Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 870: Damn It! I Tm This Irresistible Tenderness! (Seeking Subscription)

Can't look directly at the sun.

It's because there is no sun on Tianmo Mountain!

Become T sickly.

It's because she was originally a magic plant, she didn't have human thoughts, and she couldn't be a human being!

Sometimes cool, sometimes coquettish.

Isn't it the characteristic of the Black Demon Holy Lotus!?

And this elegant fragrance......



Yun Zhou was stunned!

good guy!!

If the moon cicada is really the holy lotus, then am I kissing the lotus?

Thinking about it this way, Yun Zhou felt somewhat weird.

But soon he was relieved.

What happened to the lotus?

If you can transform into form, just take a ride!

To be honest, Xu Shusheng or Ning Shusheng, which one is better than him?

After figuring out what Yue Chan's real body is, the problem that bothered Yun Zhou was solved.

And Yue Chan on the opposite side closed her eyes at some point.

She quietly nestled into his arms, her face was softer than ever before.

emm...has the lotus found its roots?

Yun Zhou was a little overwhelmed.

Until a long time later, the shadow order of the sect in the storage ring suddenly vibrated frequently.

Yun Zhou hurriedly dragged Yuechan aside.

Just candied sweet potato, have you tried it?

It's almost there.

Obviously, only "Yan Yi" can transmit the Holy Son's shadow order!

Yun Zhou thought for a while, but he didn't have the channel power first.

Instead, he pulled the moon cicada back.

Then, in the blank look of the other party.

The big hand directly pressed her mouth, and she fell down on the bench.

Then the power in the hand surged.

Sealing your mouth belongs to yes.

After sealing the mouth, it's here.

I saw Yun Zhou firmly grasping Yue Chan's two slender wrists with the hand he took off.

The legs moved, and they turned against the guest, directly pressing on their own legs and clamping them.

After dealing with these, Yun Zhou let out a sigh of relief.

Pass the power up and connect the shadow order.

As soon as this side was finished, Yan Yi's eager voice came from it:

"Zhou'er, how are you?"."

"Why did it take so long to receive the shadow order? Did that devil, Yue Chan, make things difficult for you?"

"You have been enduring for a few days, I will retreat and attack the second floor of the Dao Realm, and then go to save you..."

My good fellow, there is no chance to intervene in this one after another questioning!

Moon Cicada is embarrassing me...

Well, she is embarrassing me.

This hand pulls back!

Xiao Mian, I can't hold you anymore!?

Yun Zhou subconsciously glanced at the "woo woo woo" Moon Cicada.

I found that her beautiful eyes were staring at him with waves, which were full of morbidity and attachment.

Even, after Yun Zhou looked at her, she gently licked the seal on that mouth.

Thief Jill is outrageous!!

Yun Zhou took a deep breath, and then softly responded to his master:

"Master, you don't have to worry, the disciple is fine now."

"Yue Chan didn't do anything to his disciples, and even treated him with delicious food..."

Delicious and delicious...

He said and glanced at Moon Cicada.

Well, it's not wrong.



Yan Yi didn't believe it, she responded in a questioning tone:

"I have dealt with that witch for so many years, she is a lunatic with a problematic mind, how could she be as nice to you...

"Don't worry, you don't need to comfort me. After a few days, I will hit the second floor of Dao Proving Realm, and I will save you."

"You must be careful these few days. I know that you are powerful now, but you can't be reckless."

"If your life is in danger, you must remember to give in."

"When necessary, if she makes any excessive demands... First, promise her, and I will settle the score with her when I go!!"

After the words fell, she seemed to be afraid that her disciples would be in trouble, so she hurriedly said:

"Chuan Ying is here, don't let that lunatic Yue Chan find out, when necessary, you can use this to contact me."

After finishing speaking, Yan Yi didn't even wait for Yun Zhou to reply, and directly took away the Dao Power of the Shadow Order.

Then Yun Zhou was a little at a loss.

She made an exorbitant request, first agree to her...

Hiss—then is it too much for her to touch me?

Can I not resist?

Yun Zhou let go of Yue Chan's big hand and touched his chin.

By the way, he also untied the power seal on Yue Chan's mouth.

And with his series of operations, and the eyes of cicadas!

The whole person suddenly came together again.

I really want to do it again!!

Can Yun Zhou make her wish come true?

You almost lived in Bengbu last time, you still want to test Lao Tzu?


He tilted his head, raised his hand, and directly punished the opponent.

Then, he said in a helpless tone: "..." Be honest with me first. "

I don't know if she was overwhelmed by the sweetness just now, but now Yuechan is very obedient.

She blinked with a little sick eyes, and nodded blankly.

The straight legs were just let Yun Zhou hold them, and they didn't pull back.

Yun Zhou glanced at her, not knowing what to say next.

There are still some faint palm prints on Yue Chan's small face.

It was because he didn't react in time just now and took the picture subconsciously.

Although he didn't do it on purpose, he still felt a little uncomfortable seeing the palm prints on his face.

Immediately, he raised his big hand to caress the other person's face.

As the hand was taken down, the palm print dissipated.

Yun Zhou sighed inwardly:

【This tm, my irrepressible tenderness, is destined to be a scumbag (Li Zhaohao)!】

And Yuechan felt that Yun Zhou was treating her wounds again, so she couldn't help being slightly taken aback.

Although there was no pain or itching, there was still a strange feeling growing in her heart that she had never felt before.

And when she was staring at Yun Zhou, there was also a dull but extraordinarily bright light in her eyes.

There is a sense of déjà vu where the whole world is in front of her, but she can only see Yun Zhou.

Yun Zhou looked at her, feeling an inexplicable sense of powerlessness in his heart:

【This is really difficult...sound】

No one would have imagined that the real body of the dignified generation of demon lords would be a black holy lotus!

What's more, he never imagined that this woman who treats all beings like nothing would be so unlucky in front of him.

I am really convinced!

At this moment, Moon Cicada suddenly spoke:

"Little cutie... I have brought you to my favorite place, and then... I will take you to the bedroom, shall I?".

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