Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 1148: Ahh~ The Correct Way To Open The Female Fairy Jianghe! (Seeking Subscription)

This sudden sentence.

All of a sudden, the huge stands were silent.

On the seat, the second elder and Chu Lingxiao who were sitting next to each other looked back and suddenly realized.

This little bastard must be pestering Liuli again.

Chu Lingxiao frowned, his eyes were not friendly.

Li Qiuhuan pulled his old face, smiled awkwardly at Chu Lingxiao, then looked at Li Yan, and made a serious face:

"Stand over here for me!"

Li Yan's face turned blue and purple, then squinted his eyes to look at Chu Liuli, and obediently went to Li Yan's side.

Tell the truth.

It's not a secret in Yunling that Li Yan likes Chu Liuli.

The reason why Li Qiuhuan sat next to Chu Lingxiao was to create opportunities for the two young people.

Just didn't expect it.

Give this kid a chance, he's useless!

It actually made Chu Liuli anxious.

Really nothing!

When the little farce ended, the elders in the stands also had an enlightened expression, smiled and shook their heads, and then chatted with each other.

Only Yun Susu on the main seat, and Yun Qiaoer standing beside her looked at Chu Liuli.

One is thought-provoking, and the other looks complicated.

Just when Yun Susu opened her mouth, about to ask Yun Qiaoer something.

Below, there was a sudden commotion, and the exclamations of the disciples continued.

look up.

In sight, three white horses came from the sky, pulling a treasure chariot.

"Is this... Emperor Jiang's chariot?"

"Strange? What is Jiangdi doing at our Wuling Conference in Yunling?"

"Jiangdi and Lingzhu have always had a good relationship, maybe they came to see the play."

"Stop talking, give me a head, I haven't seen Jiang Di Xianrong before.

The disciples couldn't help causing the restlessness, and even the elders in the stands got up separately.

As one of the six emperors, Jiang He's reputation and status are not inferior to that of the Lord of the Ridge.

Naturally, this group of old fellows did not dare to rely on their elders to sell their elders, and their expressions all became respectful.

But Jiang He, who got out of the treasure carriage, didn't even look at them.

She didn't wear a fairy mask today, and she had a three-pointed drunkenness on her stunning and secular face.

Bare feet, she came to Yun Susu's side step by step.

The third elder on the side hurriedly stepped aside.

"Master Jiangmen, sit down."

Jiang He glanced at the old woman and nodded, then sat directly beside Yun Susu.

On the side, Yun looked at her suspiciously:

"Why are you here? You came to see a play?"


Jiang He picked up the jug, murmured, and then looked at her: "I said... I came to fight with your precious nephew, do you believe it?"

"I believe that you can do this kind of thing."

"Then you are not afraid that I will destroy your nephew?"

"If you beat him up, I'll strip you off and throw you on his couch. He won't suffer."

Jiang He:

All right.

She has nothing to do with these two unreasonable aunts and nephews.

But she came here today because she has business to do, and she doesn't have the heart to play tricks.

Meimou glanced around below, and she asked doubtfully, "Where's Yun Zhou?"

"have no idea."

Yun Susu shrugged and said, "I sent a voice transmission to him just now, but there was no response. I guess he was having breakfast."

.....…Eat breakfast?"

"Yeah, he never misses three meals a day, so he probably feels uncomfortable on an empty stomach.

The corner of Jiang He's mouth twitched: "Then you are really used to him."

About half an hour or so.

On one side, the deacon looked at the noisy disciples below, swallowed his saliva and came to the top.

Then he whispered in Yun Susu's ear: "Lord Ling, the time has come." How about asking the disciples to go to the arena to prepare?"

"Not in a hurry."

Yun Susu looked calm: "There is still one person missing."


The deacon stepped aside in response.

The disciples below were obviously a little impatient and muttered in groups.

Logically speaking, the competition for these hundred players should have started in the morning.

But I don't know who crossed the catastrophe, and it was delayed by the thunderclouds all over the sky.

But the sun is shining now, and the agreed time has come, so why not start.

Looking at Yun Susu who was sitting upright above, the disciples wanted to urge him twice but did not dare.

I could only stand there stupidly.

the stands.

The peak masters and elders couldn't help being puzzled.

Lord Ling, who are you waiting for?

And Jiang He also looked at Yun Susu: "That nephew of yours is arrogant enough, tens of thousands of disciples are waiting for him here dryly?"

Yun Susu glanced at her: "As long as it is my territory in Yunling, everything will be centered on him... If you feel dissatisfied, go by yourself."

"Just get used to him!!"

Jiang He glared at her anxiously, then withdrew his gaze, and said angrily:

"This little bastard dares to be so presumptuous, because you are used to being an aunt..."

While speaking, she remembered the incident of being bitten by Jiojio again, and she couldn't help clenching her back molars, feeling ashamed and angry.

Cursing inwardly, "Wait until you trick him to Jiangmen, you have to deal with him!"

At this time, Yun Susu on the main seat suddenly frowned slightly:

"No, here we come."

In an instant, everyone in the stands focused their attention.

In the eyes, a young man with extraordinary appearance is walking slowly.

He held an antique soup bowl in his left hand, and a piece of pastry in his right hand, and ate it leisurely.

Chu Liuli's pretty face was stunned, and then a gleam of joy burst out of her eyes.

This is the pastry she personally made for Yun Zhou!

She made that soup with "all the love for Yun Zhou"!

She didn't know what to think of, her cheeks burned, she turned her head, and there was an indescribable charm in her eyes.


As for the other people in the stands, the moment they saw Yun Zhou, they also fixed their eyes on him.

They seem to want to see with their eyes.

What is so unusual about this boy from the lower world who has been passed down as a myth in the fairyland!

Below, a group of disciples quickly dispersed to both sides following Yun Zhou's footsteps.

Tens of thousands of disciples crowded into this narrow Wailing gorge.

It was because of Yun Zhou that he gave way to a wide road.

Following Yun Zhou's steady pace, countless disciples looked at him with lights in their eyes.

Such as gods!

Even the hundred disciples who had a little disdain for Yun Zhou just now put on a dignified expression.

hemp, no boy

It's not easy!.

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