Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 1401 : Eight-Year-Old Junior Sister, What Bad Thoughts Can There Be? (Seeking Subscription)

At this time, Jue Ling was wondering about Lin Shan's beauty change.

Finally, Lin Shan prevaricates her with the excuse of "breaking through the realm".

It made the little girl look naive, looking forward to raising her level, she didn't notice Yun Zhou at all.

When Lin Shan saw Yun Zhou approaching from the corner of her eye, her pupils froze instantly.

When he saw his thumb and his meaningful smile.

Immediately, he clenched his small fist in shame and anger.

Then he snorted coldly and turned his head to the side, as if he didn't see him.

Yun Zhou lamented Lin Shan's "putting up her trousers and not recognizing anyone".

Before, he could be as enthusiastic as fire, but now he can be as indifferent as ice.

Let's not talk about what's going on in the house, there must be a lady outside the house!

With all the thumbs collected, Yun Zhou came directly to the high platform of the square.

At this moment, Yun Susu had been waiting here for a long time, holding a bun in her white hand and handing it over:

"I didn't go to my place for breakfast, and I don't know what you are doing. Hurry up, we have to leave after eating."

【Hmm... Sure enough, my aunt understands me. 】

Yun Zhou took the steamed stuffed bun with a smile on his face, then sat down and ate it for about 15.

And Yun Susu was explaining something to the deacon on the side.

As for what it is, you don't need to think about it.

It is nothing more than to leave with myself, but tell the disciples to declare retreat or something like that.

After all, she is the master of Yunling, so she left with her hastily.

A group of dragons without a leader will distract the disciples.

Just when Yun Zhou and others were about to leave.

Haoyunzong, the elder's bedroom.

"Ha ha ha ha!!"

The laughter of Li Kunlun, Hong Dabao and Lao Lin echoed throughout Fengshan.

The disciples passing by were stunned.

"Good guy, what's the matter with Elder Li and the others? They've been laughing all morning."

"Who knows what's going on with them, we dare not ask..."

"Do you think it was because he was beaten up yesterday when he was grabbing the territory, and he was beaten up like a fool by the three of them?"

"Let's not talk about whether the elders have been beaten or not, I think you are screwed!"

Ling Weiyang and Qi Ling also looked worried.

There is no real problem with these three elders, right? That is not a good thing for them.

That's right, with the three of them as the "overlord", they don't have to do things about fighting for power.

But if the three of them were to give up the pick... Yan Yi and the three of them would not be able to grab power.

That job can be thrown to the two of them and Shun.

Huh~ Tired of thinking about it!

At this time, in the elder's bedroom.

Li Kunlun's old face turned into a chrysanthemum with a smile.

"Okay, okay, riding a horse is a treasure!"

"At the age of eight, she has actually reached the realm of half-step proof of the Tao. This girl will definitely be stronger than the back boat in the future!"

"Dabao, Alin, let's go to the suzerain and see if we can also be a teacher for this little girl."

"When she grows up in the future, let's let her kill Yun Zhou!"

"Let that little dog dominate the three of us!"

Well, the "little girl" in Li Kunlun's mouth is Yanyi's current disciple.

In order to instigate the female relatives around Yun Zhou, the Jiangmen empress who deliberately became smaller:

Jiang He!

That generation of emperors, in order to make Yanyi less troublesome to her, showed a half-step enlightenment realm in advance.

Is there a problem?

no problem!

However, Yi should not bother her any more.

But when the old man knew about this, he was ready to die!

Recalling that Yun Zhou ordered the three of them to fight against power, Lao Lin was also very angry.

Immediately made a decision: "I agree, that kid is too unkind."

"We are all elders, why let the girl rest and force the three of us to work for him?"

"Let's take this little girl as a disciple, wait a few years, and let this girl live with us to vent our anger!"

Hong Dabao: "I agree!!"

And Yun Zhou didn't know that the barefoot goddess who hadn't seen him for a long time was making sweet cakes in his Haoyun sect at this time.

The dignified empress turned into an eight-year-old junior sister...

If he knew about the dramatic scene, his jaw would probably drop in shock.

In Yunling and Neiling, Yun Zhou solved the bun in his hand.

He burped comfortably, explained a few words, and then prepared to take his disciples away.

But Yun Susu, under the guise of retreat, actually hides his aura, hides in the clouds, and prepares to go with Yun Zhou.

But she is not like Sister Li.

Her own personal deacon, often guards the door for her son.

He even wanted to go with her.

It is said that when Haoyunzong wants to serve her, don't worry about her being alone...

The personal deacon had such loyalty, Yun Susu was naturally moved and wanted to take her with him immediately.

You can see the "a stream of Chunshui" look in this girl's eyes when she saw Yun Zhou...

She felt something was wrong again.

"Speaking of...the excited screams I heard a few nights ago are very similar to Lin'er's movements.

"Especially not long after Zhou'er left here, the cry came from time to time..."

Thinking in her heart, she looked at Rin'er suspiciously.

However, he quickly shook his head.


Lin'er is so timid, how dare she steal her man?

It's just a beautiful deacon, what bad thoughts can there be?

"Well, Zhou'er said it was an auditory hallucination... It seems that I have heard it wrong..."

Outer mountains.

The First Elder and Second Elder were all smiles, "Holy Son, be careful on the road, don't forget to come back to 920 and have a look."

"Well, let's go back."

Yun Zhou looked at the second elder, Li Qiuhuan, with deep meaning.

Then wave your hands casually.

With a move of mind, the two disciples jumped into the air exclaiming.

As if being held up by an invisible giant hand.

The female disciples seemed to lose weight, and they flew up with their skirts in their hands, for fear of losing their light.

The number of people piled up together, densely covering the sky and the sun, which seemed to be full of momentum.

With another wave of his hand, there was a roar of "hum" in the sky.

The gigantic chariot actually appeared from the sky and crossed across the void, with dragon and phoenix patterns engraved on it, full of aura!

There was also a huge sail on the chariot, and there was a whistling sound in the gust of wind.

This is one of the treasures he found in the inheritance.

Fairy ship!

It belongs to the top-level fairy artifact of the "flying category".

Normally it is as big as a palm.

But as long as it is infused with immortal power, it can become a giant ship that can accommodate thousands of people!

The size covers one side of the sky, and the momentum is extremely terrifying!

Even this chariot has a defensive ability comparable to that of a low-level fairy weapon!

Belongs to a rare good baby.

Yun Zhou glanced at the group of goose-like female disciples, and with a wave of his arm:

"Get on board, set sail!".

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