Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 1467 : Revamped Chef's Skirt? Be Careful Picking The Peaches! (Seeking Subscription)

Just like Lin Yuan's dying state right now.

The fairy souls are so dim that they can hardly be seen!

Compared to the previous Mu Xueyun, she was more than a little bit worse.

It is even more impossible to reshape the physical body.

It can be said.

Now Lin Yuan can't do anything except talk.

Even, he floated in the hall all day long, unable to talk to people.

And this time.

After Lin Sheng retreated, the subordinate forces of Linmen were frequently occupied by Yun Zhou's alliance.

Including the elders, they didn't have time to talk to Lin Yuan.

Fortunately, there were still a few caring deacons who came to deliver soul power to Lin Yuan on time.

Only then can he barely hang on to the last ray of soul, living unbearably.

Hmm~ the living dead belongs to yes!

the other side.

"Nine Thirty" aside from our hero.

The Great Elder of Linmen also took action.

In two days, it will be his birthday party.

After several struggles, he still decided to play Boda.

An excuse to give the elders and the peak master a break.

So prepare all kinds of fairy wine and spiritual vegetables in advance.

In addition, he made a lot of powder from Guodan.

What to do, it must be done absolutely.

Better just give him a litter!

With the transportation of various spiritual vegetables on the Great Elder Peak Mountain, as well as various prepared immortal wines...

Everyone thought that the old man was really kind.

Even, Lao Kuideng specially prepared dozens of high-level elixir that he made himself.

The euphemistic name is "The strong enemies of the Linmen look around, and you can't miss your cultivation during the banquet!"

As soon as these words were released, everyone thought that the Great Elder had something serious to do.

Even Lin Sheng, who was in retreat, heard the news and praised Ah Da for his heart!

The Great Elder didn't blush at all, but he was still somewhat flustered.

If something goes wrong, Lin Sheng will probably eat his bones!


Everything must go according to plan, and there must be no mistakes.

Of course, he wasn't the only one who panicked in this wave.

As his grandniece raised since childhood, Lin Shan has a very good relationship with him.

The worry about him in my heart is no more than that of himself.

It's just a done deal, and things can't stop now.

In the end, I can only advise my uncle to be careful in everything, and if something happens, leave as soon as possible.

"Uncle, if there is any danger in the process, you must escape as soon as possible."

"Don't worry, I've already told Master Yunling."

As long as you escape to the territory of Haoyunzong or Yunling, the master of Yunling will definitely protect you.

Lin Shan had inquired about Linmen's secrets, and she did not forget to remind her uncle.

It's just that the Great Elder was obviously a little dissatisfied when he heard this.

"That little Shan, you can't just let Master Yunling protect me."

"You have to get through with Yun Zhou."

"Lin Sheng is in a hurry, Master Yunling is enough to stop him with an emperor, so he has to bring Yun Zhou too!"

"So Xiaoshan, you will go find Yun Zhou in a while."

"Discuss with him, how can we pave the way for my uncle."

"Whether my uncle can survive in the future depends entirely on you."

"You do things better, if you can't do it, give him some benefits..."

Hearing this, Lin Shan opened her mouth, and then her face was bitter.

The "benefits" in her uncle's mouth.

What else could it mean but herself?

She didn't think it was in Uncle's eyes.

Any good things he can have are what Yun Zhou can fancy.

But then again.

All the good things are done for her.

If you are giving...

Lin Shan glanced at her skirt and fell into deep thought...

That night, at midnight.

For the first time, Lin Shan took the initiative to come to Yun Zhou's suzerain palace.

Bright eyes are good at gazing, charming and charming.

Under the clothes of the charming cook, a pair of long legs were revealed.

emmm...cook dress?


"Sister Lin Shan, what are you?"

Yun Zhou was somewhat confused.

He did not expect that Lin Shan, who was still looking at him coldly during the day, would come to look for him in the middle of the night.

Didn't you say yesterday that you are an animal and you have to keep your distance?

Dressed like this and sneaking over here now...what's the matter?

Lin Shan has beautiful eyes.

"Didn't you ask about Linmen's secrets? My uncle and I say hello..."

In fact, as early as a few hours ago, she had already figured out everything that should be asked.

It was just that it was not dark at that time, so it was not easy for her to come out wearing the modified horse flea suit.

If someone sees you, you'll be ashamed to see them......

Hearing this, Yun Zhou's eyes lit up.

I don't care how Lin Shan is dressed anymore, let's talk about business directly.

Naturally, Lin Shan didn't procrastinate, and told all the secrets she had learned from her uncle.

Reasonably speaking, there are not many secrets in Linmen, but there are not too many that are really useful.

Just like what Lin Shan said during the day.

Although her uncle is the great elder of Linmen, he doesn't know much about the core secrets of Linmen's forbidden area.

After listening to all the news, Yun Zhou had a general change in Linmen.

Summed up and came to a conclusion.

Linmen is definitely not as simple as imagined.

At the very least, wanting to destroy it is at the level of "hell difficulty".

As for his speculation about the mountains in the forbidden area of ​​Linmen, it is also true.

Memory is correct.

Inside Linmen, there is indeed an old man who was sealed by the predecessor of the Immortal Emperor.

Of course.

Elder Linmen didn't know about this matter.

It's just that he once heard Lin Sheng say that he had seen the vision of "scarlet sky" in it!

Lin Sheng searched for a long time, but he didn't know how the phenomenon occurred.

Over time, I stopped paying attention.

Digesting all the news of 1.9, Yun Zhou pondered several times in his heart:

[The matter of destroying Linmen can be put on the agenda, but it still needs to increase some alliance forces. 】

[Linmen is not easy to deal with, there are Chen family and Xiangong secretly watching, so they can't be picked peaches. 】

[As for the sealed old man... I can't remember who it is. 】

[But from what it means, I think it's not something I can deal with right now. 】

[Right now, Lin Sheng is retreating, a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and the elimination of Linmen cannot be delayed. 】

【Whether this sealed old man will be released... is a question. 】

Thinking over and over again, Yun Zhou decided to plan carefully.

As a result, when she looked up, she found that Lin Shan was standing there pretty neatly.

Biting his lower lip, he didn't intend to leave at all...

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