Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 1434 : Famous Scene Of River Crab! Jiang He Who Became Bigger At The Critical Moment! (Seeki

The sun is shining brightly.

On Haoyun Sect Master Mountain, a river crab scene is happening.

Yun Zhou hugged "Jiang Basui"'s face, taking a mouthful from time to time.

Jiang Basui, on the other hand, allowed himself to do whatever he wanted.

From the struggle at the beginning, it has become numb now.

Wiping his saliva in his free time, he looked hopeless.

All right.

In her eyes, Yun Zhou is just a fool!

Still treat her like a child.

As everyone knows, she is a big yellow girl who is older than his aunt!

Being so...who could stand it?

"I said, can you stop... oh oh oh!"

Well, I didn't pay attention when I was talking, and turned my head again.

It's still the familiar "bloody mouth"...

Nose down, chin up.

Directly tm pulled out a can!

You are on the horse, outrageous "107"!!

Jiang He was stunned for a long time, and his face turned darker when he recovered.

Then Yun Zhou was also beeping in a daze.

【Good guy, why is this double recording biting this again?】

【Did she do it on purpose?】

【Pretending to be ashamed, but actually taking advantage of me?】

【Hiss—I didn't see it, this little thing is quite scheming!】

【Well, as expected of actor Jiang He!】

[Pretend to be like a child, and will find opportunities to hook me up! 】

【Simply a talent!】

A voice came into the ears.

Jiang He:???

Did he mention my name just now?

Not paying attention to Jiang He's bewilderment, Yun Zhou kept "tsk tsk" in his heart:

[Speaking of... she is also quite miserable. 】

【I used it to destroy the foundation of the Chen family, and now it's still used as my little pillow...】

【If I know this, I will use my tricks, and it will drive her crazy, right?】

Thinking about it, Yun Zhou suddenly raised the corner of his mouth, and praised his wit.

As for guilt...

Sorry, he doesn't have such emotions!

It is said that someone's happiness is based on others' pain!

After a while, Yun Zhou felt the pressure on his body, and suddenly frowned.

He smiled softly: "Fu'er, it's time for you to lose weight."

"Well, I will reduce."

【wrong. 】

[It's not a baby voice anymore. 】

【This familiar contralto】

He twitched the corners of his mouth and tilted his head to look.

As a result, I almost held my breath!


A one-meter-long toddler turned into a one-meter-seven symbolic girl.

This kind of change often makes people's mentality~!

He stared at the "beautiful Jiang" lying on top of him without moving.

Yun Zhou felt his hair stand on end!

"Why is Jiang He you? Where's Fuer!?"

He pretended to be "stunned".

The astonishment was mixed with a bit of worry, and there was also a kind of questioning in the shock.

The word "actor king" was vividly displayed by him.

However, his heart is not like this at all:

【Good guy, why did this suddenly appear!?】

【Can't put it on anymore?】

[Or the secret method has expired!?]

【Fuck (plant), this is so embarrassing. 】

【I haven't played enough yet!】

Heartfelt voices came one after another.

Jiang He stared at him full of shame, gnashing his teeth.

Reminds me of the unbearable scenes of this period of time.

Her fists can't wait to smash this guy's head to pieces!

"This bastard, it turned out that he had discovered himself a long time ago, and he was still pretending!"

But thinking of Yun Susu's threatening eyes, she slowly put down her hand.

That's right, forced this wave of rationality.

If that woman Yun Susu is in a hurry, she can do anything.

So even if she gets angry again, she can't touch a single hair of Yun Zhou.

Not just for your own safety.

She is the master of Jiangmen, representing Jiangmen with countless disciples.

Can't put those disciples in danger because of Yun Zhou.

"Where's Fu'er? Sect Master Yun can figure it out..."

Jiang He said with a half-smile, "Have you had a good time recently?"

"Don't be nervous, I just want to calculate with you, the general ledger during this period."


Yun Zhou didn't delay at all, sat up all of a sudden, and was rolled over by Jiang He directly.

Imbued with fairy charm, lightning flashes in the palm, the index finger and middle finger are close together, and the thousand-year-old shark gestures!

"Emperor Bone Open!"

The bright light rippled from his chest, as if lighting up his whole body...

With a resolute face and an aura like a rainbow, his whole body exudes a sense of sight of "evil charms fading away".

Then he opened his hands, surrounded by boundless power, and held his head high:

"Desolate Battle Body‧Open!"

The thick breath soared again, and the fairy rhyme in the Dao Sea was like a river rushing continuously, and the deafening roar shook through.

"Supreme Immortal Soul Ning!"

"Wu Tian Hammer‧Come!"

The battle body was driven to its peak state, and all the magic weapons of Xianli were taken out.

Yun Zhou was covered in golden light, and looked like a hot serve, even under the blue sky and bright sun, it was still as dazzling as land.

It's not over yet.

As soon as he pressed down, the big leaf suit suddenly lit up, and then all the Dao Yun on his body was called out.

It can be said that it is fully armed.

He even took out the one-time Immortal Tool resurrection plate, and the immortal soul was directly connected to the resurrection plate.

Well, just in case!

"Tell me, how do you want to settle accounts?"

Let alone whether he can beat Jiang He now, even if he fights to the death, he can still save his life!

Jiang He: (—_—;)

Looking at Yun Zhou's appearance, she felt like laughing for no reason.

The originally angry mood has also improved a lot.

With a smile on her lips, she said with a smile: "When Sect Master Yun used me, it was very easy. 2.5"

"If you say that I am disobedient, you will hit me as a PG...that is a rampant."

"Why are you suddenly scared?"

"Ah..." Yun Zhou coughed awkwardly, touched his chin and said:

"But I didn't know that you were Jiang He at the time. Those who don't know are innocent, right?"

Jiang He narrowed his eyes, "You really don't know?"

Being stared at, Yun Zhou felt a little guilty, eyes dodged and said: "I swear by the friendship between us, I really don't know!"

"As far as you and I are concerned, is there a "friendship"?"


Yun Zhou scratched his head, thinking that Jiang Hehu's beating up women has become a bad idea...

Jiang He looked at him right and wrong.

I don't know what suddenly came to mind, and my face became inexplicably hot.

This person is simply his own retribution.

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