Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 844: Terror Comes! The Female Devil Who Appeared Behind! (Seeking Subscription)

A few years ago, Mu Xueyun, the previous suzerain of the Wuwang Sect, suppressed the demon way alone!

Since that time, Wuwangzong has completely risen.

That is, from that time, people in the evil way began to hate and be angry with the righteous way!

The flames of war continued to escalate, and finally there was an incident in the magic door that was sealed!

Just as Wu Zhao said.

Once bitten by a snake for ten years and afraid of well ropes, the current Yuechan really does not allow anyone in the magic way to threaten her.

If it does appear, the entire Demonic Dao will be used to shock and kill it, and it will never be allowed to leave alive!

This is exactly what Wu Zhao hoped to happen.

As long as the magic forces are damaged as a result, after looting the territory of the Extreme North Demon Region, the pressure on her will be less.

This time she let the old man go, only earning no compensation!

And Yan Yi at the side looked at her smiling face, and sighed slightly in the "Jiu Chong Lu" in her heart.

Although Wu Zhao is the emperor of Haotu through the ages, his life is indeed tiring.

There are calculations everywhere, it seems that she has never seen her relax.

If Wu Zhao knew her thoughts, he would definitely refute her with a smile.

No time to relax?


I am very relaxed in front of your precious disciple~!

The third elder left the power of the dynasty.

Although Haotu is vast and boundless, many times larger than Immortal Territory, its Dao power is very thin.

Leaving the formation that belongs to the dynasty, the sky and the sea are the same color, the calm sea occasionally breaks waves, and the fields are beautiful.

But the mood of the third elder is not so beautiful.

Out of fear that these two greedy women from the lower world would continue to plunder him, he didn't dare to stay any longer, and even after leaving the dynasty, his speed had already increased to the extreme.

It took only half a moment to reach the scope of the Demon Realm.

On a barren mountain belonging to the magic way.

Feeling the faint magic energy in the air, Ri Chang clenched his teeth.

"Bastard, this lower world person is simply deceiving people too much!"

With uncontrollable anger in his eyes, he roared in a low voice, as if he was venting something.

The whole body exudes terrifying power, and the cultivation base of the fifth level of the Dao Realm is fully displayed, the whole mountain trembles, and hundreds of birds are flying.

As the elder of the Linmen of the Immortal Domain, the peak power who has stepped on the countless powerhouses of the Immortal Domain, was actually forced into this state by two women from the Lower Realm.

Not only did I give away all the good things on my body, but I also apologized to the group of monkeys in the lower world!!

This is simply an insult to his third elder!

Personal insult!!

There was anger in his eyes, and his face was trembling uncontrollably due to the anger!

The wrinkles on the face that can pinch mosquitoes are all interpreting anger.

After a good while, he slowly let go of his fist, and let out a long breath:

"Forget it, with the common knowledge of this group of lowly people from the lower realms, you will only fall short of the standard, and I will definitely recover the humiliation of today in the future.

"For now, let's bring the young master back first."

"Heh, when I bring the young master back and become the young master's master, Emperor Lin will definitely reward me with good things."

"At that time, the strength will increase greatly and come over and kill these two women!"

He snorted heavily, and immediately found the steps for himself.

Although this incident today was embarrassing, it also allowed him to get key information.

Here in Haotu, there are not only savage monkeys, but also powerful men with tyrannical talents.

Take the two women just now as an example, even if they are thrown in the Immortal Realm, they may have a place in the small forces.

To be honest, one of them alone already has the ability to establish influence in the fairyland.

Thinking of this, Elder Mu felt uncomfortable for a while.

Thinking that he managed to break through the fifth level of Proving the Dao, he was still a little helpless among the elders of Linmen in the Immortal Realm. He thought that he would be able to walk sideways when he came to the lower realm, which would be comfortable, but unexpectedly, he met two savage women!

Simply outrageous!!

Especially the joint attack of the two of them just now caused the stars to shoot down, the Phantom Dragon in the Sky!

He has never seen this kind of vision in Xianyu several times, and now thinking about it makes him feel a little chilly.

What a monster!

He even had a suspicion that if he really fought to the death just now, he might not be able to do it, and at most the two women would be seriously injured.

"Sigh, there are such evildoers in this lower realm, and this elder meets two at a time, it's really sad..."

The third elder sighed with emotion, and shook his head bitterly and bitterly.

At this time, a slightly sick female voice suddenly came from behind him:

"Monsters? They are not worthy of being monsters, they are monsters who kill and make human skins"


The sudden voice froze the third elder's expression.

Then he looked back stiffly.

Immediately, he numb his claws!

Not far behind him, another woman in a black dress appeared at some point.

She stood there quietly, with teasing in her beautiful eyes, she obviously didn't make any movements, but it gave people a feeling of chills down the spine!

Suddenly, he saw the shape of magic mist condensed behind the woman.

The pupils shrank suddenly, a coolness invaded the brain from the soles of the feet, and the scalp was numb!!

"This......... Demon Lord Dao Form? How is it possible!?"

At this moment, the third elder's pupils were terribly condensed, the hair on his body stood on end, his eyes were filled with shock and fear, and his heart was almost sad!

Mozun, the first demon in the Immortal Domain!

People who can condense this kind of Dao form are all rare devils in the world!

How could this woman be endowed with such tyrannical magic power at such a young age!?

Moon Cicada looked at the old man in front of her, and said lightly:

"For many years, I have been trapped in the magic gate. It has been a long time since I have seen a peerless powerhouse. Today, someone came from the fairyland."

"Since you are here as a guest, why don't you follow me to the Demon Realm?"

How about I send someone to give you the magic 4.5 people big tonic soup?"


Devil's Tonic Soup?

What the hell is that tm!?

For some reason, the third elder felt that the woman in front of him was even more terrifying than those two barbaric dolls just now!

If she really went to the Demon Realm she said with the other party, it is estimated that she would die there in all likelihood!

There was a look of vigilance in his eyes, and a smile appeared on his wrinkled old face:

"This fellow, fellow demon, I don't intend to offend you, I just came here to pick up my young master, there is no need to go to your palace as a guest."

Having experienced the combination of Yanyi and Wu Zhao, Elder Ri no longer has the arrogance of just coming to Jiegan.

He could tell that the men in this lower realm are not very good, but the women are becoming more T-like than each other!

Off the charts!!.

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