Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 1520 : Shut Up Your Leather Swallows! Legendary One Knife 999! (Seeking Subscription)

It's like a battle between heaven and man, people are so shocked that they can't close their jaws.

The surging power that burst out, just the residual power makes people feel terrified!

The disciples attached to the No. 1 faction hid in the sect, each in their own room, and kept silent through the windows.

Riding on a horse is too scary.

This Jill is completely a fight between immortals, don't let them and this group of mortals suffer along with them!

A few miles away in the wasteland.

Behind a huge rock, Lin Xiangtian and the city master poked their heads up, swallowing their saliva and looking at the scene above.

The city lord looked like he was beeping bitterly, and said with difficulty: "Sect Master Xiangtian, why don't you come forward and stop me?"

"If you don't let it go on like this, your sect will be affected and wiped out..."

"Hurry up and shut Pi Yanzi!" Lin Xiangtian punched him on the head with a "Nine Five Seven" fist, "Do you think I've lived too long or something? I'm the only one who stops this scene?"


Lin Xiangtian's face was full of taboo, "These two people are the overlords of one party."

"Even if our sect master comes personally, we may not be able to beat one of them."

"I'm a lowly bastard, I dare to control my fart!"

"As long as we don't kill all the disciples in our sect, even if they destroy this place, I still have to applaud them!"

Ah this......

£=('0`*))) alas

The city lord sighed, helpless and helpless: "The lord of our sect said before that one day we will kill all these people, and our Lin sect will rule the fairyland... Looking at it now, this is an unrealistic dream ah!"

"Heh... don't mention our unlucky sect master!"

Lin Xiangtian's face was gloomy, "The two of them have gone to fight in their lair, and he didn't even fart!"

"There's no news for such a long time... Maybe he's gone!"


Another blow to separate.

Yun Zhou retreated a few meters, Chen Fusheng did not move.

The overwhelming power dissipated for a moment.

Yun Zhou smiled, "Kuo Yi, old man, this method of beating people is painful enough."

Chen Fusheng remained silent, as if he couldn't deny Yun Zhou's words.

It's just that the hands behind his back were trembling slightly, apparently a little out of strength.

"Is this son's immortal power inexhaustible? With such supernatural powers used one after another, there is no weakness at all.

He who had always been in control of everything felt inexplicably powerless.

But Yun Zhou showed no fear, stretched himself, and grinned:

"Old guy, the warm-up process is over, and it's time for us to do a real fight!"

Yun Zhou shook his neck and made a creaking sound.

Then with a wave of his hand, a black magic knife appeared in his hand.

There is a terrifying magic rhyme lingering on it, and a faint black light flickers, and on the edge of this magic knife, there is also an extremely terrifying ancient magic aura.

This is a one-time "top-level magic weapon" that he exchanged for ten points of luck in the Destiny Mall.

Its power even surpassed the category of immortal rank, and reached the strength of a quasi-sacred weapon.

It's just that because it is a one-off, the price of Qiyun point is a little cheaper.

Regal bone, prosperous!

Yun Zhou took a step forward suddenly, golden light shone on his chest, his desolate combat body was pushed to the extreme, and golden blood lines lingered all over his body.

The strongest combat power, show it!

Seeing Yun Zhou's terrifying bloodthirsty smile, Chen Fusheng's heart trembled, and his heart suddenly became vigilant!

Immediately after Xianyun moved, the sharp knife light slashed with terrifying devilish energy!

However, the mobilized shield became like tofu, and it was unfolded at the moment of contact!

"This knife... what way!?"

Chen Fusheng exclaimed, his expression shocked!

The whole person slid away like a loach, and was about to jump into the air to dodge, when a huge palm came from the side!

There was a "snap"!

Chen Fusheng was slapped sideways by the slap filled with fairy charm.

Before he could react, the magic knife slashed horizontally, and a wave of magic energy that could destroy the sky came to kill him!

Between the fire and light stones, Chen Fusheng murmured spells in an instant, and his whole body burst into divine light.

Immediately afterwards, the magic knife slashed at his body, smashing him into the ground!

The gravel splashed and the earth shook!

The smoke cleared.

A huge square pit came into view.

Chen Fusheng fell into the huge pit, his whole body was shrouded in dazzling light, his breath was weak...

As the number one power lord in the Immortal Territory, Chen Fusheng is not only powerful, but also has endless ways to save his life.

This dharma mask is one of his best life-protecting treasures, the top-level fairy tool five-dragon armor.

Although the magic knife held by Yun Zhou surpassed the category of immortal weapon, but due to the huge gap between his own strength and Chen Fusheng's, he really couldn't smash this thing.

"Shout, the dignified number one in the Immortal Domain knows that he is hiding in the turtle shell."

Yun Zhou snorted disdainfully, and looked at Chen Fusheng with indifferent eyes.

This magic knife is of course powerful, and can cut through all top-level immortal tools.

But there is a premise.

That is the situation where the celestial power that is activated is almost the same.

Regardless of Chen Fusheng's combat strength, the difference in realm alone has pulled him down by three layers.

You must know that there is a huge difference between Emperor Realm (middle level) and Emperor Realm (lower level).

Not to mention that every level of gap is like a gap.

Yun Zhou held this magic knife, even if he was able to leapfrog the ranks to fight, he would hack Chen Fuxian to death, but facing Chen Fusheng was still a little difficult.

Therefore, after weighing it over and over again, he put away the magic knife first and prepared to use it last.

After all, this thing is a one-time magic weapon, and the magic rhyme on it does not know how long it can last.

If this thing is chopped into pieces, using the Clear Sky Hammer for a while will really be enough to do nothing. Chen 2.1 Fusheng.

"Actually speaking, there is no major enmity between you and me."

"Today you gave up the influence of Linmen, and I will not pursue everything in the past."

Chen Fusheng said after thinking twice.

Well, he was a little bit cowardly.

At this time, he fell into the big pit, his hair was untied and messy, and his body was covered in dust.

There was no longer the previous airy appearance, nor the haughty looking down look in his eyes.

It seems that the criminal who pretends to be a beep is afraid of being hacked by "one knife 999"?

Yun Zhou stroked his chin and said, "Resentment, I killed your elders...Speaking of which, you are the one who has hatred against me."

"But I'm not going to pursue this matter... I'm afraid you made a mistake."

"Now it's not you who is chasing me, but I am looking for trouble for you!".

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