Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 1412: Infected With Wind And Cold? Brother Help Me Rub My Belly! (Seeking Subscription)

After a while, Yun Susu suddenly said:

"The matter of foster brother and sister-in-law, Zhou'er explained to me."

"The two of them have kind hearts in their hearts. Even if you were not the one who was in danger that day, they would still save you."

"So about their deaths, you can't blame them all on your head."

"You don't have to blame yourself too much..."

"Besides, you raised Zhou'er for them and gave Zhou'er a wonderful environment to grow up.

"It also cultivated such aptitude for him."

"From this point of view, your kindness has been repaid."

Hearing this, Yan Yi was taken aback for a moment, and then he let out a long breath.

She understood that the knot of worry in her heart had been untied.

"Thank you Emperor Yun for not fussing with me."

Yan Yi's words are very distracting.

Yun Susu smiled, waved "Zero Lingling" and said, "It's just you and me here, there's no need to be so polite."

"You are Zhou'er's master, equal to me, if you don't mind, just call me Susu."

"This..." Yanyi hesitated for a while, then nodded and said: "Susu."

"Well, take a seat. 11

Yun Susu pointed to a chair on one side, and Yanyi stepped over to sit down.

"I called you here suddenly, and I just wanted to meet you, so don't worry about it.

Yun Susu held her cheeks and looked at Yanyi. "But I think you seem to be preoccupied..."

"Ask me anything? But it's okay to say."

In fact, to be honest, she was still somewhat resentful towards Zi Yi.

After all, my adoptive brother and sister-in-law died because of her.

But considering Zhou'er's feelings for Yan Yi, and Yan Yi really took good care of Zhou'er.

So I pushed the boat along with the flow and let go of the grudges in my heart.

Of course.

The most important thing is that she has committed herself to Yun.

I really want to talk about it.

After marrying Yun Zhou.

Yun Zhou's master, she also has to salute.

So the relationship must not be too rigid.

But how did she know that Yi and her thoughts...

That's the same thing!

"If that's the case, then Yanyi will take offense."

Yan Yi took a deep breath: "I don't know that Zhou'er is going to take action against the Chen family, Emperor Yun... Su Su knows?"

Thinking of Yun Zhou's voice just now, Yan Yi was unavoidably worried.

She didn't know how Linmen's foundation was destroyed.

But the Chen family is so huge, wouldn't it be dangerous for Zhou'er to act rashly?

This made Yanyi couldn't help but want to remind Yun Susu.

Don't let anything happen to Zhou'er.

Hearing this, Yun Susu rubbed the center of her brows, and said helplessly:

"He didn't tell me about it...but have you heard about the recent actions of the Chen family?"

Yan Yi pondered and said: "You mean, Chen Jiaguang recruited casual cultivators to expand his influence?"

"That's right~!"

Yun Susu nodded and said, "Expanding power is just the beginning."

"Chen Fusheng is very ambitious, and he is a master who will take revenge..."

"I threatened him before, but I can scare him for a while, but not forever.

"At this moment, he should not be clear about my plan against Linmen."

"But Linlang Zhantai of Immortal Palace has teamed up with Jiang He, that silly woman, and is preparing to take action against Linmen..."

"He must have heard the news."

Thinking of this, Yun Susu cursed in her heart:

"Bah, brainless drinker!"

at the same time.

Jiang Basui followed Yun Zhou to the Sovereign Mountain.

"Ah Choo!!"

Suddenly a sneeze hit Yun Zhou's leg.

Yun Zhou: Fog Grass?

Jiang He:???

She froze for a moment, and then embraced Yun Zhou's thigh.

Lifting her small head, she pretended to be a child and said coquettishly: "Brother, I seem to be suffering from a cold."

"Exhaust, you've reached Nirvana, you're infected with the wind and cold of fart." Wei Zhou twitched her head angrily.

"Then tell me, why did I sneeze?"

"Ah, someone scolding you behind your back?"

"Nonsense, I am loved by everyone, who is willing to scold me?"



Here, Yun Susu scolded Jiang He for a long time.

Then sighed:

"Chen Fusheng is condensing his forces at this moment, and what he is secretly staring at must be the entire Linmen."

"The mantis catches the cicada and the oriole follows behind.

"Think of the current power of his Chen family..."

"If there are more cultivators who continue to join and let him succeed in Linmen... Zhou'er and I will be passive..."

"Ah, this..." Yan Yi sat on the chair, her face changing.

As the Righteous Sovereign who used to stand in a mighty land, how could she be unaware of the impact of this matter?

Once the Chen family annexes the entire Linmen, Yunling and Haoyunzong really won't be enough!

Under the circumstances that the strength of the two emperors is similar!

The party with a weak background will be slaughtered by others!

She let out a long breath of foul air, and suddenly understood Yun Zhou.

"So, Zhou'er wants to suppress the Chen family's reputation and rob people from the Chen family?"

Yun Susu nodded: "That's right."

"Zhou'er slapped the Chen family in the face openly, but Chen Fusheng didn't dare to respond."

"As soon as the news comes out, how do the casual cultivators of the Immortal Territory view the Chen family?"

"As long as the Haoyun Sect recruits at the same time, those loose cultivators will naturally be more willing to join Zhou'er."

As she spoke, she sighed slightly:

"The tree wants to be quiet but the wind doesn't stop..."

"Perhaps it is right to take the initiative.

A voice fell.

Yan Yi lowered her head, with a worried look on her face.

I secretly said in my heart:

"I didn't expect Zhou'er to think about all this when he attacked the affiliated sect of the Chen family. He really grew up..."


"He said in his heart that what he wants to do is not just to slander the reputation of the Chen family, right?"

"While destroying the foundation of Linmen, bring down the Chen family at the same time..."

"What exactly is Zhou'er going to do?"

Yan Yi lowered her head and remained silent, not asking out the doubts in her heart. 0.9

She understood that Yunsu supported Yun Zhou's move.

As long as she can save Zhou'er's life at the critical moment.

For others, no results can be found in the discussions.

Persuading Yun Susu to let Yun Zhou stop?

This time, if the Chen family rises up, Zhou'er will be just as dangerous.

It's better to let Zhouer go to gamble.

Seeing Yanyi's slightly worried eyes, Yunsu suddenly laughed out loud.

"Don't worry, nothing will happen to Zhou'er."

"It's not just me who protects him now."

"In his words...he has a little bodyguard by his side~"


Yan Yi had a question mark on her face.

Little bodyguard?


Well, it's a thing that can't be ridden without a problem.

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