Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 849 : Dear Sister-In-Law! Yun Susu, Emperor Of The Immortal Domain Ridge! (Seeking Subscript

"Cough cough cough..."

Ling Weiyang coughed lightly, concealing her embarrassment and said: "It's easy to leave by myself with my strength, and I don't know why Brother Yun came to pick me up."

Shangguan Wan'er pursed her red lips and lowered her head: "He, he may be worried about you."

The atmosphere was silent for a moment.

Ling Weiyang suddenly asked: "Well... just after Brother Yun's aptitude improved, you... didn't see anything?"

"Ah, no, no, I, I turned my head away, what about you?"

"I turned around too, and I didn't see anything!"

The delicate faces of the two beauties were flushed, and they turned their heads away, and neither of them looked up.

see nothing?

That's nonsense!

Leaving the place of inheritance with the two daughters, Yun Zhou looked back at the top of the Heavenly Demon Mountain.

I don't know "080" whether he accepted all the inheritance or it was because of the sudden magic power.

At this time, the entire Tianmo Mountain trembled violently, the entrance to the Land of Inheritance had been submerged by falling rocks, and spider web-like cracks spread downward from the top of the mountain!

Obviously, this place can no longer stay here, and it will collapse completely at some point!

"Looks like it's time to go."

Yun Zhou led the two girls down the mountainside.

The mountain trembled, and the huge boulders kept falling from the top of their heads, hitting the three of them.

It seems to have magic power attached to it, and its momentum is terrifying.

Shangguan Wan'er's face turned pale, and she involuntarily grabbed Yun Zhou's arm.

"Don't be afraid, I will take you away."

With a wave of Yun Zhou's hand, the light flickered and enveloped the three of them, and then walked down.

While going down, he didn't forget his true nature as a scumbag.

Holding Ling Weiyang with his left hand and Shangguan Wan'er with his right hand, he held them tightly.

Shangguan Wan'er felt sweet in her heart, she pursed her red lips and followed behind Yun Zhou, looking up from time to time to see his upright figure, her pretty face flushed slightly.

The same is true for Ling Weiyang.

Although as a general himself, Ling Weiyang doesn't have the mentality of a little girl.

But she is still very happy to be protected by the one she loves.

This does not conflict with her own strength.

The magic mist on Tianmo Mountain has faded a lot, and dense forests and barren mountains can be faintly seen on the mountainside.

At this time, the entire top of the mountain had been destroyed, the boulder fell, and the mountain below was still shaking.

To be honest, if the Heavenly Demon Mountain was destroyed by the power of magic power, it should also collapse from the bottom of the mountain.

Therefore, the current situation can only be a matter of the place of inheritance.

【It's because my aptitude has reached the level of Immortal Emperor, and I have entered the realm to prove the Dao half a step. The land of inheritance can't bear this power, so it collapsed?】

While walking, Yun Zhou was muttering in his heart.

At this moment, the vibration below was suddenly strong, and a wave of magic power invaded, and the mountain collapsed!


Shangguan Wan'er hastily called out.

Seeing this scene, Ling Weiyang's pupils froze, and the long gown fluttered away, turning into a stream of light.

Suddenly, she didn't know what to think of, and when she looked back, she saw Yun Zhou holding Shangguan Wan'er and appearing behind her.

In an instant, Ling Weiyang secretly said "Careless"!

It's careless!

When she was in danger, she would instinctively dodge. If she was half a step late, wouldn't she also be hugged by Brother Yun?

Thinking of this, she slapped herself angrily:

"Ling Weiyang, you are a dignified general of the dynasty, you can't think of relying on others...

After admonishing herself, she looked at the shy Shangguan Wan'er again, her mouth shrugged:

" seems comfortable to be hugged..."

It is also easy for the preacher to take a breath, but it is for the situation where there is no obstruction.

Now that the magic power is abundant, Wei Zhou can only enter as soon as possible if he wants to ensure that the humble Shangguan Wan'er is not injured.

At this time, the secret place was destroyed, and the Tianmo Mountain collapsed!

Originally, it should belong to Lin Yuan's inheritance, but now all of them are accepted by Yun Zhou.

This wave, Yun Zhou can be said to have made a lot of money!

The cultivation base has been promoted to half-step proof, and the talent has also become the level of an immortal emperor.

The enhancement of the magic mind, the comprehension of the law of war magic...010702228 Feilu 231110330]

There is also a treasure land that is worthy of "all the foundations of a top sect".

The luck value also broke through more than 400, reaching the point of "destiny"!

You can say that..……..

Until today, this most critical inheritance has been won.

Yun Zhou finally has the confidence to face the plot of the fairyland in the later stage of the original text!

Not exaggerating!

It's because there, it can be said that there are completely two worlds with Haotu!

In the Immortal Realm, there are as many cultivators at the Dao Realm level as a cow's hair...

There are even no less than a hundred peerless powerhouses who have attained the fifth level of Dao Realm!

This point is still a big threat to the current Yun Zhou.

Although his current real combat power plus all the hole cards, it is no problem to deal with an ordinary seventh-level powerhouse in the Dao Realm.

But you can't hold back the people in Xianyu, they all form cliques!

To put it simply, as long as Yun Zhou meets a strong man who has attained the seventh level of Dao Realm.

Then there must be a powerful man with the same strength as this strong man by his side!

According to the current Yun Zhou, it is still very dangerous to encounter such a thing.

Of course, this is not something urgent.

The strength has been improved a little bit, and the plot of Xianyu is not just in the past few days.

As long as he can improve his strength to the first level of cultivation through the Dao Proving Pill before going to the Immortal Realm.

It shouldn't be a problem to go to Xianyu to protect yourself.

And......... I'm talking about ten thousand steps back.

It's not that he has no background in Xianyu!

Yun Susu, the emperor of Xianyuling, is his lovable little aunt.

Even if you can't let Yun Zhou walk sideways.

It will also save many people from finding fault with him, a "man from the lower world".

I didn't think much about 3.3.

Dodging all the way down, the figure turned into a little rainbow light, and then brought Shangguan Wan'er and Ling Weiyang to the edge of the mountain foot.

"That... Yun big brother, can you let me go first?"

Hearing the soft voice, Yun Zhou looked sideways in doubt.

Then he squeezed his hands twice habitually, and Tu blushed and said with a sneer:

"Er...the hand slipped, the hand slipped.

Shangguan Waner: #C0_0)#

At this moment, Yun Zhou seemed to have noticed something.

His plain eyes looked at the dense forest on one side.

I saw that there seemed to be a faint devilish energy radiating from that side.

Spiritual consciousness explored the past, and disordered breaths emerged one after another.

Jiang Zhou rubbed the center of his brows, and the corner of his mouth curled up helplessly...

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