eat you roasted or stewed?"

Qi Ling was shaken by his secretive eyes, quickly covered PG, and stammered:

"You, you are not allowed to eat me...I, I am a phoenix, not a demon pig, and I don't have a back mound!"

Phoenix's spiritual intelligence is very high, but it didn't take long for Qi Ling to take shape.

My mind is not yet fully mature, so I just stare dumbfounded.

Yun Zhou touched his chin, pulled her hard, and pushed her to sit on the edge of the cliff.

Then sat down next to her.

Playing with her long red hair, her tone was dissatisfied:

"You little phoenix, thanks to the fact that I gave you the Dao Promoting Pill before."

"You left me behind and ran away, but now you are preventing my sect from saving me, what are you thinking?"

"No, you misunderstood me."

Qi Ling quickly turned his head, and said seriously: "I'm not trying to stop them, I just think they'll make trouble for you!"

"Huh?" Yun Zhou raised the corner of his mouth: "How did you know that you would make trouble for me?"

"Because their cultivation is too low!"

Qi Ling said with a disdainful tone: "I heard that you were brought back to the Demon Realm by the Demon Lord, and I wanted to repay your kindness and save you, so I followed them here."

"I didn't expect them to move so slowly along the way, and their cultivation bases are still so low."

"The most powerful one is the Consummation Dao Realm, it's really too weak!"

Hearing Qi Ling's complaints, Yun Zhou didn't care.

Instead, he pinched her pretty face.

I'm a little surprised that Xiaofengniao's face is so soft.

On the mouth, he responded casually: "You said you wanted to repay me and save me, why didn't I see you after that?"

Hearing this, Qi Ling squinted at him angrily:

"Of course you won't see me anymore. When I went to rescue you, you were with the devil... oh!"

As if realizing that he had said something wrong, Qi Ling directly covered his mouth with his little hand.

Yun Zhou: (-→).

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