Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 1151: It's Over, I'm In Love! I Got It In The Supermarket! (Seeking Subscription)

The scene was extremely quiet.

All eyes turned to the high platform.

I saw the old god Yun Zhou standing on it, with a faint smile on his face.

He slowly opened his legs, and the disciples above gave way one after another.

"Hiss——Yun Zhou, he really wants to make a move!"

"Being able to force back the heavenly demons and kill the Great Elder must be extremely powerful!

"It's over, mother, I'm in love."

On the high platform.

Behind Second Elder Liu Qiushi, Li Yan clenched his fists tightly.

"What a Yun Zhou."

"I want to see if you have a job change like the rumors!"

Contrasted with the other party's fluttering white clothes, and looking at the shining eyes of the group of female disciples, he gritted his teeth for a while.

"All good-looking female disciples should be mine, mine! You're stealing my limelight..."

"Nine Nine Three" wait, you bastard, if you don't match the rumors, I'll be the first to kill you!"

Facing everyone's eyes with mixed emotions, Yun Zhou walked lightly, with an expression of indifference.

【The task is done, so how to speed up the plot next?】

【Well, it's afternoon, there is still time, hurry up and call. 】

U1S1, for this group of little guys who are only in Nirvana at most.

He is not interested at all.

Yun Qiaoer, the only one who has entered the country to prove the Tao, still relies on the elixir he gave.

Nothing interesting, just pass the time.

Yun Zhou shook his head, walked slowly onto the ring, and looked at the fearful young man opposite him.

The boy's face was a crater, an ugly yuppie.

But there is one thing, there is a shark's spirit hidden in his fearful eyes!

That's right.

He belongs to Li Yan.

Just now Li Yan has sent him a sound transmission.

If Yun Zhou is not as scary as rumored, then he will hurt Yun Zhou even if he risks his life!

As long as he does it, he will be rewarded with five thousand immortal stones!

There must be a man in that heavy gold.

The young man has already figured it out, let's try Yun Zhou's strength first.

Waited for ten tricks and eight tricks.

The real gap is too big to beat him, and it is not too late to surrender.


With the deacon's loud voice, the battle started.

But what was strange was that all eyes were fixed on Yun Zhou's ring, so that other competitions became a foil.

It's outrageous.

Yun Zhou glanced at the shark in the opponent's eyes, and shook his head helplessly.

Wisps of white light filled the palm of his hand.

"Tsk, this look at most proves the power of one layer, right?"

"Sure enough, it doesn't match the rumors!"

A smug smile appeared on Li Yan's face.

But the next moment, the smile on his face froze.

A strong vibration centered on Yun Zhou and spread in all directions!

At the same moment, dazzling rays of light bloomed from his whole body, so dazzling that it was hard to look directly at him!

"My goddammit, this is.... Xianmang!?"

"Mist Grass, this kind of coercion, I'm afraid that even the powers above the fifth level of the Dao Realm can't bear it?"

"How can you use a sledgehammer to kill a chicken? Is Tianjiao trying to show his prestige?"

"Gulu~ Why do I feel that he is deliberately suppressing it?"

A group of disciples were dumbfounded.

The people in the stands were also dumbfounded!

The rest of the people in the ring forgot that they were still fighting.

They stared at each other in a daze, their jaws couldn't even close together.

The radiant celestial light overflowed with supreme coercion, and even raised the surrounding temperature a lot.

Under the bright sun, the scorching heat wave scorched the disciples retreating again and again.

The roaring sound continued to come from the arena, and even made the entire Yunling completely quiet.

"My God, when did this little guy enter the seventh floor of Proving Dao?!"

The peanut in Jiang He's hand fell to the ground, and he stared at him dumbfounded.


A bolt of lightning intertwined and intertwined from above the fairy light.

Under everyone's shocking gaze, the young man opposite Yun Zhou knelt down with a plop.

He stared blankly at Yun Zhou, as if he saw a monster.

Unable to stop, a liquid like rice wine dripped down the trousers.

This damn, this damn!

What about ten tricks and eight tricks?

Just this moment, he was dead!

Thinking about it, he couldn't bear it any longer, swallowed his saliva with a grunt, and slammed his head on the ground:

"Big, big brother... No, ancestor, spare my dog's life!"

Yun Zhou: ".……………

He lowered his head and glanced at this frightening little thing, only feeling more boring...

With a wave of the hand, the brilliant light disappeared, and the boundless power spread out.

Dots of thunder are floating in the air with fairy charm, like an endless galaxy!

In the shining light, Yun Zhou stood with his hands behind his back with a calm expression.

Dressed in white, he looks like a god descending into the world!

The whole outer ridge was dead silent.

Even, the other disciples in the arena forgot to do it.

She looked at him stupidly.

At this time, Yun Zhou suddenly smiled.

He glanced at the other people in the arena, then looked at Yun Susu who was also a little confused in the stands, and grinned:

"How about changing the game for this competition?"

Hearing this, the elders in the stands shook their heads.

The Wuling Conference is a rule set by the Lingzhu, and all the processes are well thought out.

How could you just change it?


Yun Susu raised her eyebrows, "Tell me, how do you want to change?"

Everyone: ???

Yun Zhou smiled faintly, and said with amusement in his voice, "Let them continue."

"When the top 50 are out of the competition, I will let them come together. Of course, wheel battles are also fine."

As soon as these words came out, the elders and peak masters above were blown up.


What is the purpose of the hundred contests?

In addition to the most important competition for the first place, they also have to choose their own biography from among them!

What does this have to do with your wheel fight?

play with you!?

Thinking of this, the 5.4 elders all spoke to Yun Susu:

"Lord Ling, no, this time we have to choose a personal pass from their duel. If we do this, it will be messed up!"

"That's right, you can't mess around, let's not forget our original intention!"

"That's right, I happen to be short of a disciple by my side, so I have to choose carefully, there can't be any delay."

They have a perfect understanding between you and me.

However, Yun Susu raised his hand, with a hint of interest in his eyes:

"If you want to fight with wheels, then fight with wheels."

The noise is instantly quiet!


Good guy!

Master Ling took our words as a vent!?

Ladies and gentlemen, it's the beginning of the month, and the monthly vote is still the same as last month, breaking 20 tickets in three days, adding four changes to the original basis on that day!

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