Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 1550 : The Girl After Pg! The Hammer Is Big And Fierce! (Seeking Subscription)

Just entered the hall.

Xiao Xunxun looked at Yun Zhou suspiciously, "Yun big brother, who were you talking to just now?"

Obviously Yunfu's soul shadow cannot be seen with her cultivation base.

Yun Zhou didn't look back, his expression was natural, "You're wrong, I'm just talking to myself."


Xiao Xunxun responded without thinking too much.

Yun Zhou raised his head and saw the entire hall in his eyes.

Dilapidated, dilapidated...

Just looking at this appearance, it is difficult to associate it with the "immortal emperor's birth point".

Just as Yun Zhou was looking around, a round sphere suddenly caught his attention.

There was no light on the sphere, and there was no flow of dao rhyme.

But inexplicably, Yun Zhou had a feeling of being called.

He stepped over and gently placed his hand on the sphere.

Suddenly, something mysterious happened.

He saw that the dilapidated main hall suddenly became magnificent in an instant in his eyes!

The sense of magnificence of primitive simplicity fills the eyes, and the sound of the melodious road fills the ears. …

The memory belonging to the former Immortal Emperor came one after another in his mind, and Yun Zhou was stunned on the spot.

in memory.

The young Immortal Emperor Yunhai and Yunfu sat on both sides of the sphere.

"Father, is this our home?"

"No, this is the starting point for you to dominate the fairyland.

"But I can't unify the fairyland alone..."

"Who said you're alone?"

All kinds of memory images seem to overlap with everything in front of me.

Just when this picture was engraved in his mind, Yun Zhou seemed to be drawn by something, and he took a step involuntarily, walking towards the depths of the ancient temple.

"Hey, Yun big brother? Where are you going?"

Xiao Xunxun who was behind was stunned for a moment, then hurriedly followed.

Behind the ancient palace, cobwebs are full of darkness.

Open the back door, and there is a deep cave in front of you!

Just got here.

I saw wisps of scorching breath bursting out, and even more bright fairy light transpired in it, showing that it was extraordinary.

Seeing this scene, Yun Zhou's slightly dazed eyes gradually recovered their spirits.

He seemed to see something, and tilted his head:

"Fighting Rebel Army? Can this thing be called a secret treasure~||?"

"Ah? What did you say?" Xiao Xunxun froze for a moment, unable to react.

But Yun Zhou didn't have the slightest intention of answering, and walked straight into the burrow without hesitation.

Xiao Xunxun reacted and quickly followed.

The cave is deep and deep, extending straight down to the Tiannan Mountains.

The further down you go, the hotter the breath becomes.

After the two walked in tandem for a while, suddenly a sound of breaking through the air came from below.

Xiao Xunxun's pupils froze, a long sword suddenly appeared in his hand, and he subconsciously wanted to move.

But at this moment.

A thunderbolt came whistling, and bombarded downwards with supreme power.

The dazzling white light illuminated the crypt for a moment, and a heart-wrenching Yuan howl was heard immediately.

A ghost burned by the fire of thunder, howled miserably and dissipated with the wind.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Xunxun covered her mouth and exclaimed: "Big brother, your hammer is really big and fierce!"

Yun Zhou: "There is something wrong with your appointment."

After solving Ming Ling, the two walked down.

A dark purple bead fell on the steps.

"This is... the Nether Spirit Orb?!"

Xiao Xunxun picked up the beads on the ground, his cheeks were full of excitement.

Yun Zhou was also slightly surprised by this.

It is a kind of creature that can only be born in extremely dark places underground. It lives by devouring the dark air. Over a long period of time, the dark air can be condensed in the body.

And this condensed dark air is the Nether Spirit Orb.

This kind of spirit beads is the best help for the demons to improve their magic rhyme, and its effect is far superior to that of the top-level Dao Dan.

But because there are very few extremely dark underground places in the fairyland, and the fighting power of the underworld is not low, it is difficult to kill, so this spirit bead is very difficult to obtain.

And in this place, I can actually see Chen.

"That's right."

"I don't know how long this mountain range has existed, and this is the forbidden area of ​​the forest gate. It has been in the dark for a long time, and few living people come here. It is normal to give birth to ghosts.

Xiao Xunxun murmured softly.

But soon, she thought something was wrong.

Yes, this place is the forbidden area of ​​Linmen, Lin Sheng, as the master of Linmen, must have been here!

But why didn't Lin Sheng solve these ghosts and spirit beads?

Could it be that he didn't discover this boundary?

Yun Zhou and her thought the same, but when he thought of Yunfu outside Shengxian Temple, he was relieved.

Maybe Yunfu didn't want him to know about this place, so he isolated it from Lin Sheng's perception?

Although Yunfu is just a ray of soul now, but this kind of action is not impossible for Duan Ye!

After all...he is one of the peak combat power in the original text.

Xiao Xunxun thought about it for a while, but didn't think of why, so he simply didn't think about it.

She looked excited, and suddenly turned her head to look at Yun Zhou and said, "."Yun big brother, there should be a lot of ghost beads here..."

"In the future, if our son can cultivate the way of magic, let's leave it all to him?"

Yun Zhou:???

Do you think I can't hear you as soon as you speak?

God-ridden "our son" ah you!

"Close your pit."

Yun Zhou had no intention of talking nonsense to her.

Continue heading down.

Along the way, countless ghosts sneaked up from time to time.

If it is transformed into realm strength.

Any ghost has a cultivation level comparable to that of Nirvana. If there are too many ghosts, Xiao Xunxun can't deal with them at all.

But she was not the only one who came here, following Yun Zhou's side, these things had no possibility of approaching her at all, almost had no resistance, and was instantly killed as soon as she appeared.

Xiao Xunxun followed behind Yun Zhou, while picking up the Nether Spirit Orb, while staring at him.

Her current mood can be easily understood as:

Yao following Yewang PG?

Roughly the same.

Anyway, while she was amazed at the opponent's strength, she also wanted to give him a wave!

"If I can match my talents and become an emperor in the future, what is the upper limit? Is it above the emperor's realm?"

"And... they all say that blue is better than blue."

"Yun Zhou's talent is so high, if I have a son with him..."

Xiao Xunxun thought so.

When she looked at Yun Zhou's back again, strands of gleam appeared in her beautiful eyes......

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