Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 1635 : Destroy The Heavenly Dao Check And Balance Network! Familiar Ova Routines? (Seeking S

Afterwards, the other hermits began to greet each other.

Although to them, the outsiders are just ants.

But the opponent's aura is not bad, and the realm is obviously above the emperor realm (intermediate stage), so they dare not push it too hard.

Specifically speaking, it's like you can bully half-grown children in school, but when you see a school bully who is tall and powerful, you will still subconsciously say something soft.

Bully the soft and fear the hard.

Of course, not everyone has this kind of temperament. There are some arrogant and arrogant people who still don't want to say hello to Yun Zhou, and stand by the side neither far nor close.

Neither offend nor please, just wait and see.

Naturally, Yun Zhou didn't have any thoughts about this, and he didn't intend to come here to make friends, so he didn't take his attitude towards these people seriously at all.

Now the vision of Linmen Forbidden Land has attracted many hidden powers, and there are also many powerful powers that the outside world has never heard of. The great powers hidden from all living beings can be regarded as a mysterious veil. If you want to uncover it, you must go here. move chess.

So he came here, firstly, to pave the way for the follow-up chess, and secondly, simply to get familiar with each other.

His thoughts are very clear, and the novel world set in his original cognition has changed beyond recognition.

The original male protagonist "Lin Yuan" is still not known whether he is still a male protagonist. After all, "Tiandao" has been withdrawn from his soul, so it can be said that Leek has been replaced.

The new leek, compared to the FW possessed by the great-grandfather, is more likely to be the way to return to heaven.

Well, another wave can be harvested.

And most importantly, this new leek is no longer untouchable.

Because on the way here, he heard the latest main task of the system:

[Destroy the balance network of Heavenly Dao, annex a hidden world force, mission success: cultivation level +1, mission failure: no punishment. 】

The cultivation base has reached the seventh level of Emperor Realm (intermediate level), and each level is as difficult as reaching the sky. This reward can be said to be very attractive.

Unlike the previous main missions, Yun Zhou has almost figured out that this mission is not so easy to do, annexing a hidden world force is not easy for him now.

"Heh, it's interesting `||."

Speaking of which, the now-annexed Lin family can only be regarded as an appetizer in the eyes of Yun Zhou, and it is not enough to talk about cakes.

And this newly required hidden world force can be regarded as a qualified big cake!

Because only by infiltrating into the hidden world forces can one be considered to gain a firm foothold in the Immortal Realm. Of course, one is more likely to come into contact with the so-called Dao of Heaven.

It's just that Yun Zhou is not very anxious about this, he has a very clear mind, since it is a task issued on the way to this palace, the forces that are supposed to annex should also start from these people.

Yun Zhou is also very familiar with the routine of annexing missions. When he was in Haotu before, he did this kind of thing a lot.

Similar tasks have been done many times.

"Little friend Yun's cultivation is really unfathomable. It seems that there is a great opportunity to grow to this level without making any noise."

At this time, Zhao Zhutian said with deep meaning, after seeing Yun Zhou, he was sure that the vision opportunity that appeared here before must have been plundered away.

Emperor Realm (Middle Level) Seventh Floor!

This kind of cultivation is coupled with the nine ways of being close to him, and there is also the mysterious means of deflecting attacks...

Even if it was a battle of life and death, even he might not be able to win this Yun Zhou.

"Elder Zhao was joking, there is no great opportunity, I just have a higher talent than ordinary people, and I have had an epiphany recently."

Yun Zhou laughed casually, and then glanced over, "And speaking of unfathomable, it's Elder Zhao's cultivation... I'm afraid there are few opponents in the entire fairyland, right?"

Emperor Realm (upper level), a level that was never accessible before, has gradually appeared in front of you at this time.

And speaking of it, although this Zhao Zhutian is a member of the Dushengmen, he may not be loyal.

In Yun Zhou's mind, he had a plan to subdue his right-hand man.

Hearing this, Zhao Zhutian gave a wry smile, and sighed: "Little friend Yun's words made me ashamed, what's the use of the current cultivation level? There is no possibility of entering the country anymore... The future is the era of you young people, and I know it by myself, so I have few opponents."

Hearing this, Yun Zhou's dark eyes flashed a different color for a moment, and he said with a half-smile: "Where did Elder Zhao say that? According to my opinion, Elder Zhao is in his prime, how could he have no possibility of entering the country?"

As the chief elder of the Dushengmen, his resources are absolutely very accessible, Zhao Zhutian can say such a thing.

This is a bit of a problem.

Yun Zhou seems to have noticed something vaguely... What can make Zhao Zhutian stop his practice, the hidden world powers who are also emperors (higher level) can't do it, it is hard to do....It is new Chinese chives?

Through the window behind the opponent, he glanced at the sky meaningfully, with a strange and inexplicable expression.

And after he asked this question, Zhao Miaozhu on the side also frowned, glanced at the people present, with some hidden meaning, thinking softly and said to Yun Zhou: "." After that, we encountered a bottleneck, and there was no entry in the country for a hundred years..."

"Is there such a thing?"

Hearing this, Yun Zhou also became interested.

It can stop a talented person from cultivating "This is so evil no matter how it sounds.

It seems like a means of heaven to control all living beings.

Zhao Zhutian showed a wry smile, seeing that no one was paying attention to this side, he also whispered to Yun Zhou about the guess (Qian Wangzhao) in his heart.

In fact, this matter is considered a secret to Du Shengmen, after all, he, the chief elder, cannot enter the country, so he should keep it from the outside world.

But thinking that before he left, the old sect master had told him to make friends with Yun Zhou, but he still didn't hide anything.

"Walking Life Gate is going against the sky, do you want to get out of Li Tian Tao's control?"

Yun Zhou digested the other party's words, and he understood in his heart.

Sure enough, it was never me who was the enemy of heaven.

Throughout the ages, there are not a few forces that have acted against the sky, and this Dushengmen is one of them. No wonder it will attract the heavens to send down restrictions and block the way of cultivation.

From this point of view, I am afraid that the old sect master in his mouth will not be able to improve his realm?

No wonder you came to make friends with me, the reincarnation of the Immortal Emperor......

[Tsk, this familiar routine, no matter how you look at it, looks like it was modified from a manga, which is a bit outrageous. 】.

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