Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 897: Heh... What's The Use Of A Man? I Just Want My Nephew Er~ (Please Subscribe)

Both you and Jiang He know that I am not up to date?

Don't put too much pressure on me

You... speak the human language??

Lin Langyue is stupid!

"You, you wait, I will become emperor next year!!"

Lin Langyue yelled out angrily as her unwillingness to admit defeat hit her brain.

"Cough cough cough..."

Yun Susu was choked twice, and pouted at Lin Langyue:

"Your advancement to the Emperor Realm is also a lower stage of the Emperor Realm. What's there to be excited about? It's embarrassing.

Lin Langyue:

This damned woman who can't speak......

"Hey~ You said..."

At this time, Yun Susu suddenly seemed to think of something, watching her change the subject:

"Jiang He is thousands of years old, how could she have her eye on a young man?"

"Do you think she is greedy for men, so she wants old cows to eat young grass?"

The corner of Lin Langyue's mouth twitched slightly.

This no-holds-barred exactly the same as Jiang He's.

"I don't think it's 28. She has shown me the talent of that young man. She should be just interested in it."

Speaking of this, she also added: "But I think there is nothing wrong with Jiang He even if he likes him."

"If this son doesn't die young, the future is limitless, at least above you, me, and Jiang He."

Seeing Lin Langyue's serious look, Yun Susu looked a little bit surprised and scrutinized:

"You praised him so well..... Hiss—you don't want men too, do you?!"

"Yun Susu!!"

Lin Langyue stared at her eyes, and unsheathed her long sword with a "shua".

In her life, she was pure and pure, and the number of times she even talked to men was limited.

She actually said she was greedy for men!?

"Okay, calm down, you can't beat me even if you do it, and I will tie you up and scratch your feet..."

Hearing Yun Susu's indifferent words, the corners of Lin Langyue's mouth trembled.

Then he snorted heavily, turned around with a slightly red face, and the figure disappeared.

Originally, I wanted to meet Yun Susu and ask about Emperor Zheng.

I didn't expect this woman to be such a scum!

Seeing the disappearing figure of the other party, Yun Susu stroked the smooth and pretty chin, and there was a smile on the corner of his mouth:

"Tsk, this little Langyue is still so thin-skinned..."

"It's just that I didn't expect that Xiao Hezi, who is thousands of years old, would still value a man, haha..."

Just in the middle of laughing, she suddenly seemed to think of something, the smile on her face suddenly froze, and a look of distress appeared on the face looking at the jug.


what is she happy about

Xiao Hezi has someone she values, and she knows she misses her nephew all day long!

Yun Susu sighed for a long time, and pointed the flagon to his mouth depressedly.

But she didn't bother too much.

After breaking the boundary and coming to this fairyland, she has made a decision. If she can't find the right one, she would rather be alone forever!

Feelings are such a thing~ you can't be wronged.

"Hey~ Is there anyone who is panting? Come here."

A rainbow light flashed, and a woman in white clothes and a veil appeared in front of her.

Yun Susu glanced at it casually: "Okay, it's up to you, let me go to the border of the Immortal Realm and keep an eye on it, and see what the path of the little guy who has attained the Dao Realm is."


In response, the figure in white disappeared.

Yun Susu lay on the table, muttering:

"Xiao Hezi is the first person to be nice to me when I come to Xianyu, I have to keep her safe..."

"She's so easy to can't be fooled by a man..."


Xianyu, Linmen.

Inside the main mountain hall.

In the middle of the hall was a group of elders who were as silent as cicadas.

At this moment, several elders clasped their hands, their expressions were a little flustered.

Lin Sheng looked at everyone calmly from above, "He said coldly:

"Since the third elder is dead, and the fourth elder has left again, I will trouble you all about picking up Yuan'er..."

The third elder is Lin Sheng's confidant, although he is not the strongest combat power, but his strength is also very tyrannical.

With him here, it should be safe to bring Lin Yuan back.

But disgusting is disgusting.

At the critical moment, Chen Xixian made a move!!

Yes, although he didn't see it with his own eyes!

But this is what the third elder said before he died!

Third child, can he lie?

Certainly not!

Therefore, in Lin Sheng's eyes, Chen Fuxian has completely become a deadly enemy.

But this was unexpected, and Lin Sheng had no choice.

What made him angry was that since the third child died, none of these people dared to go there anymore!

Isn't this tm bullshit? It's not!

In order to meet the young master, Chen Fuxian killed an elder in Linmen, and after that, he became honest and dared not speak out?

Isn't this a joke for the people of the major forces in Xianyu?

Those who didn't know, thought that Lin Men was frightened by the Chen family and didn't dare to move!

Immortal domain forces, what they advocate most is face!

If he swallows this breath, will the Lin Sect still recruit new disciples!?

Therefore, when he found these elders today, he also wanted to send two more to bring Lin Yuan back!

One is for his great-grandson, and the other is to slap him in the face of Chen Fuxian to get his face back!

You, Chen Fuxian, can't stop the person I, Lin Sheng, wants to pick up!!

Below, the second elder pondered for a while, then said cautiously: "Master, if Chen Fuxian doesn't control it, the young master won't be able to pick him up."

"Can't you pick it up?"

Lin Sheng was even more upset when he heard 967's words, "How many stars does he have? He can stop the person I want to pick up? Are you trash!?"

Lao Liu and Lao Wu murmured in low voices: "If he doesn't want people to stop him from going, we can help the old bones to stop ten people from tossing around.

"What are you talking about, sixth son?"

Lin Sheng frowned, and stared at the past.

The Sixth Elder was complaining, and was shocked when he heard this.

Seeing this, the fifth elder quickly smoothed things over, door master, don't be angry, the sixth child is not very good at talking, but the sixth child is right, you go by yourself, Chen Fuxian will definitely not be able to stop you.

Lin Sheng's mouth twitched: "I'll go on my own, what about the Zongmen? Chen Fusheng knew that I was causing trouble for his brother, so he ran over to join the Linmen, who can stop him!?"

This is a wave of natural containment...

A group of elders lowered their heads in shame.

Chen Fusheng...they really can't stop them.

Seeing that they were silent, Lin Sheng stopped talking with them:

"Choose two of you and bring Lin Yuan up for me..."

"Yes, Lin Yuan seems to have a mortal enemy. I saw him when I spied on him before. I heard him muttering something called Yun Zhou. If you think about it, kill him too!"

"I don't think this kid is a fuel-efficient lamp. He has to be strangled to death in Haotu's cradle..."

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