Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 1689: Pyramid, Lingluo Magic! Not A Kind Person! (Seeking Subscription)

"Is this... the Demon Lord who is as famous as the Immortal Emperor?"

"I haven't seen you for tens of thousands of years, why did she leave the customs?"

At this time, Kunpeng on the top of the mountain suddenly opened his eyes, which seemed to be shining with the brilliance of thousands of stars.

He stared at the pitch-black treasure chariot in the sky, and finally fixed his gaze on the curtain of the chariot, with a slightly thoughtful expression, but no fear.

"Ling Luohuan, you are the same as the Immortal Emperor Yunhai, you can see you wherever there is something, you are so sensitive... Could it be a dog's nose?"

At this time, a deep smile suddenly appeared on Kunpeng's indifferent face, and he looked at the treasure chariot in the sky and said mockingly.

This was the first sentence Kunpeng said after many forces gathered in the ancient beast land. The voice was extremely flat, but it contained a terrifying dao rhyme.

Many monks were only at the left and right sides of the Dao realm, and suddenly they were instilled in their ears by this Dao rhyme, and their breath was shocked, and they grinned while covering their ears.

They were 15 terrified.

After that, after hearing what Kunpeng said, many people's expressions changed dramatically.

Who is Ling Luohuan? That is the leader of the demon clan, the mortal enemy of the Immortal Emperor, the existence at the top of the entire Immortal Pyramid!

Did this Kunpeng eat the guts? How dare he talk to Mozun like that?

At that moment, the eyes of many supreme beings looking at Kunpeng changed drastically.

Of course, some people knew that this was intentional by Kunpeng.

The orcs have no fear of the world.

This is the ancestral precept that Kunpeng set for thousands of orcs when he founded the ancient beast land!

Not to mention being brave.

Kunpeng's original intention was just not to make the descendants of the orc race fear the human race, and eventually become slaves of the human race.

For this reason at the beginning, it deliberately competed with the Immortal Emperor, even though it was beaten by the Immortal Emperor after a narrow escape.

But since then, the orcs have never been bullied by the humans again.

This time he spoke rudely to Mozun, perhaps he also wanted to use Mozun's hand to restore the courage of the Lu people to "have no fear of the world".

Not far away, Zhao Dusheng looked at Kunpeng with a smile on his face, accurately grasping the calculations in his heart.

He said to Zhao Miaozhu who was on the side, "This old guy has a brain, and he knows that the Demon Lord will not kill him at this time, so he took this opportunity to boost the beast clan's momentum."

Zhao Miaozhu was taken aback when he heard the words, "The Demon Lord won't kill him? Why?"

"Hehe, he is the protagonist of this scene, if you kill him, how can you watch the fun?"

The old god Zhao Dusheng was sitting cross-legged on the ground, stroking his beard with his hands, and looking at the sky faintly.

Suddenly the voice murmured: "It's just a pity..."

"What a pity?"

"It's a pity that Kunpeng's cleverness was misunderstood by his cleverness. Mozun, he is not a kind-hearted person like the immortal emperor in the past..."

"Dog nose? Little bird man, you are really good at killing.

At this time, above the void, in the dark curtain of the chariot, there came a clear and playful voice, the tone was lazy but like the sound of nature, mixed with wisps of indifferent emotions.

It seems to be playing, and it seems to be talking to a tombstone.

However, only Ling Luohuan knew the joke in her tone.

This Kunpeng's ability to kill is getting better and better.

She came here mainly to watch a play, and she didn't even expect that Yun Zhou's response would be so abrupt, directly saying that she would kill Kunpeng.

She had discussed it with the Immortal Emperor at the beginning, this Kunpeng little birdman is full of treasures, especially the only remaining soul, which can be used for many magical purposes after refining it into a soul pill.

This time, besides watching a play, she also wanted to refine this soul pill.

Speaking of the Immortal Emperor's disappearance before, she lost interest and forgot about it.

This time the reincarnation of the Immortal Emperor is making a comeback, so it's time to grab it.

Although she hopes that Yun Zhou will rise quickly and act as a toy for herself, correspondingly, she does not want the toy to ride on her head one day.

Therefore, ensuring strength is the premise.

In addition, she and Yun Zhou are enemies, it's only interesting to fight.

"Little bird man? I'm Kunpeng, you should call me a big bird man, hahaha~!"

When Kunpeng heard the words, a beating smile appeared on his face, how wretched and wretched it was.

It was born as a beast, and it naturally does not have the dignity of the human race.

"The body is gone, so why do you care about the size? It's the appearance of your pickled waist, which is quite disgusting."

Unexpectedly, Ling Luohuan didn't feel ashamed or anything, but his tone was full of mockery and contempt, the moment the voice fell.

She shot suddenly.

Having a good temper doesn't mean you have no temper.

Ling Luohuan already had murderous intentions towards Kunpeng, and she would definitely not be careless if she tried to kill him several times.

Immediately, he made a random move and wanted to kill Kunpeng before Yun Zhou came. Such a waste probably wouldn't be able to create any excitement for her to see.


There was the sound of chains being hammered in the void, and one after another, black rays of light flickered, like entwined vines, bound towards Kunpeng, and the demonic flames were overwhelming and terrifying!

Everyone present was shocked for a moment, and no one thought that Ling Luohuan would suddenly attack Kunpeng.

One thought palms life and death, in the void, thousands of chains of order are entangled, and the dark light shines brightly, covering the sky and the sun!

This is the supreme magic skill, lock prison.

She has reached the level of Emperor Realm (Consummation), and what she touches is infinitely close to the level of heaven.

Compared to her, Kunpeng, even in its heyday, was still as weak as an ant in her eyes.

With a casual wave of her hand, this bird man can be wiped out between heaven and earth.

Vaguely, all the monks present saw the darkness shrouding, and the whole world became dim in an instant.

It was the first time for the Supremes to see the Demon Lord attack, all of them looked solemn, and an unprecedented fear rose in their hearts.

As strong as a god, as terrifying as it is!

It seems that Mozun's reputation is not a vain name, at least, the rumors that the Immortal Emperor has a headache for Mozun are not fake.

Being entangled by someone with such combat power, it would be more than just a headache for someone else.

"Dare to act wild in my ancient beast land, you are simply presumptuous!!"

Being despised by Ling Luohuan's words, Kunpeng's face instantly became stiff.

Even if he could bear it, he couldn't bear it when the other party mentioned his sadness.

When the body is destroyed, what size does it matter...

To him, these words are like a fucking crit!

It's nothing more than a reincarnation of a rampant immortal emperor, but the demon king is not so capable of burying Taiping.

Moreover, this bitch actually shot at me!

This damn couple is really a bully!

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