Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 1357 : Unbuttoned Inner Shirt~ It Varies From Person To Person! (Seeking Subscription)

Holy Child Mountain.

Yun Zhou came back from the foot of the mountain triumphantly.

Glancing in the direction of the main mountain, the corner of his mouth curled up:

"Shout, I still don't believe it, I let go of all the big moves, and I still can't catch up with you!"

"But having said that, Auntie is not an ordinary cannonball, she must not be able to hold down a firework..."

For her favorite aunt, Yun Zhou has tried her best.

Fireworks are auxiliary, so fans are the main show.

He's a villain, so it's impossible for him to act like a decent person after chasing a nun.

It is inevitable to use means.

Of course, sincerity is also indispensable.

【I just don't know if she took the pill or not. 】

【Also, what is Auntie's reaction now...】

Just as he was pondering in his heart, Chu Liuli's voice suddenly came from the door:

"Three three seven" "big brother, did you just look outside? It's a good look at the fireworks, Lingzhu, she..."

"Huh? Big Brother, what do you think?"

Chu Liuli, who opened the door and came in, was a little confused when she saw Yun Zhou wearing an underwear, with his chin poised and thinking.

Yun Zhou looked back when he heard the voice, "Oh, you are too young, you can't understand what the big brother is thinking."

"Who do you think is young!?"

Chu Liuli stiffened her neck with an expression of dissatisfaction, and straightened her body forward, curvaceously:

"Liuli is so big, I can't hold it down with one hand!"

The corner of Yun Zhou's mouth twitched, "Where do you come from so many dirty thoughts, I'm talking about your age."

Chu Liuli's real age is two years younger than Yun Zhou's.

Eighteen years old like a flower, and she has never been in contact with the opposite sex. Can she understand the problem of pursuing love?

Moreover, he and Yun Susu are also aunts and nephews in name.

Even if there is no blood relationship.

But there is a taboo, and it is not good for him to say anything to Chu Liuli.

【No, feelings need to be struck while the iron is hot!】

[Even if my aunt doesn't accept it, it's better to come to the door and be taught a lesson than to wait here. 】

【As long as I kill myself, I like her, and she can't treat me like a nephew anymore!】

【Change a little bit, take her down sooner or later!】

Speaking of which, he is a bit of a dog in this matter.

Obviously Yun Susu only regarded him as his nephew at first, but he didn't have any warning, and directly confessed his love...

Although it is said that he is more interested in Yun Susu.

But since he wants to get her, it is impossible to maintain the relationship with her as aunt and nephew.

Sooner or later the window paper will be pierced, so it's better to do it before it's too late.

Anyway, his strength has reached a certain level now.

As long as Yun Susu doesn't kill him, he is destined not to escape from his clutches!

No, wait for a year and a half, and force it!

At this time, Chu Liuli came over and asked: "Big brother, would you like a cup of tea, and I'll tell you about the fireworks?"

Yun Zhou got up and put on his coat: "Forget it, let's talk when we have a chance, I have something to go first."


Chu Liuli was dumbfounded, and she was dumbfounded.


She delivered it to the door, but she wants to leave?

But seeing Yun Zhou's serious face, she didn't dare to stop him, she might have something serious.

Anyway, she is destined to be Yun Zhou's person, and she doesn't care about a day or two.

Don't worry, there will be a chance sooner or later.

Leaving Shengzi Mountain all the way to the main hall of the Ridge Lord.

Coincidentally, I just happened to come down from Qiyou Mountain.

The deaconess was taken aback when she saw him, "Son, this is..."

Yun Zhou laughed and said, "I'm going to see my aunt, has she not seen me yet?"

I have frightened this girl before, but now I am somewhat embarrassed to see her.

The deaconess chuckled, "No, it just so happens that the Ridge Lord wants to ask you to go up the mountain, so follow me."

Hearing this, Yun Zhou froze for a moment.

Then there was a look of joy in his brows and eyes.

Apparently, the fireworks he just had worked.

If my aunt is really angry, it is impossible to find herself up the mountain at night.

Ridge Lord Mountain, bedroom palace hall.

Behind the curtains embroidered with gold thread, there is a scent of fragrance.

Yun Susu came out of the bathtub in the bedroom, then returned to the couch, and began to change her underwear.

Reasonably speaking, with her cultivation base, she can be called spotless, and she doesn't need to go to the fairy water bath at all.

But today was different from usual, she had too many distracting thoughts in her heart.

Especially when she thought about facing Zhou'er again, she couldn't stop going for a soak.

I want to make Zhou'er feel refreshed with delicious fragrance, but also want to calm my restless heart..

That's why I took a bath in the middle of the night and changed my clothes again.

The outer shirts were always changed by maids or deacons in the palace, but she always changed the inner shirts by herself.

After all, it is something close to the body, so she cares more about it.

Yun Susu sat on the couch and searched for a long time in the storage ring, only to find a Pink shirt.

"Wearing white all the time... I guess Zhou'er is tired of seeing it too?"

Thinking of this, she suddenly spat lightly.

What does he have to do with me if he gets tired of watching?

Who wants to show him?

Yun Susu, Yun Susu, you are outrageous!

She blushed annoyed herself.

Then he put the underwear on indiscriminately.

The little white hands were about to fasten the button, when suddenly the fairy cotton on one side attracted their attention.

The above is the pattern embroidered by Dao needle.

The more Yun Susu watched, the more he liked it.

Although this is not as cherished as the elixir she ate, Zhou'er's intentions have sublimated the value of this thing.

In her eyes, even a hundred top-notch elixir can't compare to this fairy cotton.

"Hmph, I didn't know to look for me after disappearing for so long."

Yun Susu spoke angrily, but then she still had a smile on her eyes as she played with Xian Mian:

"Forget it, for the sake of the gift he gave me, no more."

rub rub rub.

At this moment, a footstep sounded from far to near. 2.3

Yun Susu's eyes suddenly narrowed, and she grabbed the sides of her underwear with her small hands, trying not to let herself be naked.

Then his cold eyes looked outside the curtain.

Who would dare to trespass into the Lord's bedroom without notification?

Eat bear heart leopard gall!?

There was shark intent in her pupils, and she made up her mind instantly.

If it's a female cultivator who came in, just ask the reason.

If it's a male cultivator... no matter what, shoot and kill!

That's right!

Even if there is a curtain to block it.

Neither deacons nor disciples were allowed to enter her bedroom.

This is Yunling Iron Order, disobeying is death!

Her palms were filled with white light, and there was a thrill in her heart.

Just when she sensed through the curtain and wanted to see who was so bold, she fell on the couch stupidly.

"This... Zhouer??".

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