Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 862: The Softness Of The Previous Life! Sudden Tenderness! (Seeking Subscription)

I do not know how long it has been.

This touch of wisdom became a little brighter.

Wu Zhao smiled lightly, like the ice and snow melted by the spring breeze, with a smile in his heart:

"Yanyi's precious apprentice, who devoted all her heart and soul, was finally hooked up by me to become the lord of the dynasty......... Wait until the day when I and Yun Zhou get married, she will probably jump out of anger."

Yan Yi: "Why are you laughing suddenly?"

Wu Zhao: "I laugh at you, you are about to be robbed."


"No... What I mean is that your family has no false ancestors, which is very good."


Yan Yi glanced at Wu Zhao, then withdrew her gaze, staring at the sky with her faint eyes, thinking slightly.

What Wu Zhao said just now is not without reason.

Caring is chaos......

Perhaps, Yi Zhou'er's current strength is not weaker than this seat...

Mo Ning hovered in the sky, creating layers of wind and waves and galloping towards the Demon Realm.

As the car of the demon lord Yuechan, this magic honey itself has spiritual consciousness, and even its cultivation is one of the best among monsters.

The magic eagle in Nirvana is comparable to the existence of the vast land and spirit phoenix!

[Tsk, let's take a step and take a look. There is no inheritance in the Demon Realm, so let's take a comfortable vacation. 】

[Speaking of which, the benefits that should be intercepted by Haotu have almost been intercepted. Lin Yuan just appeared on the stage at the completion of the God Transformation Realm, and now he is at the first level of the Ming Dao Realm

[Good guy, the first and middle stages of the plot are over, so it’s okay to just enter the first floor? 】

Thinking, Yun Xiao's head:

[However, Lin Yuan has become like this now, and if he goes to Xianyu in the future, he probably won't be able to stand up anymore. 】

【This male lead, I'm afraid he has already been crippled......】

[Forget it, if you don't want him, let's think about what to do when you go to Demon Realm. 】

【Didn’t Moon Cicada call me a cute baby? Should I bully others?】

【Just kill all the male devils in the Demon Realm, and punish all the female devils!】

[emm... say something]

[The back of this magic eagle is soft enough. 】

[I don't know if this magic heron can transform into form in the future, how will it compare to the "strange spirit" and the phoenix bird...]

[No, according to the original text, the transformation of the phoenix bird is very beautiful, and this magic eagle should not be as good as it. 】

【But it's quite impressive, find time to talk to Yuechan and try to see if you can get this little magic eagle down. 】

Yun Zhou lay down and stared at the sky, his big hands tapping rhythmically on the back of the magic heron, thinking about it in his mind.

On the opposite side, Yue Chan sat there without saying a word, looking straight at him.

There is light shining in the beautiful eyes, which seems to be mixed with a little excitement...

It seems to be deliberately restraining.

It's hard to tell what she's thinking.

Until a long time later, she suddenly asked very abruptly:

"You want to deal with those coquettish female devils in the Demon Realm?"


The corner of Yun Zhou's mouth twitched while lying down, and he looked at Yue Chan in shock.

This shit.....

The word "handling" is wonderful!

But she didn't speak, how did she know?

"Hehe, how is it possible, I haven't even seen a few female devils in your place."

He scratched his head guiltily.

Little did they know that Mu Chan had already overheard his heartfelt desire to [sanction the female devil head] just now.

Regarding this problem, Yue Chan didn't pay much attention.

She knew that Yun Zhou was used to talking nonsense, so she didn't believe everything the other party said.

But there is one thing, she wants to ask clearly.

With a sick light in his eyes, he stared blankly at Yun Zhou, and said softly:

"Little cutie, do you really like the two women who just followed you.

"They look so good, so damn..."

Yun Zhou's eyelids twitched, and he sat up (cidi) from Mogu's back.

Based on his understanding of this woman, she felt that except for Shizun and Wu Zhao, no one among the damned people could survive.

No, she had to divert her attention from Shangguan Wan'er and the others.

"Ahem... I admit that they are both good-looking, but I don't really like them."

In this wave, Yun's sword took a slant!

Hearing this, Yue Chan tilted her head and said in a sickly low voice, "Don't you like it?"

"I don't like why you protect them, and even fight with me..."

"Isn't it because I want to kill them, do you feel distressed?"

"Speaking of which, cutie, you are really heartless... you actually want to attack me for the sake of two little vixens..."

This Nima's!!

I don't know if it's trapped in some kind of magic barrier and I can't get out, Yue Chan's face is getting more and more dull, and the breath on her body is gradually terrifying.

It seems that one second to speak, the next second to raise the sword to see some blood!


Yun Zhou was silent for a long time, then whispered:

"You don't understand. In fact, forcing you not to let you do it is also for your consideration."

Yue Chan looked over with dull eyes, "Thinking about me?"


Yun Zhou responded and said nonsense: "You should be clear that the two ways of the emperor and the emperor have united.

"If you kill the female general of the dynasty today, even if Wu Zhao doesn't want to fight you, he will completely turn against you due to the pressure of the people."

"At that time, I will add my master, and even the whole righteous path..."

"I know that you don't pay much attention to the union between my master and Wu Zhao."

"But if it really gets to that point, there is almost no chance that you will be safe and sound."

Speaking of this, Yun Zhou took a deep look at Yuechan, and there was a flash of Shenghe in his eyes.

He exhaled softly, showing the same gentle smile as Moon Cicada in his previous life:

"Although I am the first holy son, I don't want you to be in any danger.

To be reasonable.

This statement is not false.

In her previous life, Yuechan often went to the Wuwangzong's Shengzi Mountain to find him.

After getting along for a long time, it is nonsense to say that he has no feelings for Yuechan.

Of course, this feeling is not love.

It's just that in the last life, I occasionally saw her staring at the broken doll in a daze.

Because he was about to leave, he looked directly at the sun she had been avoiding.

The softness in Yun Zhou's heart was touched.

Although he was a little apprehensive about Yue Chan's sickness, he was really distressed.

The author of the original article did not describe her past in detail.

Where did her sickness come from, and why did she become like this...

I don't know what happened to me.....

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