Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 1387 : The Murderous Hands Of Elder Linmen! You Can't Be Too Doggy! (Seeking Subscripti

What Lin Shan said was just some of the circumstances of her uncle's rebellion.

For these, Yun Susu herself is clear.

The reason why she laughed was because she thought Lin Shan was very smart.

Using the matter of her uncle rebelling against Linmen and committing himself to Yunling, is she declaring her position in a disguised form?

The mind is not bad.

However, when Lin Shan finished speaking the last sentence, she suddenly froze for a moment.

Seeing her expression, Lin Shan quickly added:

"Lord Ling, my uncle didn't transmit the sound to you because the elders of the Linmen gathered together all day, and he didn't have the opportunity."

"Currently, the head of the Lin Sect is retreating, and he thinks this is a good opportunity.

"So I thought of taking the opportunity to act..."

"Of course, he was afraid of objections from your side, so he specially sent me a letter with a secret treasure, asking me to ask for your opinion...

"Look, can he be made to act?"

Yun Susu's eyes flickered: "Your uncle means, the elders and peak masters of the entire Linmen of Poison Shark?"


【Mist grass, what's the matter!?】

【What is she talking about!?】

Yun Zhou looked at Yun Susu instantly, and everyone was stunned.

Regarding the rebellion of the elder Linmen and his secret refuge with Yun Susu.

Yun Zhou already knew from Yun Susu's mouth.

But he never expected that this old man would be so bold!

【All the elders and peak masters of the Poisonous Shark Forest Sect...】

【Good guy, this is going to completely destroy most of Linmen's foundation!】

[I remember that Linmen's Great Elder seems to be the only "immortal doctor"...]

【Is it so vicious?】

【Single-handedly wiped out most of Linmen's foundations, this is it, warrior!】

[Don't poke, don't poke, I can save trouble now. 】

【If it succeeds, Linmen will definitely be devastated, and it will be wiped out!】

Thinking in his mind, the corners of Yun Zhou's mouth almost reached the back of his head.

He knew that once this matter was successful, it would be Hao Yunzong's greatest opportunity!

If the Haoyun Sect takes advantage of the chaos to rise, it will definitely replace the Lin Sect and become one of the five great forces!

The more I thought about it, the more I was satisfied, and even looking at Lin Shan softened a lot.

【Hmm... her uncle has a personnel matter to do!】

【It's just that after the matter is over, Lin Sheng will never die with his uncle, right?】

【emmm... no, if it really succeeds, it must save her uncle's life. 】

【Help me so much... You can't be too stupid. 】

【It's just that this is a dangerous person... Even if he saves his life, he can't stay in Changling. 】

[Forget it, how to arrange it is a matter for later, whether it can be done is another matter. 】

Yun Zhou was very satisfied.

Yun Susu on the side is also in a good mood.

She was still thinking about what the elders of Linmen were doing recently.

Unexpectedly, before she could check, the little cook would tell the truth first.

This is a big move.

Yun Susu and Yun Zhou have the same idea.

This person's life can be saved, but he cannot stay with him.

Thinking about it, she suddenly looked at Lin Shan strangely.

Her guess just now has been confirmed several times.

This Lin Shan, like her, can hear Yun Zhou's inner voice.

So...she may have confessed this on purpose.

I want to try Yun Zhou's attitude towards her uncle.

"Heh... She's a little girl who cares about Agility. 々." Yun Susu raised the corner of her mouth and gave a sigh of admiration in her heart.

In fact, to be honest, Yun Susu didn't dislike Lin's intelligence.

And through this observation, she can see that Lin Shan and Jue Ling are not in the same pair of pants.

Jueling has been trying to get closer to Yun Zhou.

But Lin Shan is not from Linmen.

Furthermore, Jueling's mentality seems to have changed a little.

Yun Susu could clearly see the bitterness in her expression.

It's because I can hear Zhou'er's heartfelt voice.

So you think you have no chance?

Do you want to live on in spite of yourself and give up the idea of ​​harming Zhou'er?

If this is the case...then it will be much easier to deal with Lin Sheng!

The outline of the strategy appeared in Yun Susu's mind, and then he continued to perfect it.

There is deep meaning in the eyes looking at Jueling.

These two cooks are really not in vain.

It seems that the opportunity to wipe out Lin Sheng and the entire Linmen is coming soon.

"Listen to what my uncle said...that's what it means."

Lin Shan responded, her heart beating unknowingly fast.

She originally thought that after her uncle solved the matter of Linmen, he would smoothly become the elder of Yunling.

But judging from Yun Zhou's voice and Yun Susu's attitude, this is basically impossible.

But she didn't bother about it.

As Yun Zhou said.

Her great-uncle has the national medical skill of killing the foundation of the entire great power with poison.

How can such a person be safely arranged in his own power?

Perhaps being able to take action to save his life is already the best of benevolence.

Besides, Lin Shan can't control too much now.

The uncle passed on a letter saying that once Lin Sheng found out that Lin Yuan's death had something to do with him, he would definitely die.

There is also Jue Ling, who was forced here by Lin Sheng, and one step forward is a cliff.

Up to now, if Lin Sheng did not die, her uncle and younger sister Jueling, whom she had just met, would definitely not survive.

".w Shengzi and Lingzhu are both in the imperial realm, Lin Sheng can't fight no matter must stand in the right team!" Lin Shan thought to herself.

It's not her reality, but living in this fairyland, she must be able to weigh.

Yun Susu smiled very satisfied:

"As for your uncle, I agree.

"If there is any problem in the follow-up, just let him and I communicate alone."

"It's you two, you can pack your luggage when you go back at night."

"It's estimated that (the one who's gone) won't be able to leave today, let's leave with the Son tomorrow.

Speaking of this, she looked sideways at Yun Zhou: "Zhou Er, do you have any objections.

Yun Zhou shook his head, "What do I have to say?"

He looked at the two beautiful girls below, touched his chin and said:

"When you arrive at Haoyunzong, I will let my master take you.

"As for whether she can accept her as an apprentice and be my junior's up to you."

"Of course, if it succeeds, my junior sister will definitely have different resources from the ones I handed down."

"At least tenfold is no problem..."

"You guys prepare yourself."

He finished speaking.

Lin Shan's eyes lit up immediately: "More holy, thank you suzerain!"

"We must seize the opportunity and let your master accept us."

"Don't worry, we will definitely work hard and never let you down!"

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