Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 890: The Heavenly Punishment! I Opened The Door To A New World! (Seeking Subscription)

above the sky.

Yun Pangu stood looking up at the sky.

A giant hammer with a smooth plane appeared in his hand, intertwined with purple-gold lightning and flickering.

Below, Yue Chan looked at the dignified and solemn figure above, her eyes filled with surprise and joy.

Surprisingly, the opponent's aura of proving the Dao was so tyrannical.

The good news is that in the future, he will fully interpret the invincibility in the world.


The little cutie's entry into the realm to prove the Dao this time will arouse the visions of heaven and earth, which will definitely arouse the thoughts of the whole vast land and even the fairyland.

If you are missed by those dogs on Xianyu...

Thinking of this, the excitement on her face gradually became sick.

Whoever dares to think about the little cutie will cut off the other party's limbs at the risk of death.

the other side.

When the Great Elder saw this scene, he became paralyzed!

"The devil..."

He quickly walked towards the moon cicada at the door of the bedroom, looked at the sky and tremblingly said:

"Shengzi Yun, this is?"

Yue Chan didn't even turn her head: "He's going to be punished by the sky."


The Great Elder is dumbfounded!

Got God's punishment?

Heaven's Punishment, can tm rush??

To be reasonable, Yun Zhou now feels that his situation is very strange.

Since the Dao fire refined the impurities in the body just now, and the six Dao phases were broken and merged into the Dao sea.

He felt that he had opened the door to a new world.

As far as this feeling is concerned, it is quite like a half-year-old child in the 14th or 15th year who suddenly grows into a strong one.

The comprehension of body shape, strength, spiritual consciousness, perception, Taoism...

All are several times higher than the original basis!

And among them, what surprised him the most was his Daohai!

He vaguely found that when he entered the country to prove the Tao, he seemed to have triggered some kind of limit.

Daohai was actually covered with a layer of pale golden light.

I can't tell what kind of Taoism it is, but this Jinmang can actually control the flow and operation of the entire Dao Sea.

This like a sea lock!

You can say that.

The Dao Sea, which was already endless, is now inexhaustible.

And this "gold. Mang" is his control of strength.

Perhaps the strength of the Dao Realm is too strong.

The way of heaven does not allow all living beings in the vast land to be destroyed.

So for those who can threaten Haotu, some kind of restriction on controlling power has been added?

But this golden awn doesn't look like the handwriting of Heavenly Dao...

For a moment, Yun Zhou was a little bit torn.... He couldn't understand it.

But he didn't take it too seriously.

After all, this thing is not a bad thing to some extent.

And what you need to pay attention to now is the big thunder in the sky!

While thinking, Yun Zhou stood at one end of the sky, behind him was the terrifying Yun Pangu.

Whispering softly in the mouth, the Dao dharma outline often flashes behind him:

"Buddha crosses sentient beings, and there is light to pass through life. Taoism is impermanent, and it needs to be formed into a solid image. The way of demons should stand with God..."

As the sound fell, the six Taoisms condensed and formed around Yun Pangu behind him!

Buddha lotus, dao ring, magic heart...

The Dao phase condensed, and the six great avenues resounded loudly, as if turning into heavenly music, resounding throughout the entire Magic Mountain!

For a moment, the businessmen below were all stunned.

After reacting, he quickly swept away.

It is clear.

The one above changes to T, and it’s going to be tough with God’s punishment!!

Is this the avenue?

This tm is the reincarnation of Dao!

Dao and Heaven's Punishment match, if you don't run, the mud horse's life will be gone!!

Let alone the disciples, even the corners of the elders' mouths twitched, and their figures unconsciously regressed!

This kind of power is no worse than the thunder penalty in the sky.

Just the lingering prestige that emanates sends chills down their spines!

If this is implicated to one point, it will be half of the area!

Some people even gave up watching the show, and mobilized all their cultivation bases to plunder towards the outside of the magic mountain.


The deafening thunder sounded thousands of miles away.

A giant purple-gold thunder slashed towards Yun Zhou with the tendency to destroy all living beings.

Yun Pangu's figure is horizontal in front of Yun Zhou, standing on his back.

The sound of the six avenues of acquaintances was overwhelming, and the thunder light wrapped around the body of the hammer and smashed out with a wave.

The dazzling rays of light formed faces, and they exploded with a bang!

The dark magic realm is like daylight for a moment!!


All the demons covered their eyes, only Yue Chan looked at it with trembling pupils.

" did you resist such a punishment from heaven?"

"Little strong is she?"

Seeing Yun Zhou standing behind Yun Pangu with his hands behind his back in Lei Guangzhong, her heart suddenly trembled slightly.

It seems... She has someone she can rely on.

Such combat power is already comparable to the ordinary six-level Proving Dao.

If you add yourself.......

Xiao Tiankuo of Immortal Realm is in the lower realm.

Maybe you can win a little life...

After a while, Fu Guangjiu scattered.

The turbulent power around Yun Zhou returned to calm, and Wu Tian's hammer was also taken back into the storage ring.


Yun Pangu behind him tore apart the void.

The dao phase all over the sky slowly dimmed, and then turned into a rainbow light and swept into Yun Zhou's body.

Yun Zhou fell slowly.

The golden light flickered in the black and white eyes, exuding a terrifying aura.

"""emm... I have passed the Dao Realm.

He is light and comfortable, and the Dao Sea in his body has expanded several times.

The power of the Tao is full, the strength of the body of the Tao is enhanced, and the soul of the Tao is as real as it is.

With a flick of his eyes, he could see the forces of the righteous way tens of thousands of miles away, and all of them fell on the cause of divine consciousness.

This feeling of grasping sentient beings is simply not very good.

Yun Zhou shook his neck, just wanting to feel how powerful the Dao Realm can be.

But the moment he turned his head, he froze. (Zhao Qian Zhao)

As far as the eye can see, the dense forest of trees on the entire magic mountain has collapsed.

Not far away, a group of demon disciples stood there crowded together.

Eyes wide open one by one, staring at him without squinting!

The male disciples are okay, I don’t know why after watching it for a while.

I felt very inferior and turned my head over the paper.

And those female disciples stared at him intently.

Even, there are quite a few long-haired women with two stacks of white hair!

Those eyes are crazy, as if they want to eat people!

Yun Zhou twitched the corner of his mouth, glanced around, scratched his head a little guilty and said:

"Then what, I don't want to destroy your Magic Mountain, but the opportunity to enter the country is not something I can grasp, right?"

"Don't look at me like that, I'm embarrassed..."

A group of witches: #C0_0)#

Suck ~!.

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