Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 886: Why Don't You...Have A Little Love With The Devil? (Seeking Subscription)

The dark clouds that cover the sky and the sun hang over the sky, making it difficult to tell the time.

At this time, Haotu Demon Realm.

The devil's bedroom.

Yun Zhou sat on the couch with breathless concentration, not paying attention to the surrounding scenes at all.

To be honest, he didn't expect Yuechan to arrange him in his bedroom.

What about this party?

I keep dark?

On the surface, keep a distance from her as much as possible, and lie flat when she comes to hook you up?

All right.

Yun Zhou really has this idea, but it may not be possible to implement it in a short time.

Because there seems to be something wrong with Yue Chan.

That's right.

Just half an hour ago, the expression of Yue Chan who was pestering her suddenly changed.

This little lotus seemed to have heard something extraordinary.

I didn't have time to say anything to him, so I walked away.

Of course, in order to avoid Chan Yilan's little avatar getting ahead of her.

Before Yuechan left, she also took this little clone away.

Now the situation is clearer.

In the huge hall, there was no one else except himself.

So what else is there to say?

Lie down for a while.

"I feel that the demon lord Yuechan is really mysterious. It is roughly the same as the character recorded in the original text, but there are many differences."

"Especially because of her background, she is actually a ten thousand-year-old magic lotus!"

"Tsk tsk, that's really strange."

Yun Zhou used his hands as pillows, and looked at the ceiling with a surprised look on his pillow.

Moreover, apart from the issue of birth, he felt that the purpose of this life was obviously different from the previous one.

It's no longer a morbid look that only kills.

When getting along with himself, he can read other emotions except bloodthirsty from the other person's face.

Shame, anger, resentment, jealousy... To be specific, it looks like a young girl in Huaichun.

【The ten-thousand-year-old magic lotus has taken shape and learned about human emotions?】

[The cruel devil who only knows how to kill is actually shy

【Tsk, that small appearance is quite top-notch!】

Although, Yun Zhou admires the appearance of Yuechan's daughter.

However, the other party's tyrannical demonic aura, as well as the arrogant aura, made her still possess the powerful aura of a demon lord.

An unstoppable atmosphere!

It's so sassy and endearing.

"Emm...why... don't you refuse? Try a little love with the devil?"

Thinking of Yuechan's long legs, Yun Zhou felt a little greedy, and this bold idea came to him involuntarily.

But soon, he shook his head and threw the thought away.

Don't be stupid, fall in love with Yuechan?

Wouldn't that have pitted Dabao Shizun, Wu Shiyao, Xuanyuan Tianling...?

Well, this idea cannot be had until Moon Cicada can be absolutely suppressed.

But then again, Yuechan is really kind to him.

Although he felt that Yue Chan was somewhat lacking in character.

But the other party really cared for him.

He clearly knew that he was going to Tianmo Mountain to get the inheritance, but instead of stopping him, he ran over to drive away those demons blocking the way for him.

After entering the Demon Realm, he was thinking about everything for himself.

Specially summoned the elders of Qi Moyu and told him not to offend him.

Take him to see his favorite places again.

She even cared about hooking up with him...

ah this...

Yun Zhou's heart is very touched!

"I'll give her a title after I prove that my Taoist cultivation has soared and I can hold her down."

"In the previous life, I liked myself but didn't get it. In this life, I'll let her be cheap."

Thinking about it, Yun Zhou stroked his handsome chin.

He gained a lot from this trip to the Demon Realm.

Not only helped Zhenghuang Liangdao win the Extreme North Demon Land, but also snatched Lin Yuan's inheritance.

The state has been promoted to half-step proof, the skills have been "Battle Magic Rules", and the desolate battle body has been achieved, the magic rhyme has also been fully comprehended, and the strength of Dao Xingyun Pangu has improved...

The most important thing is that his luck has reached the level of "destiny"!

"Open the personal attribute bar."

Host: Yun Zhou

Identity: Holy Son of Wuwangzong, King of Tianyu Dynasty, Suzerain of Yunlingzong, Counselor of Lingduozong......

Cultivation: half-step proof.

Physique: Desolate battle body (one of the two bodies of immortals and gods)

Utensils: Wu Tian Hammer (Top Immortal Artifact), Yunling Jade Pendant (Intermediate Immortal Artifact)

Cultivation methods: "Wu Tian Hammer Method", "War Magic Rules", "Tao Principles", "Wu Wang Sheng Lu", "Killing God Code", "Emperor Power"......

Dao rhyme: Buddhism, Dao, Demon, Heaven (Dacheng), Emperor, Confucianism.

Dao shape: Yunpangu (the sixth level of the Dao, has evolved)

Binding villains: Shun, Xuanyuan Tianling, Gu Xian'er, Ming Ying, Ming Wu, Yu Ting, Lin Feng, Wu Shiyao, Wu Anran, Ling Weiyang, Shangguan Wan'er...

Destiny Tig: Destiny.

Current luck value: 429

The luck value of 429 is within easy reach of the 500 points of Li Tian Dao!

Little days are looking forward to!

Yun Zhou took a deep breath, feeling refreshed!

What is most needed now is to enter the country to prove the Dao!

Although it is better to enter the country to prove the Tao, it is better to stay in your own Wuwang sect.

But after getting along with Yue Chan, he found that the other party would not treat him too much.

Entering the country here... shouldn't be considered dangerous.

But can this Demon Realm bear the punishment caused by entering the country?

Hmm...what the hell, this isn't my home after all.

It may be that the villain has been doing it for a long time, and Yun Zhou really doesn't care about the life or death of these businessmen.

He flipped through the storage ring casually, and he took out the Dao Enlightenment Pill rewarded by the system.

Then: (Wang Hao)

"..." Well, it's pretty sweet. "

Yun Zhou threw the Dao Dao Pill into his mouth without hesitation.

"Crackling" chewed.

Now the whole Haotu has proved the Dao with the number of hands.

This proves that if Dao Dan is thrown outside, it will definitely set off a bloodbath.

But in the eyes of Yun Zhou, this thing is similar to jelly beans.

As the Dao Dao Pill turned into pill foam and was swallowed, Yun Zhou closed his eyes tightly and flew into the air in an instant.

Dazzling golden light shone from the whole body, and there was actually a golden ancient Mongolian permeating the whole body.

Form the Daodao character by wrapping it around the man.


The divine light in Daohai is dazzling!

The six avenues trembled violently.

With a loud bang.

It burst open suddenly!

Suddenly, Yun Zhou's brows furrowed deeply...

This did it explode??.

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