Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 1584 : God's Funeral Wuxian Market! Concubine Xian's Trump Card! (Seeking Subscrip

"It's just giving you a fairy weapon, if you suspect that my motives are a big deal, don't do it.

"It's just that you entered the sealed place, if something is dangerous, don't blame me for not having time to save you."

Seeing that Linlang Zhantai didn't pick up anything for a long time, Yun Zhou frowned and said, it's better to be tough at this time.

When to say something, how can there be time to delay here?

Hearing this, Lin Lang Zhantai frowned, rolled his cold eyes, and let out a "hum".

"Whoever said I don't want it, come on."

Compared with the Yun Zhou who made her flustered just now, this attitude is more acceptable to her.

And with the other party's temperament, since he is willing to give this resurrection disk to himself, it proves that the other party must have better means of saving his life.

Besides, he said that he had no time to save himself when he was in danger, so it was obvious that he gave himself this thing because he didn't want to make himself a fool.

If you want to die, you will die, and the end will be resurrection, otherwise he will waste time to save.

Well...he sure thinks so!

Lin Lang Zhantai didn't believe that Yun Zhou had any good intentions, so he subconsciously thought about it.

But the other party was willing to give her this kind of thing to save her life, which also showed that Yun Zhou had her in his heart.

This is also the key point that makes Lin Lang Zhantai feel comfortable.

After accepting the treasure resurrection plate, Linlang Zhantai cleared his throat, and was about to ask about those confidantes around him.

Sudden victory!

The invisible chaos in front suddenly turned into a vortex, and a strong suction came suddenly!

Among the fire and light stones, Yun Zhou embraced the waist of Linlang Zhantai, his body was full of golden light, and he "filled" into it along the suction force!

The eyes are in chaos, and you can't see the north, south, east, and west.

I can only feel that my body is slowly falling after being sucked forward for a long time.

Immediately afterwards, the surrounding scenery gradually became clearer, and the ruins below attracted the attention of the two.

"This is... Wuxian Market?"

After Lin Lang Zhantai saw clearly the moment below, her beautiful eyes widened instantly.

She had heard rumors about the Immortal Emperor's Supreme Treasure "The Immortal World".

According to the rumors, the Immortal Emperor has challenged the supreme powerhouses from all walks of life for thousands of years, and every powerful person in his hand has been gathered into the world of immortals!

And this "Wuxian Ruins" is the burial place of those supreme powerhouses!

It is rumored that no less than a hundred ancient gods are buried in it, each of them has the power to shake the heavens and the earth, and they are all figures of the overlord level!

It was precisely because of this rumor that it added a mysterious color to the Immortal Emperor, which made Lin Lang Zhantai, who was young at that time, feel admiration.

A beautiful woman loves a hero, and a beautiful woman admires the strong.

Eternal truth!

"Heh." Yun Zhou chuckled inappropriately.

Lin Lang Zhantai raised his head and looked puzzled.

Yun Zhou turned his head to look at her bewildered face, smiled and shook his head, "Zhantai, you know quite a lot, it seems that you have been inquiring a lot about your husband's trump card? Even "Wuxianxu" clear."

After all, the Immortal Emperor's memory has been completely integrated, and the Immortal Emperor's past is as if he had experienced it before. After getting used to it, he really can't tell you and me apart.

But it's reincarnation, so there's no need to make a distinction.

"It's not a secret. All cultivators who have lived for a thousand years in the Immortal Realm know about it, and I didn't try to find out." Lin Langzhan shook his head like a little fox and replied half-truthfully.

Yun Zhou took a deep look at her upon hearing this, and stopped talking about this unnutritious topic.

After a while, his scanning eyes suddenly fixed on the west direction.

His eyes lit up, and he said abruptly:

"It's not bright in the east and it's bright in the west... It seems that the end point is the same as I thought, and it's still far away.

"Is it bright in the west?"

Lin Lang Zhantai followed Yun Zhou's line of sight, confused.

Well, although I didn't understand what the other party was saying, I somehow felt a sense of rhythm.

She pondered for a while, guessing in her heart that the other party should be pointing to the place where the Earth Lord was sealed.

In fact, it is true. As the reincarnation of the Immortal Emperor, Yun Zhou naturally has the ability to communicate with Wuxianxu.

After some investigation just now, there are many strong people sealed in the entire Wuxian Market, and there are countless treasures.

But there is no shadow of the earthly respect at all.

On the contrary, there are obviously fluctuations in formations in the far west...

"Tsk, I used a non-immortal world to trap the earth venerable, and set up hundreds of protective formations..."

"It seems that my predecessor is really careful... But from this, I can also see his fear of this earthly venerable."

"I'm afraid this thing is not as easy to deal with as imagined.

Yun Zhou muttered in his mouth that through the void, the divine consciousness sensed a powerful and vast wave from the west.

Beside this fluctuation, there are also ancient and mysterious runes, imprinted on a formation, shining brightly.

It seems to be deliberately hiding something, and it seems to be strengthening the defense.

One look at this meticulous handwriting, it is from the hand of Immortal Emperor Yunhai!

To be honest, Yun Zhou is still very satisfied with these previous methods.

If it weren't for these carefulness, I'm afraid that the earth venerable would have escaped long ago.

"You should know the reason for breaking this formation, right?"373

At this time, Yun Zhou suddenly looked at the beautiful lady who also developed her spiritual consciousness and asked.

Lin Lang Zhantai was taken aback for a moment, then his eyes moved slightly, and he responded: "The land of the earth venerable."

Yun Zhou nodded, raised his eyebrows and looked at her, "So, should you show your hole cards?"


Lin Lang Zhantai responded, and then his whole body suddenly glowed with white light. Under the coercion of Dao Dao, it was covered with brilliance from the beginning to the end. It turned out to be a complete set of top-level fairy tools!

"Emperor Immortal Set? There are only a few sets in the entire Immortal Domain. It seems that you have prepared a lot." Yun Zhou said casually with a smile.

This was specially left for Lin Lang Zhantai by his predecessor, but he never thought that she would wear it at this time.

Lin Lang Zhantai thought for a while after hearing the words, and said in a deep voice: "The cultivation base of the Earth Venerable may be higher than your previous life, so I must act cautiously.

As she said that, she was still a little worried that Yun Zhou would suddenly attack and ask her to take off the emperor condom and put it on by herself.

After all, this is a set of top-level fairy tools, and with Yun Zhou's cultivation base, even in the face of the earth god's attack, there is a great chance of escaping.

At this time, although she didn't think that Yun Zhou would be cruel enough to attack her.

But it is still very possible to take away the fairy tools that belonged to him.

After all, the Immortal Emperor... has never understood what it means to pity the fragrance and cherish the jade. .

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