Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 1415 : Guests Of Heaven And Earth! Pot Pan Beep! (Seeking Subscription)

A while passed.

Jiang He finally couldn't hold back anymore, she pretended to be ignorant and asked:

"Brother, where is this place? Why did you bring me here?"

"Of course I took you to play."

Yun Zhou glanced at Jiang Basui who was sitting on the side, the corners of his mouth curled up:

"Don't worry, do something with senior brother first, and I will take you to a fun place later!

Jiang Basui frowned, and said in a milky voice:

"But I always feel that this place is very about, brother, let's go?"

Well, Jiang He is now a guilty yuppie!

where is this

Tiandiyu, Xiao Tiankuo's form!

Wasn't it Xiao Tiankuo's daughter's fate card that she ran over to steal?

If this makes Xiao Tiankuo see himself...

Thinking, Jiang He looked at his immature body. "Nine Nine Zero"

It would be fine if Xiao Tiankuo couldn't recognize him.

But they are also a generation of emperors, and their strength is still in their own right.

Can't you see the little tricks you use to change your appearance?

Yun Zhou smiled without saying a word, with playful eyes flashing.

After a while, he suddenly noticed something, and finally stood up from behind the big rock.

"Let's go, someone is coming to pick you up."

Jiang He quickly got up and followed.

Although guilty, she was also curious about what Yun Zhou wanted to do with Xiao Tiankuo.

Xiao Tiankuo almost killed Yun Zhou that day.

If she hadn't taken away Xiao Tiankuo's daughter's life token in time, Yun Zhou's life might have been given.

She didn't think there was any friendship between the two.

So I immediately wanted to follow the past to see.

Of course, even though she didn't want to admit it.

But subconsciously, he also wanted to keep Yun Zhou safe.

The two of them arrived at the outer gate of the Heaven and Earth Region one after the other.

As soon as I came here, I saw dozens of disciples gathered here, staring at the two of them as if they were facing a big enemy.

"Sect Master Yun, why do you come to my world?"

"Sorry, we can't let you in without the domain owner's order."

"Sect Master Yun, the relationship between our heaven and earth region and you is almost the same if not incompatible... You hindered the region master from saving our saintess, and you came here in person today... Are you looking for trouble?"

"Draw your sword, don't allow him to enter the domain!"

The disciples were very anxious.

After all, they have all heard of Yun Zhou's strength more or less, if the other party is really here to break in or make trouble...

I'm afraid they all have to die here today.

But even so, they do not intend to take half a step back.

Cherishing life is certainly the duty of a cultivator, but the safety of the domain depends on disciples like them.

In the eyes of these brainwashed powerful disciples.

Mission, life is more important!

And Yun Zhou looked indifferent.

It all boils down to one sentence.

No matter how desperately these people stop themselves now, they will have to ask for themselves in a while.

Yun Zhou glanced at Jiang Basui who let him hold his little hand, and suddenly said:

"Believe it or not, these disciples of Rihui will kneel down to me."

Jiang He was taken aback for a moment, then raised his head and looked at him: "Brother, are you going to beat them?"

"If I don't do it, they will kneel down and beg me to go in."

"...Then I think brother is bragging.

The slightly vulgar words came from the milky voice...

Not to mention, it was fun.

But Jiang He really thought so.

Not to mention how much Xiao Tiankuo hates Yun Zhou now.

Just such a group of disciples who regard death as home.

You don't do it.

Still want them to kneel down and beg to let you in?

Want to fart?

Yun Zhou glanced at this group of disciples who were facing a formidable enemy, and said with great interest:

"Since you don't believe me, how about big brother making a bet with you?"

He simply changed his address.

He squatted down directly and looked at Jiang He with a smile.

Jiang He looked at him with big round eyes: "What do you want to bet?"


Yun Zhou persuasively said: "As long as they kneel down to big brother and beg me to come in, you promise to help big brother with something."

"On the contrary, if you can't do it, Big Brother will promise you something."

"Well, is it fair?"

Hearing this, Jiang He immediately became vigilant.

That's right.

This little guy has a lot of ideas, don't let him fool you.

But then she noticed the expressions of the disciples who looked at death like home, and she felt relieved...

Immediately nodded, the milk said: "Okay, Guoguo, then don't go back on your word!"

"Don't worry, you will never regret it."

The corner of Yun Zhou's mouth curled up, with an air of triumph.

Not a moment.

Just when Jiang He was thinking about what he wanted Yun Zhou to promise him.

A figure suddenly flew over from the inner domain.

"Sect Master Yun, Sect Master Yun~!"

A voice similar to that of an old eunuch picking up the driver sounded, and a group of people were dumbfounded.


She was in a daze when she saw an old man in a black robe shrunk towards him.

Then suddenly appeared in front of the group of disciples.

"You are Sect Master Yun, hey, why do you let the distinguished guests wait outside the territory?"

"Hurry up, come in with the old man, the domain master is waiting for you in the main hall!"

Yun Zhou originally looked at the group of disciples expressionlessly, but when he saw the old man approaching, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Why, you Yumu didn't come here in person?"

"Hey~ The domain master wants to come to pick you up in person, but don't be in a hurry, just stay in the hall and wait for the saintess to come and see, don't be offended.

The old man came to Yun Zhou's side familiarly, bent over and made a gesture of invitation, and humbly said:

"Why don't you follow me into the domain and meet the domain owner?"

All right.

The reason why the old man is so low profile is purely because 38,000 Tiankuo has personally explained it.

That's right.

long before.

Yun Zhou said that he would come to the door in person and use the way of reincarnation to restore Xiao Xunxun's mind.

After waiting for so long, Yun Zhou finally arrived.

Xiao Tiankuo was so happy that he had a snot bubble!

Only then did he tell the old man that he must "invite" Yun Zhou to the main hall.

As a guest of Tiandi, you must not offend!

That's why there is this scene.

Hearing this, Yun Zhou nodded, with a big face: "It's easy to talk about seeing your domain master..."

"But I'm afraid you disciples won't let me in."


The old man was stunned when he heard the words, and then he glanced at the disciple behind him with his old eyes, and said in a cold voice:

"Look, old man, who dares not let you in.".

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