Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 1693: Ling Luo Huan: In Front Of Him, Am I Worthy Of Being Called A Demon Lord? (Seeking Sub

Afterwards, Yun Zhou spoke softly without looking back.

The many elites headed by the three old men in the sky suddenly showed nuclear smiles.

Puff puff puff~!

The moment the long knife cut across the throat, there was glaring blood and screams that stopped abruptly.

"No, don't, don't come here!!"

"Beast Ancestor, save me, I don't want to die!"

"Help, Kunpeng Beast Ancestor, help..."

A group of orcs from the Ancient Beast Land were all old aborigines who had been with Kunpeng for many years. Now that their cultivation was suppressed, they looked terrified.

Seeing old friends die one after another in front of them, their faces turned pale, and while struggling, they yelled loudly towards Kunpeng.

They regard Kunpeng as the last straw, hoping that the other party can save them.

After all, "Two Five Seven" went to the outside world to inquire about the situation, and followed Kunpeng's descendants to plot the outside world, all of which were paving the way for Kunpeng's orders.

It's just that they didn't expect that before they went to the outside world to seize the territory, they would be approached by Yun Zhou and they would all be caught.


Before Kunpeng could respond, the successive flashes of the knife took away the wailing, one after another corpses fell, and blood spattered and filled the air with a horrible smell.

Seeing the scenes of corpses falling one after another, the monks of various forces felt chills down their spines, and felt that the Tianling Gai was completely numb.

Cruel, ruthless, devil...

At this moment, everyone forgot Yun Zhou's cultivation, and were shocked by the bloodthirsty aura on the opponent's body, trembling all over.

Killing one person is a crime, but killing thousands of people is a hero.

At this moment, no one dared to attack Yun Zhou's atrocities, and even lowered their domineering heads one by one.

In their eyes, compared to Kunpeng's strength, Yun Zhou's ruthlessness is even more indifferent, making all living beings unstoppably fearful.

"Well, they are all dead, but it seems unfair to leave only your descendant, Hong Dabao, send her to the world of rebirth.

Yun Zhou's indifferent expression did not change at all, but at the same moment, the faint smile on his face suddenly stopped.

After saying this indifferently, before Kunpeng on the opposite side could rise up suddenly, his figure disappeared in place one step at a time.


The power that covers the sky and the sun blasts the sky!

Yun Zhou seized the opportunity, and Yi Kunpeng took the initiative!

Regardless of whether this is the world of "Zhan Yuanlu", in short, Yun Zhou has completely adapted to his villain status.

Since it is a villain, there are not so many Notre Dame hearts.

Except for the people around him, he doesn't care about the life and death of others, and everything is only for his own rise.

This is the qualified villain.

The clothes vibrated and rattled, the void above the sky was blurred, and the strong wind suddenly rose to form an incomparably deep vortex.

The terrifying and magnificent aura suddenly filled the whole world.

Titan was surrounded by a dragon, and stretched out a big hand. The universe was moving in reverse, and the brilliance was dazzling. For a moment, the scorching sun seemed to be unable to bear this kind of light, and pulled over the clouds to block it in front of it.

The sky is dark and the light is bright!

"The combination of the Taoist form and the immortal form, and the addition of nine Taoist laws?!"

"A hammer with lightning flashing? Isn't that Tang Wu's Clear Sky Hammer? How could it be in Yun Zhou's hands?"

"Hiss—look quickly, is the one in the sky the Earth Spirit of the Earth Lord?"

The complexions of many supreme level powerhouses suddenly changed wildly.

They recognized many of Yun Zhou's methods, and the tyrannical aura rushed towards their faces. Under Yun Zhou's evolution, they have the power to destroy the world!

"This Yun Zhou's cultivation is also inconsistent with the rumors. I'm afraid he has reached the eighth level of the Emperor Realm (middle-level), and judging from this level of coercion, his real combat power may not be inferior to the Emperor Realm ( The existence of the upper order)..."

"Unfathomable, really unfathomable."

Even the powerful people who can wrestle with Zhao Dusheng, Chen Chen and the like, at this time, they showed a dignified expression, and there was a faint feeling of fear in their hearts.

If Yun Zhou grows up, he will definitely be a more terrifying existence than the Immortal Emperor!

Just now they were thinking that Yun Zhou's sneak attack on Kunpeng was not sure of victory, but now it seems that this guy is just playing with Kunpeng!

"Huangkou kid, you bullied me too much! Today I will definitely save your life!!"

Kunpeng uttered angrily, thinking about saving those beast creatures who hadn't died yet.

However, Yun Zhou's sudden action directly killed his thoughts in the cradle...


A strong golden light erupted from his body, the former Lord of the Beast Land, made a move!

The cultivation base of Emperor Realm (upper level) shocked all directions, and a unique roar of the Kun clan resounded.

The incomparably powerful divine light burst out suddenly, and the purple blue was wrapped with golden light, illuminating the boundary in Fang Yuan.

At the same moment, Gold's runes suddenly exploded around him, turning into terrifying spirit pengs, with a sharp edge that could tear everything apart.

"If you run wild in my wild land, you will destroy yourself!"

"Even if my soul flies away today, the world will remember my Kunpeng's supreme reputation! And you are just a baby buried with me!"

At this moment, Kunpeng seemed to have regained his former domineering and indifferent voice, his voice was like thunder from the nine heavens, as if thunder echoed in everyone's ears.

This passage did not add any Taoism or fairy rhyme, but it made the heads of many monks onlookers shake, covering their ears and disturbing their minds!

Countless powerhouses were stunned and dumbfounded.

They thought that Kunpeng's strength would gradually weaken as the body faded away, but they never thought that its combat power would be infinitely close to the heyday of the past!

All of a sudden, there was another big earthquake here!

The terrifying sound of the kun reverberated between the sky and the earth, and the clouds collapsed layer by layer at a speed visible to the naked eye. The universe turned 3.0, the sun and the moon moved, and a huge kun figure nearly ten thousand feet appeared, as if it could cover the entire sky!

This is the strongest skill of the Kunpeng Clan. At this time, it blooms with supreme power, and its aura is so powerful that it is unparalleled!

"From ancient times to the present, all living beings have been in chaos forever, and only one or two of the history of the human race can be remembered by the world. You, a mere animal under the human race, are you worthy of being buried with me?"

Yun Zhou's words were full of sarcasm, as if he didn't pay attention to the blow, he responded calmly and moved his palm at the same time.

His apparent cultivation is only the eighth level of Emperor Realm (middle level), but amidst the surge of breath, there is a sense of sharpness that transcends all living beings and is invincible in the world.

The whole body is shrouded in golden light, like a banished god descending from the sky, standing in the void, not angry but majestic!.

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