Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 1500: Complete Witch? The Broken Lin Langyue! (Seeking Subscription)

All I saw were rays of light flickering from the horizon.

It seems to cover the entire square like covering the sky and blocking out the sun.

The leader's face was calm, and he came to the center of the square step by step.

After seeing the figure clearly, Xiao Xunxun was stunned for a moment.

Then the delicate face burst into inexplicable heat.

"Daddy, it seems that the conductor doesn't need you anymore."

Xiao Tiankuo glanced at the person coming, curled his lips and remained silent.

The entire Linzu City square was completely silent.

All the eyes of the forces in the four directions are fixed on the man in the center~.

Immortal Realm Burning Star, Yun Zhou!

The huge square was silent.

All the people present fixed their eyes on that handsome figure.

Some are in awe, some are in panic...the expressions are different.

Tianjiao of the Lower Realm, Yun Zhou.

This person is like a hot sun rising slowly, so round that everyone can't open their eyes.

Rising to fame is like a big mountain, pressing down on the hearts of all the arrogance in the Immortal Domain.

The Chen family, who had originally looked proud, suddenly collapsed.

Especially after thinking that Yun Zhou had killed all their elders, he trembled with fright.

They all know about the festivities of the Chen family and Yun Zhou.

Even, in this issue, even their elders were killed.

Can these little disciples survive in his hands?

On the other hand, Jiangmen and Yunling were very excited.

Their Lord has finally come!

The seventh strongest person in the entire Immortal Territory, the representative of Ruthless!

"Is this the Sovereign Yun from Legendary?"

"It's so pretty, isn't it?"

"Huh? Why does the sect master watch him swallow his saliva?"

"Heh, the Chen family isn't rampant anymore? Do you know you're afraid?"

"It is rumored that Sect Master Yun is fond of beautiful women. I wonder if he is interested in cultivating with his concubine? The concubine will meet~!"

Hearing the excited voice of his disciples, Jiang He's mouth twitched.

This little bastard, why is he so handsome?

What's more, this group of little wavers who are not deep are simply embarrassing to my mother!

Everyone wished to give it for free, haven't you seen a man?

Well, she almost forgot.

After seeing Yun Zhou just now, he swallowed his saliva first.


After Lin Langyue saw this figure again after a few days, she couldn't help but feel a little joy in her eyes.

The last time I was drunk and carried back to the sect by Yun Zhou, and helped Yun Zhou solve the vision....

Just thinking about it now makes me blush.

However, he still couldn't suppress the strangeness in his heart, and lightly pursed his red lips.

"Yun Zhou, these days..."

She strode towards Yun Zhou uncontrollably.

But before he got close, the whole person froze in place.

I saw a girl with long hair and a charming and playful face standing beside Yun Zhou, holding his arm with her small hand.

Lin Langyue had seen this figure when he was unconscious.

It is the saint of heaven and earth, the jewel in Xiao Tiankuo's palm, Xiao Xunxun!

At this time, the two of them didn't know what they were talking about, Xiao Xunxun covered his mouth and chuckled from time to time.

Definitely flirting!

"This bastard, how long has passed, and he has a new love again? The one who hooked up is not the saint of heaven and earth

Lin Langyue stared blankly at the two of them, and could not stop clenching the little hand holding the long sword.

the other side.

Xiao Xunxun hugged Yun Zhou's arm like no one else around, and said delicately, "Yun big brother, I miss you."

Yun Zhou: "..."

Well, with such a weird appearance, Yun Zhou really can't handle it.

It can only be said that it is worthy of being the perfect body of Moon Cicada!

Even more magical than Moon Cicada!

And... judging from the girl's eyes...

She's spot on... boy, is she greedy for me?

Yun Zhou obliquely turned his lower body, tilted his head and said:

"How did you come here?"

"I came here with my father." Xiao Xunxun raised her head cutely, "My father said he brought me to the theater.


Hearing this, Yun Zhou immediately felt warm.

Sister Zhang and Sister Liu have it, but there is no Sister Li!


It's fine for the Chen family to go ahead of him.

Xiao Tiankuo actually knew it too?

Moreover, this came faster than myself?

This is not in line with common sense.

Who leaked the news, why do I not understand?

……ask for flowers…‥

Yun Zhou frowned, looking confused.

At this time, Xiao Xunxun asked suspiciously: "Yun big brother, considering your level, you should have arrived long ago. Why did it take so long?"

Yun Zhou responded casually, "I'm restricted, I brought someone here on my legs."

He didn't say anything about the teleportation array, just in case the people in the Chen family would be distracted.

"Haha~ I'm restricted? Yun big brother, you're teasing me again~!" Xiao Xunxun patted him nonchalantly, and smiled coquettishly.

Yun Zhou:Squint eyes.jpg!

Speechless belongs to yes.

Who teased you so much, what are you laughing at?

However, just like this, in Lin Langyue's eyes, it happened to be flirting!

It's also outrageous enough.

At this time, Xiao Tiankuo came with an old man, and said with a smile:

"Little friend Yun, long time no see, how are you doing?"

Yun Zhou raised his hands casually, "Thanks to Lord Xiao, it's not bad..."

Xiao Tiankuo looked at him with a deep smile, his expression was inexplicable.

To be reasonable, his sense of Yun Zhou is quite good.

He dared to fight him when he was in Haotu in the past, and he did what he said, he was a man.

It would not be a loss if you betrothed your daughter to him.

Without thinking too much, he glanced around at the dark crowd in the sky.

Suddenly, he said very abruptly:

"Battle with Chen, what are the chances of winning?"

Yun Zhou froze for a moment, then shrugged: "Before you come, 50%."

"But now... 70%."

Hearing this, Xiao Tiankuo frowned, looked thoughtfully at the affiliated sect that had been annexed by the Chen family.

And the old man who followed him chuckled: "It seems that Sect Master Yun is full of confidence."

Hearing this, Yun Zhou's eyes fell on the old man, "Who is this?"

I saw the old man's hunched figure, and there was no movement of breath around his body.

But a pair of gloomy eyes are like goshawks, giving people an extremely dangerous feeling.

Xiao Tiankuo came back to his senses and said: "Oh, this is the Great Elder of my Heaven and Earth Region, Xiao Yaochen.

"We are all our own family members, we don't need to see outside..."

"You can call him Yao Lao."

Yun Zhou: ??is?.

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