Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 1661 : Game Like A Leader, The Chess Game Falls To Heaven! (Seeking Subscription)

Therefore, setting up an ancient beast land on the bright side is a gift from Zhao Miaozhu to himself. As for secretly... it is better to avoid her sight.

Because the allies around him are too strong, they are afraid and estranged, which gradually turns into the bloody drama of the enemy. Yun Zhou has seen too many, and he knows the truth of it.

Therefore, in order to develop stably according to his plan in the future, he now has to set Zhao Miaozhu up again.

This kind of opportunity to hide and develop insignificantly and ensure that the winner is oneself is rare. If you miss it at this time, you will have nothing to play later.

Of course, Yun Zhou also knew that the annexation of the Yinshi Chen family had to be done step by step, and he had to be careful not only not to let Zhao Miaozhu know about it, but also to be careful of the retaliation of the Yinshi Chen family.

After all, the hidden Chen family is different from the public one.

It's just that for Yun Zhou, it's nothing more than using a little more means.

Chen Chen is the biggest stumbling block for him to annex the Chen family of the hidden world. As long as this existence is settled, it is not difficult to annex the Chen family of the hidden world.

In Yun Zhou's eyes, the representative figure who annexed his power and could hide himself from 743 was none other than Linlang Zhantai.

After all, the current "Asgard" is not within the scope of the alliance.

No one could have imagined that the person behind the annexation of the hidden Chen family was someone from Yun.

Soon, Yun Zhou informed the Linlang platform of her preliminary plan, telling her to go back to rectify the forces of the fairy palace to prepare.

After clearing his mind, Linlang Zhantai didn't wait too long, got up to tidy up, and left directly.

During this period of time, while annexing the Chen and Lin families, Yun Zhou was still paying attention to some young girls from various forces, looking for some talented and powerful people, and asked Yun Susu to secretly recruit and train them.

It wouldn't matter if they were dead soldiers, but after he calculated that he was going to fight against the hidden world forces, some of these young girls were destined to serve as cannon fodder.

Now he secretly transmits a voice to Yun Susu, telling her to send these boys and girls to wait for the Linlang Zhantai at the designated place. In the future, these people will belong to the fairy concubine and have nothing to do with Yun Zhou.

Yun Zhou has always acted carefully and thoughtfully, and will never reveal his hole cards to the outside world until something is done.

So the less people know about his relationship with Linlang Zhantai, the better it will be for him.

In the blink of an eye, another two days passed.

Taking advantage of this period of time, Yun Zhou rectified the bright side of the entire Immortal Territory. Now he is not an Immortal Emperor on the surface, but the real power he represents is almost the same.

The Chen and Lin families have now been fully incorporated into the Haoyun Sect's power, and Jiangmen and Yunling, as the alliance objects, have also symbolically gathered some affiliated sects.

After all, Yun Susu and Jiang He didn't help Yun Zhou for profit, they just wanted to help him, and naturally they wouldn't compete with him for anything.

The foreshadowing on the bright side is over, and those people from the hidden world forces have also returned.

On the surface, the two major forces were annexed, which alarmed the entire hidden world forces.

Nowadays, it is obviously impossible to say that they want to seek some kind of vision opportunity.

Instead of muddying the water from the outside world and mixing yourself in, it's better for everyone to go back to their homes and wait and see what happens.

And all kinds of things in the outside world during this period, with Yun Zhou ending with thunder, the fact that Chen Fusheng, the son of Chen Chen of the Chen family, was executed by Yun Zhou also quickly spread among all parties, even to the hidden world. The world spread, and the entire fairyland suddenly caused an uproar.

People outside don't know about Chen Fusheng's background, but in their hearts they regard Chen Fusheng as the number one person in the fairyland, a leader-like existence, but such a person died in Yun Zhou


And those people in the hidden world knew that Chen Chen's son died at the hands of Yun Zhou, and they also broke into a cold sweat for him, thinking to themselves that this kid was too courageous, and it would be better to stay away from him in the future.

All of a sudden, Yun Zhou's prestige reached an unprecedented height in the entire Immortal Territory, no matter whether it was the Tianjiao of the younger generation or the great power of the older generation, everyone was quite afraid of him.

Correspondingly, those young cultivators who are not too scheming are like school bastards one by one, and they start to worship Weizhou like a school bully.

Of course, many people are also secretly wary of Chen Chen. As the head of the Chen family in the hidden world, he suffered a dumb loss when the Dushengmen and Yun Zhou joined forces. They don't believe that this person will let it go.

Chen Chen's level of strength is well known by the existence of all parties in the hidden world. Once revenge occurs, it must be full of destructive ones.

At that time, the entire Immortal Territory will be stirred up, and even if they want to watch the show, they will probably be involved in it.

Therefore, at this time, it is the time to watch the battle, and it is also the time to prepare to stand in line.

Many cultivators came to Haoyunzong with the idea of ​​Confucianism and Taoism to improve their talents, and many envoys from hidden world forces came to make friends with Yun Zhou.

In this regard, Yun Zhou accepted it one by one.

Wanting to be an enemy of the Dao of Heaven cannot be achieved by oneself alone. In this case, the more people who follow oneself, the better.

As for whether these people are loyal to Yun Zhou, and whether those who want to make friends with him are just a fool's errand, Yun Zhou doesn't even bother to think about it.

People want to benefit, and if they want them to work hard, just give them some benefits.

In a bad situation, as long as they don't step on their own feet at critical moments, as for others, Yun Zhou will not comment.

When the chess game falls to heaven, the real game will begin.

Yun Zhou wondered if the main task of annexing the hidden forces given to him by the system was still there. The last game ended, and this one should begin.

Thinking about it, he and Zhao Miaozhu communicated directly, and after discussing about it, he directly thought about making a move against the ancient beast.

The sun was shining brightly and the weather was mild.

Another day, in a remote ancient city among hidden forces.

"Master Qilin, thank you for taking care of me in the ancient beast land, otherwise no one would take in such a prodigal dog like me."

In the towering restaurant, several men and women were sitting together, one of them was a man with a slightly older complexion, his words and deeds were slightly different from the normal old man, it was Lin Yuan who was possessed by his great-grandfather

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