Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 1390 : Yan Dog Small Attributes! Uprightness Is Chu Lingxiao! (Seeking Subscription)

hear this.

Lin Shan froze for a moment, then nodded with a smile:

"Yeah, it's really bright."

"Like a blazing sun, very warm..."

"If we succeed in apprenticeship and can really be his junior sister, then we must wake up laughing from a dream."

"That... I think..." Jueling thought seriously and said:

"Even if we can't be his junior sister, he must be very kind to us.

"And never threaten us to do something we don't want to do."

"He's the nicest guy I've ever met..."

Speaking of this, she added in her heart:

Even if you want to use me, it's the best!

Hearing this, Lin Shan nodded her forehead angrily, and jokingly said:

"Why, I gave you some resources, and I coaxed you so hard that you couldn't find Bei?" "803" "You can't just think that someone is a good person just because he looks good."

"There should be some alertness, you know?"

"As long as you look like you can't wait to send it to your door now, you may suffer a lot in the future.

"A handsome face and two pills will coax your brothers and sisters to keep their tongues in their mouths."

"You, sooner or later you will be deceived by him, why are you talking about harming him..."

Jueling blushed at her undisguised words.

Whispering quibbles as loud as mosquitoes:

"I'm not, I'm not..."

"Sister Shan, look, we are really his junior sisters, so he will give us the Nirvana Pill and the Enlightenment Pill."

"It's rare to prove Dao Dando, sister Shan, you know that too, right?"

"Brother, he is really a rare good man!"

Jue Ling was forcibly raised by Lin Sheng as a "child bride".

A group that has suffered a lot.

At this moment, Yun Zhou treated him so kindly.

Plus the small attributes of "Mu Qiang" and "Yan Dog".

It is said that there is no sinking, but it is almost the same.

At the very least, Chun's heart must have sprouted.

Although Lin Shan is not as stupid as Jue Ling.

But the affection for Yun Zhou in my heart is almost off the charts.

Of course, even if she has a good impression, Lin Shan is still on guard.

After staying with the moody Yun Susu for many years, she has long put a layer of protection on her heart.

It is as difficult as heaven to make her fall in love with someone without hesitation.

"Okay, he's a good man, a rare good man in a millennium, okay?"

Lin Shan looked angrily and funny at the silly younger sister she recognized, then shook her head:

"Senior brother, I won't mention it beforehand. Lin Sheng explained to you, so hold off as much as possible."

"I see..." Jueling nodded weakly.

Although she didn't know how to delay Lin Sheng as much as possible.

But right now, it is absolutely impossible to listen to Lin Sheng.

Let's not talk about whether Linmen will collapse in the future, and whether Lin Sheng will kill her.

Just because of Yun Zhou's kindness to her, Jueling can't do anything to harm her!

After today's contact, she subconsciously thought:

Lin Sheng is a rare villain in the world!

In addition to being ugly and evil-minded, he is also very sinister and vicious!

Threatening her by marrying Lin Yuan is simply inhumane!

It's not like Senior Brother Yun, although he is a bit lustful, he still wants to use her...

But it didn't bother her at all.

I still want to take care of her as my junior sister

So Lin Sheng's insidious schemes definitely cannot help him!

Jueling thought for a while, and finally his gaze became firm.

After discussing with Lin Shan, they made an immediate decision.

From now on, give up the idea of ​​assassinating Yun Zhou, and never be an accomplice of Lin Sheng's dog thief!

The sun is shining brightly.

Shen Shi (15:30)

After an hour of screening, Yun Zhou finally decided on the disciples to take away.

A total of more than 20,000 disciples, he only selected less than 2,000.


As far as Xianyu is concerned, the quality of disciples is more important than the quantity.

However, these disciples were second to none, which surprised Yun Zhou.

As Chu Liuli was about to leave with him, Chu Lingxiao also came to find her.

Whatever you say, go with him.

What else do you say, "Where does the apprentice go, where does she go..."

It made Yun Susu's face as black as carbon, and she almost cursed.


A dignified Yunling sword head, actually wants to quit?

what is this...

Drive Chu Lingxiao, master and apprentice, plus Yun Susu out of the hall and wait...

Yun Susu spread out on the main seat, and rubbed the center of her eyebrows helplessly.

Looking at Yun Zhou helplessly, he said, "A saint, a sword capital wants to go with you."

"I don't know why I, Yunling, have treated them badly..."

Hearing this, Yun Zhou sneered, "Hey, why are you complaining?"

"Follow me, doesn't that show my charm?"

"Besides, Haoyunzong and Yunling came from the same body, wouldn't it be the same if they left with me?"

"Pfft~" Yun Susu laughed, and then gave him an angry look:

"You can talk, and you co-authored to abduct my holy maiden sword head, and I can't complain anymore.

"Isn't it okay to send hair?" Yun Zhou smiled and rubbed Yun Susu's head.

Then he stood up in his resentful eyes:

"Okay, if Auntie has no objection, I'll accept everything."

"These disciples are waiting outside the hall now, hold a meeting for them, and we will go to Haoyunzong tomorrow."

"Okay, you can go. Yun Susu yawned lazily and sat on the main seat.

"Aren't you coming with me?" Yun Zhou looked at her suspiciously.

Yun Susu held her chin with her hand, tilted her head and said, "No."

"I have time to go back and have a rest. 21

"When I get to your side, I will retreat directly."

"Now 4.2 is rare and easy, I don't want to train disciples with you."

"Okay, then I'll go." Yun Zhou shook his neck, then walked towards the outside of the hall.

【Oh, my aunt is also a salty fish. 】

[At first, I thought that Hao Yunzong would develop and leave the mess to her. 】

[It is estimated that there is no hope...]

[Forget it, everything depends on yourself, and you can't make aunt too tired. 】

[My aunt has been in Xianyu for so many years, and she has always been alone, which is not easy. 】

[When I become stronger in the future, let her also rely on it. 】

【 man, I have to pamper you. 】

Looking at Yun Zhou's back, Yun Susu smiled with crooked eyes.

She held her fragrant cheek with one hand, and her picturesque eyes were full of tenderness.

As if to imprint this tall figure in my mind......

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