Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 1397 : Breaking Into The Cook's Boudoir! You Are Not The Only One In Yunmou's Busi

"My master?"

Lin Shan frowned slightly, "What's the matter with my ancestor's safety?"

It is different from Bai Ri's attitude in Qingyuan Hall.

Although there was respect in the words, the tone obviously changed a lot.

At this time, Lin Shan clearly sensed that something was wrong with Yun Zhou.

His expression became more and more vigilant.

She is different from that silly girl Jueling.

Although his temper is very irritable, he is also a nympho.

But her brain is very good.

Even though he heard Yun Zhou's heartfelt voice in Qingyuan Hall, he knew that the other party would not attack his uncle.

But I still kept some precautions in my heart.

That looks now.

She was right to be on guard!

Yun Zhou is definitely not that easy to talk to, he must be trying to make some kind of deal.

"Safety... go in and talk, it's midnight, do you still want me to talk to you at the door?"

Yun Zhou didn't care about Lin Shan's attitude at all, even the corner of his mouth was curved.

Lin Shan pursed her red lips lightly, then stepped aside hesitantly to let Yun Zhou enter the room.

But the vigilance in the beautiful eyes is even more serious:

"I don't know what the Holy Son means?"

"My uncle wanted the elders and peak masters of the Poison Sha Lin Sect for Yunling."

"Could it be...can you and Lord Ling not guarantee his safety?"

Yun Zhou was not in the mood to respond to her questioning, and sat down at the round table in the room casually.

Da Lala picked up a white jade teacup on the table and played with it in his palm.

There was also lip powder on it, which was obviously used by Lin Shan.

While stroking the powder on the teacup, he poked his chin and smiled at Lin Shan, who had unkind eyes.

After the other party clenched his fist several times and let it go weakly, Tuan slowly said:

"Some things, I advise you not to talk nonsense."

"Your uncle wants the elders of the poisonous shark forest sect, but it has nothing to do with me, Yunling~||.'

"So his aunt and I really don't need any guarantees."

Hearing this, Lin Shan's expression changed instantly, and she said eagerly, "But you..."

All right.

What she wants to say is:

"But you clearly said in your heart that you would protect your uncle's life!"

But the problem also arises here, she can't say anything about the "voice of the heart"!

For a while, there was no sound.


Yun Zhou didn't pay attention to Lin Shan's strangeness, and his expression showed calmness:

"Lin Sheng sent Jue Ling to lurk by my side, waiting for an opportunity to assassinate me. This matter is like a mirror in my heart. y

"It's just that with Jue Ling's cultivation, he can only use a beauty trick on me."

"And she is not strong enough, how can she harm me?"

"Let me guess, is there some kind of poison, or a treasure that can set me up?"

Yun Zhou glanced playfully at Lin Shan whose expression changed, and continued to smile:

"You also know that I carry the Eight Principles, and with my aunt around, it's not too bad that I'm not immune to poison.

"So, compared to the former, I prefer that Jue Ling has a treasure that can destroy my cultivation."

"And this kind of treasure, I have never heard of it in the entire fairyland."

"I want to ask you..."

"I heard...your uncle of the "Immortal of Medicine" seems to have made something called Mie Dao Pill?"

"Well, living dead and human bones, but the side effect is to wipe out all cultivation..."

"The effect is quite good... You said that the treasure in Jue Ling's hand, will it be the Dao Mie Dan given to her by your uncle?"

Regarding the matter of "Mie Dao Pill", Yun Susu has already revealed to Yun Zhou.

Originally, this matter was also said by Linmen Elder himself in order to show his loyalty.

Unexpectedly, it fell into Yun Zhou's ears, and it became an excuse for blackmail instead.


She didn't know that her uncle had personally confessed the matter.

Then her uncle wanted to harm her, and she knew about it.

How to compensate?

Shouldn't it be up to you?

Seeing Lin Shan bit her red lips and said nothing, Yun Zhou came to make up for it at the right time:

"Originally, I wanted to save your uncle's life, but after all, he wanted to kill me first... I am not very generous."

"So the suzerain wants my uncle to kill the donkey after solving Linmen's troubles?" Lin Shan finally couldn't help asking.

Just as Yun Zhou thought, she didn't know that it was her uncle who told him.

I thought Yun Zhou got some news.

Knowing that her uncle wanted to assassinate him before, she became angry from embarrassment.

After all, Yun Zhou is a peerless genius.

Knowing that someone is going to kill him, he wants to kill the shark.

This explanation also makes sense.

It's immoral to compare your uncle to a donkey, but you're thinking a lot. "

Yun Zhou looked calm: "The foundation of Linmen is damaged, which is also a good thing for Yun... Yun will not do the thing of crossing the river and demolishing bridges."

"I came here this time just to take out my anger on you and make a deal with you by the way."

"Take it out on me? Make a deal?"

Although Lin Shan had a lot of tricks, she couldn't react for a while.

As for what he said about crossing rivers and demolishing bridges... Lin Shan was also exhausted.

In her eyes, the current Yun Zhou has no character at all.

"Your uncle participated in the assassination of me before, and even provided Mie Dao Pill...I won't seek revenge on him, so I will naturally vent my anger on your grandniece."

"As for the transaction..."

"You should also have imagined that your uncle's sudden rebellion must have done something to hurt Lin Sheng's grandson.

"That's the case, he doesn't want to wait for death, so he can only take risks and become hostile to the entire Linmen."

(Nuoqian Zhao) Once he gets into a stalemate, the only thing he can count on is Yunling, who is the sworn enemy of Linmen..."

Yun Susu didn't have the time to chat with Yun Zhou about many things about Linmen Great Elder.

This is what Yun Zhou guessed in his spare time.

Now it can be said that the Great Elder has no way out.

Seeing Lin Shan nodding dully, Yun Zhou smiled, and continued:

"So you can think about it carefully."

"Your uncle poisoned the foundation of the entire Linmen. Lin Sheng is bound to chase him madly."

"An Emperor Realm (intermediate level) goes crazy and wants to stop it...the price to pay will not be small."

"Without enough deals, I have no reason to take Yunling to save him."

Lin Shan's heart skipped a beat, "Then how do you vent your anger, and what's the deal?"

"Excuse me, it's easy to say, as for the deal...I want your uncle!"


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