Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 1653: Bold And Decisive? You Don't Have The Courage To Be The Enemy Of The World! (Seek

To be reasonable.

The more scheming an old guy like Zhao Dusheng is, the more he knows which is lighter and which is more important.

Even if the acceleration of the heart qi continues, on the surface, in order to maintain the overall situation in the future, he will still swallow his anger.

Yun Zhou is also familiar with this point, so he will take advantage of it.

His initial idea was to force the Chen family to do something to him, so as to attract that old thing from the hidden Chen family and force Zhao Dusheng to show up.

After all, the current self and the Watson Gate are allies, and the other party will not stand aside and die in the face of emotion and reason.

Not to mention that there is also an assist king, Zhao Miaozhu, this woman is the same as herself, and she must have a lot of calculations in her mind.

I met myself once before, and inquired about my identity from the side.

And after the hidden world banquet, when the other party counted Wu Long for him, he understood the meaning.

This Zhao Miaozhu, and himself are grasshoppers on the same rope, it is absolutely impossible to see himself in crisis and refuse to save him.

At that time, no matter what kind of accidents occur, Zhao Dusheng will be dragged into the water and forced to take action, and become Wei Zhou's tool man to deter the major forces in the outside world.

It's just that the idea is good, but the group of Chen family disappointed him too much.

Not to mention forcing Chen Fusheng out with his hands, even yelling at him did not dare to look him in the eye.

There was no other way, Yun Zhou could only settle for the next best thing, and the conspiracy and calculations were useless, so he could only play a wave of conspiracy and force Zhao Dusheng out.

Then his one-handed operation can be called steady, precise and ruthless, hitting a snake seven inches, directly forcing the old master of Dushengmen to have no way out.

As for offending Zhao Dusheng?

Sorry, Yun Zhou didn't think of such a thing.

He was originally a teammate against the Dao of Heaven, and this Transcendence Sect sounds good, it is the number one force in the hidden world, but this old sect master may not be able to advance in cultivation, so be optimistic now, maybe it will be me in the future What's the use of getting along too well with him?

"You are really nice..."

Hearing Yun Zhou's greeting, Zhao Du responded with a half-hearted smile, with a forced smile on his face.

I can't tell how much I want to slap this villain to death!

Damn, Miaozhu just made an alliance with you, and you turned around and cheated me, the ancestor of the Dushengmen, really Jill has a hand!

Of course, he was angry in his heart, but he didn't have the slightest intention of doing anything to Yun Zhou.

After all, he is also the first person in the hidden world to save lives, so he can't afford to be really angry with Yun Zhou, a junior.

Moreover, he has taken a fancy to this kid's potential. In the future, he will be the greatest help in fighting against the Dao of Heaven. Now that he has fallen out because of the small scheme of the hidden Chen family, wouldn't that be throwing watermelons to pick up sesame seeds?

Judging from this wave of events, Zhao Dusheng has also confirmed Yun Zhou's temperament, and he is a bold and fruitful person.

Even his hidden patriarch dared to plot. From this point of view, this kid would not be cowardly when dealing with Tiandao.

Well... that's enough.

"The old sect master praised you absurdly. The boy just complied with the old sect master's wishes, and the one from the Chen family hasn't been forced out. It's fine if you don't break your old man's face after all this. How can you bear the burden?" Start with the word 'nice'."

Yun Zhou naturally heard other meanings in Zhao Dusheng's mouth, and said "You are really good" with a deep smile... You can already see the gritted teeth of the old sect master.

But, is Yun Zhou compensating for this?

don't care.

Even more straightforwardly, he pinned this big black pot directly on Zhao Dusheng's head, the kind that he couldn't even pick it off!

And when he said this, he didn't blink his eyelids, and the look of self-blame convinced the bystanders that all of this was the old man's idea.

Suddenly, the smile on Zhao Dusheng's face froze.

However, he is also a powerful man who has traveled through tens of thousands of years, and his reaction speed is extremely fast. He shook his head with a chuckle and said:

"Little friend Yun has done a good job. If that old guy Chen Chen can't come out, let's talk about it. As the person I make friends with at the crossing gate, he should naturally look so fearless..."

"You want the power of the Immortal Domain from the outside world, so it's okay for me to help you once..."

As he said that, he glanced at the Chen family over there, "These descendants of the Chen family are extremely hypocritical, and even tricked Miaozhu into doing things for them... It doesn't make any sense to keep them alive."


Zhao Dusheng spoke slowly, and his warm smile gradually subsided.

At this time, he should be looking at Yun Zhou with admiration, but for some reason, his eyes are like this [but there is an inexplicable sense of anger mixed in his tone.

"Juniors don't have the courage to fear the world. It's all the confidence given by the seniors. As for helping me... we can only say it's a win-win situation, right old sect master?" The smile on Yun Zhou's face was pure, his eyes There is a deep smile of "what can you do".

In the eyes of others, this is the first person in the fairyland and the hidden mysterious power talking in harmony.

Even, many outsiders feel envious.

Sure enough, the strong only play with the strong.

Moreover, Yun Zhou is neither humble nor overbearing in the face of the hidden world's mysterious power, and he is very humble. He deserves to be favored and respected!

"The eyes of the old sect master should mean appreciation, right? But why do I feel that something is wrong..."

Above the clouds, Zhao Miaozhu scratched his head and muttered in doubt, then glanced at Yun Zhou's understated smiling face, and immediately looked away from his face.

This little guy has such a nice smile, it seems that he is playing some crooked idea.

"My lord said that this Yun Zhou must know about the existence of his father, and he would never dare to rush in lightly, because there is an old guy from the Dushengmen behind him.

In front of the main hall of the Chen family on 5.5, Chen Fusheng frowned, and the look of vigilance and fear in his eyes became more intense.

As Chen Chen's son, he is no stranger to the name Zhao Dusheng.

According to what his father said, this person's real combat power is not weaker than his father's, and even with all the means, his father may not be an opponent.

In the past, Zhao Du was born in seclusion, and he had never met, so he naturally didn't believe this.

After all, Chen Chen is like a heavenly existence to him.

But with this meeting, his disdain all along changed.

Ever since Zhao Dusheng appeared, he had vaguely felt a vast and surging force of boundlessness.

The strength of the other party made him feel angry, and even felt fear in his heart for the first time.....

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