Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 881: Xiao Langyue, How About We Recruit Him? (Seeking Subscription)

After finishing speaking, Lin Langyue turned around and was about to leave.

But it didn't wait for her to take a step.

A golden wall covered with golden light blocked the way in front of her.

Then, Jiang He's unconvinced voice came over:

"Bragging? Heh, when did I, Jiang He, brag!"

"What I said is real!"

"That little guy from the lower realm has the five supreme ways, and his cultivation has reached the Nirvana state, and he has the talent to become an emperor!"

What responded to her was Lin Langyue's calm eyes like looking at a fool.

It seems to say:

Do you believe me?

Seeing this look in Jiang He's eyes, his anger froze.

Since when has she ever been questioned as the majestic River Emperor of the Immortal Realm?

And say you're bragging?

It is unbearable!!

Instead of relying on words, Jiang Hesu waved his hand.

There was a ripple in the void, and there was a light curtain out of thin air.

In the light curtain, a six-color Daoguang shines from the back, and the figure is tall and slender!

Even through the light curtain, it can be seen that the faint momentum is not simple!

Seeing this scene in her eyes, the frowning Lin Langyue's pupils shrank slightly 040.

This... is really the six principles?

For a moment, the light curtain turned into phantoms and dissipated.

The air was silent.

After half an hour.

Jiang He looked at Lin Langyue proudly, raised his eyebrows and said, "How about it, do you believe it?"


Seeing the other party frowned and remained silent, the smile on Jiang He's face gradually became dull.

She picked up the jug again, and took a big gulp happily.

"Hiss~" there was a sound.

Only then did the beautiful eyes continue to say: "I will not hide it from you, this person, I want to take him into Jiangmen.

hear this.

Lin Langyue looked at Jiang He and said seriously: "If your image is not fabricated..."

"It may not be a good thing for such a talented person to come to Xianyu and join you Jiangmen.

If you are born with a talent, there must be something strange.

There have been countless wizards throughout the ages, but those with strong talents all have one characteristic.

That is born rebellious, or minister of heaven!

Neither of these types of people are subservient.

I want to be included in Jiangmen...

I'm afraid Jiang He is a little too conceited.

Seeing Lin Langyue's unreasonable worry, Jiang He chuckled lightly, and said indifferently:

"It's a blessing, not a curse. A disaster can't be avoided. With his talent, I can't let him go.

"emm...if it's really a disaster.... then let him yell at me~"

Lin Langyue:

This woman can really say anything.


But Jiang He really didn't care about these at all.

She blinked her beautiful eyes lightly, with a bit of a smile, she suddenly pointedly said:

"I think that little guy doesn't look like a good person."

Lin Langyue:???

Know he is not a good person.

Do you still want to bring him into the sect?

Jiang He didn't care about her reaction, and said to himself while holding the jug:

"When I met him at the time, he was full of pride. I begged him to go with me and refused to agree, and even said a few words about him, and used the six laws of the great way to scare people..."

"It really doesn't look like a loser."

"However, I'm quite curious about one thing. How did this little guy cultivate to the high level of Nirvana in the lower realm where Dao Qi is thin?"

"Besides, the kind of power that permeates the whole body is probably not worse than the ordinary realm of proving the Tao."

Ever since he came back from Haotu, Jiang He has been thinking about this matter.

Just the seventh level of the Nirvana Realm has the real combat power of the Dao Realm?

Even if you have the six principles, it's a bit ridiculous, right?

Lin Langyue was stunned: "Are you sure you're not bragging to me when you're drunk?"

Jiang He (cidi) glanced at her angrily:

"I'm an emperor after all, okay? One of the six emperors! Will I hang out with you and brag?"

Lin Langyue: "You, you are really vulgar!"

A woman's family, every day pain?

This woman is such a bubbly tiger!

"Hey... this little guy, if he becomes an emperor in the future, no one in the entire Immortal Realm can cure him..."

I don't know what came to mind, Jiang He sighed quietly, and began to drink the wine.

On the other side, Jiang He didn't look like he was lying.

Lin Langyue was a little silent.

For the Six Emperors of the Immortal World, any newcomer who would become emperor is a threat.

Even, including herself, he was originally!

Even if Jiang He didn't say anything, Lin Langyue knew it well.

If she arrives at the moment of Emperor Cheng, it is estimated that except for Emperor Lin and Jiang He, the other four emperors will immediately target her.

At that time, with Jiang He's temperament, it is estimated that in order to protect Jiangmen's stability, he will not care about it!

But she doesn't care about her friendship with Jiang He...

And why do you value this boy so much?

Could it be true simply because the young man is invincible in talent and truly powerful in battle.

She thinks it's a good seed??

Lin Langyue's cold eyes could not see any emotion, but her heart was clearly very restless.

"No wonder you changed your laziness after you came back, and developed Jiangmen vigorously. It turned out that the purpose was to invite him into the urn..."

"But why, you pay so much attention to him, just because he can help you?"

Jiang He smiled slightly.

It is true to invite him into the urn.

But when to help?

stop talking.

I just find it fun to listen to him...

Of course, I thought it was okay, but Jiang He wouldn't say it.

Once this unbelievable thing is said.

With Lin Langyue's urea, he would definitely say that she is bragging again.'s a secret, there's no need to let others know.

After thinking about it, Jiang He casually threw the wine record in his hand onto the table beside him.

With a happy look but with a kind of understatement, he didn't answer the other party's words, and asked back with a smile:

"Little Langyue, I heard that the great-grandson of Emperor Lin is in Haotu?"

Lin Langyue shook her head: "Yes, but I don't know who it is either. He will deliberately avoid me in matters ranging from Zongmen to Lindi's personal affairs."

"Maybe... because I think I'm getting too close to you."

Hearing this, Jiang He's eyes lit up slightly, "Since he doesn't trust you, why don't you come back to Jiangmen directly?"

"The promised deputy sect master is still yours."


Speaking of this, Jiang He rolled his eyes and said with a smile:

"And when that little guy comes to Xianyu, we can pull him into the gang together!".

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