Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 1696 : Blue Star Net Wencheng Don't Deceive Me! Despair Is More Terrible Than Death! (S

Yun Zhou knew it in his heart.

As the founder of the ancient beast land, Kunpeng must have hidden some shocking means that he has not used yet.

At the very least, this is the territory of Kunpeng, and there must be great terror.

So he was not in a hurry, after all, if he couldn't make them completely despair in front of these orcs, how could he swallow the entire beast land smoothly, so as to facilitate the layout later?

Immediately, Yun Zhou took a step downwards, and his figure suddenly turned into an illusion.

Shrinking the ground into an inch, when it reappeared, it was already in front of Kunpeng.


Kunpeng fled in an instant, but before he could take two steps away, an indifferent face stopped him again.

Kunpeng was shocked, and his pupils dilated unconsciously.

Such a speed made his whole soul tremble, as if his body was moving at will.

Could this be the immortal emperor's supernatural powers of footwork, read to Xingzhi?

Without giving him a moment's time to react, a wide palm wrapped with the power of a faint thunder soul stretched out.

The movements are relaxed and slow, but there is a kind of coercion of the soul inside, so that he can't have the slightest idea of ​​avoiding.

"Get out of here!!"


A terrifying 450 halo bloomed all over Kunpeng's body, as if it contained the divine beast calendar.

In the next moment, Kunpeng roared wildly, and the ancient soul power filled his whole body, and a phantom with a height of 100 feet looked down from behind, and the momentum roared to shake Yun Zhou forcibly!

"Sure enough, the Kun is so big that it can't be stewed in a pot. Blue Star Net Wencheng will not deceive me."

Yun Zhou raised his head and looked at Kun Ying with emotion, but within a second, his face became downplaying again, "It's a pity, you beast soul, you can't resist me."

He looked at Kunpeng with pity, as if looking at a raw fish that was about to be sliced.


The sky is gray and dark, the void is condensed, the path of reincarnation is driven to the extreme, and the whole world seems to be frozen.

The light spots traced back, and the phantom of the Kunpeng, which covered the sky and the sun, followed the lines when it condensed, and quickly retreated back.

As the first method capable of changing the pattern of the Dao of Heaven, the horror of the Dao of Reincarnation is self-evident.

Yun Zhou has cultivated this Taoism to a semi-perfect level, even if he can't reincarnate the supreme existence of the heaven and earth level, it is still more than enough to deal with a little Kunpeng.

In the next (bffi) moment, Yun Zhou directly clamped Kunpeng's soul with his palm wrapped in thunder, ignoring all his struggles, and lifted its human form like a chicken. body.


Kunpeng's hands were eroded by thunder and lightning, and now he can't resist at all, his soul trembles constantly due to the thunder, and even the ghost shadow on his cheek begins to separate.

In the eyes of onlookers, this appearance is like a lost dog.

From the beginning to the end, Kunpeng was suppressed by Yun Zhou.

"Beast Ancestor!!"

Seeing this scene, the orcs in the ancient beast land who were watching suddenly looked like their eyes were tearing apart.

They didn't expect that the existence they regarded as invincible would actually be slipped into Yun Zhou's hands, unable to struggle like a dead fish.

This kind of gap that goes straight to the bottom of their hearts makes them unacceptable!

"How is this possible? How could an existence like the Beast Ancestor be crushed by him!"

The orcs roared in low voices, as if they were angry at the injustice, and their eyes became scarlet.

This scene was seen by them, and it will be engraved in their hearts, and it will become a lifelong nightmare.

Lord Kunpeng, who had followed him for tens of thousands of years and was regarded as the main god, was defeated in this way, by an outsider whom they looked down upon. Even, this person was a monkey from the lower world!

This made their eyes go black for a while, their legs couldn't stand still, and a kind of despair arose spontaneously.

"I was thinking that the ancestor of the beast in the ancient beast land must be the all-powerful existence, but when I saw it this way, I was very disappointed. In my eyes, you are not like Kunpeng" but more like a little chicken struggling to escape. " Yun Zhou pinched Kunpeng's neck and smiled contemptuously.

He taunted Kunpeng to his heart's content, without concealing the joke on his face.

It is said that the villain died because of talking too much, but in his opinion, it was the villain's own lack of strength.

Holding the power to determine the life and death of others, are you still afraid that others will turn against the sky?


As the strength in Yun Zhou's hand gradually increased, Kunpeng's neck suddenly made the sound of electric current flowing, and the pain that hit the soul came, and Kunpeng couldn't stop screaming.

"Ah!! Yellow-mouthed kid, you're so damn bullshit!"

"Even if I die today, I will take off a layer of your skin!"

Kunpeng stared angrily, the phantom eyes that were originally souls turned scarlet in an instant.

Whether it can survive today is another matter, but if Yun Zhou is allowed to end it intact, I am afraid that it will be my own shame that will be borne for all eternity!

"Just because you're a bird man? Little chick, you don't know enough about yourself."

There was a gloomy light in Yun Zhou's eyes. He stared at Kunpeng's scarlet eyes and narrowed his eyes slightly.

The best way to deal with a beast ancestor like Kunpeng whose eyes are higher than the top is to trample his dignity on the ground!

Because such a conceited guy is a brainless existence.

You are calculating more about him, it is not as fast as crushing him in real ways.

At this moment, he thought it was time for those orcs to break through.

Sometimes what makes a power despair is not how strong the opponent is, but the death of the backbone.

"A group of dragons without a leader" is what they are talking about.

In addition, he killed Kunpeng, who in the whole beast land would dare to be his enemy?

At this time, Kunpeng was furious at being insulted, and a strong Seven Colored glow suddenly burst out from the entire surface of the beast land.

A frightening aura filled the world, with unrivaled ferocity and awe!


Terrifying power filled the space between the heaven and the earth, and a little light permeated from the surface of the earth, rushing frantically into Kunpeng's soul body.

At this moment, Kunpeng seemed to be congealing his fleshly body, and the turbulent force came, which forced Yun Zhou to let go of his palm.

The soul body on his body is solidifying at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the physical body that has long since dissipated is gradually recovering!

Unspeakable coercion constantly vibrated in the void, and the surface seemed to be unable to withstand this power, cracking into spider webs and collapsing suddenly!

Just like the soul body, it is still the seventh level of the Emperor Realm (upper level).

But the combat power contained in it is dozens of times stronger than before!.

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