Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 1346 : The Powerful Beauty Is Online! The Uninvited Guest On Yunling! (Seeking Subscription)

The three of them landed outside the restaurant where Yan Yi had just stood.

Carefully use Xianbao to perceive it.

OK then.

That Yun Zhou, who is responsible for many principles, has just~ just left!

That's right, this kind of intertwined Tao-rhyme atmosphere.

Apart from the so-called low-level Tianjiao, they couldn't think of another person.


The three of them spread out their spiritual consciousness and covered Fang Yuan for hundreds of miles, but they didn't see the shadow of Yun Zhou at all.

"Hiss——moving fast enough.

The leading old man stroked his beard lightly, with a surprised look on his face.

Judging from the remaining breath, it took only a dozen breaths for the other party to leave.

As a result, he escaped directly for hundreds of miles?

Is there such a fast one?

Several old men looked at each other in blank dismay.

It's difficult now.

If the Patriarch knew that Yun Zhou had escaped right under their noses, he would probably be furious

"I can't help it, the direction of escape seems to be cut off by the formation, and the holy treasure can't track it..."

An old man with a white beard looked into the distance, and then calmly said: "We may not be able to catch up, but don't worry.

"It's good to know he's still alive."

"When you go back, report to the Patriarch, and take the fifth and others to find him together."

"If he can be captured alive, let alone the atonement, it's better to get it.

Hearing this, the leading elder sighed:

"Patriarch Tongtian, you can't hide it, that's all you can do."

Then the three of them left here and rushed back towards the forces of the Chen family.

Just go back now, can you find the owner?

cloud ridge.

Today's main hall is extremely lively.

It's not that there are too many people, it's just that an unexpected guest came.

Inside the main hall, several maids shivered in silence.

Between the main seat and the main hall, two figures looked at each other.

Sitting above is Yun Susu, the master of Yunling.

And standing in the middle of the hall is a middle-aged and elderly man with a strong breath.

His complexion was calm, and there seemed to be galaxies flickering in his deep pupils, as if he could penetrate people's hearts with a single glance.

Neither of them spoke, they just looked at each other up and down for a full quarter of an hour.

A quiet and cold breath lingered, and the void seemed to be frozen.

In the end, it was the man who let out a long breath first.

Sitting on a chair beside him with no expression on his face, he said with great air:

"Master Yunling's talent is astonishing, and he has entered the country very quickly. Chen admires him."

The corners of Yun Susu's mouth curled up, and he said calmly:

"Chen Fusheng, as I said, you are also on the second floor of the Emperor Realm (middle level), and you may not be able to defeat me in comparison to Immortal Power.

If others heard this, their jaws would probably fall to the ground in shock!

The man standing in the middle of the hall is actually the number one power in the Immortal Territory, the head of the Chen family, Chen Fusheng!

The top three of the Immortal Realm rankings, are they just staring at each other and competing for immortal power?

If you don't see it with your own eyes, no one will believe it.

Chen Fusheng shook his head, his calm voice was full of emotionless fluctuations:

"I wanted to do it on purpose, otherwise you wouldn't be able to defeat me."

This is not a lie.

Although they are all on the second floor of Emperor Realm (middle level).

But Chen Fusheng has already reached the second level of consummation, and Yun Susu has just entered the country.

If it wasn't for risking your life to fight to the death.

Yun Susu really had no chance of winning over Chen Fusheng.

After all, today's "Immortal Domain Top Rank" is not just for fun.

Of course, the Immortal Realm list does not include the Demon Lord of the Forbidden Land, and the ancient powers of the hidden world.

Otherwise, it would not be Chen Fusheng's turn to be at the top of the list.


Hearing this, Yun Susu glanced at him dissatisfied:

"Who doesn't know how to pretend to be beeping? After ten or eight years, I want to crush you, isn't it just a random thing?"

Chen Fusheng said lightly: "I admit that your talent is strong, but after ten or eight years, the gap between you and me will only become bigger."

"After all, the background of the Chen not made up for by your talent."


Yun Susu snorted coldly, "If you can't compare with talent, then you must compete with power background?"

"Oh, I remember you said before that you have to rely on yourself."

"Chen Fusheng, I have known you for many years, why didn't I see that you are so hypocritical?"

Chen Fusheng was not angry, and said calmly: "So what is your definition of hypocrisy?"

"The background of power is my own, I use the background to enter the country, and it is not wrong to say that I rely on myself.

...asking for flowers...

"It's you, even if you know that you've known each other for many years, you won't leave any way out?"

"The back road?" Yun Susu sneered: "What back road do you and I have to talk about?"

Chen Fusheng said: "Naturally there is a way out, you and I are friends anyway, this way out, I, Chen, will naturally give it to you.

"Use what you give?"

Yun Susu looked at him with a sneer, his pretty eyes were tinged with coldness: "I'm afraid you are thinking too much."

"First of all, I, Yun Susu, and you are just acquaintances by chance. At most, they are acquaintances, not friends."

"Secondly, I act like Yun Susu, when will I have to retreat?"

"When you, Chen, touch your upper and lower lips, you look superior."

"As everyone knows, I, Yun Susu, don't take you seriously at all!"

After the words fell, Chen Fusheng froze his expression for a moment, and squinted his eyes to look at her after a long while:

"You are still as arrogant as before, really I can't do anything to you?"

Yun Susu smiled coldly, with a magnificent and terrifying momentum: "If you want to do it, you can try it."

"Destroy my Yunling, and I will make your entire Chen family!"


Chen Fusheng stared angrily, but his momentum was a little weaker.

And indeed it is.

Yun Susu is arrogant, but she has the capital of arrogance.

He could destroy Yunling, but he couldn't kill Yun Susu. What awaited the Chen family would be a catastrophe.

As Chen Fusheng fastened the armrest and said nothing, the tit-for-tat scene eased.

The atmosphere suddenly became much quieter.

After a long while, Yun Susu's voice was calm: "So you came to see me this time, it shouldn't be for the afternoon of the war, right?"

Chen Fusheng's eyes were complicated, and the anger was fleeting. He slightly raised his head and looked directly at Yun Susu:

"Are you sure you want to be an enemy of my Chen family?"

Yun Susu snorted coldly, and said indifferently: "Since you let go of the order to deal with my nephew, I will naturally not tolerate your nonsense."

Chen Fu tightly clenched the armrest, anger flashed in his eyes, and his voice became unfriendly:

"But if he killed Xinghe, he must pay with his life!"

"Does that mean there's nothing to talk about?"


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