Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 1146 : Party Disciple Wheel? Chu Liuli Is Excited By Seeing The Color! (Seeking Subscription

I don't know what to think of.

A dangerous light flickered in Lin Lang Zhantai's beautiful eyes.

"No matter what kind of secret you have, as long as I can prove it, your veil, I will be able to unveil it one day!"

"If I find out that everything you do is still playing tricks..."

"I will let you live but not die!"

The Wuling Conference, the last two days.

Hundreds of elites selected from tens of thousands of high school disciples will have a final competition.

It can be said that what can be left at this time is the most powerful existence of Yunling's next generation.

And during these two days, everyone from Yunlingling Master to the peak masters from all sides will come to watch the battle.

Come to witness the representative figures of Yunling's new generation!

Use higher resources for disciples with higher talents and stronger cultivation bases.

However, in addition to the attention of the upper echelons of Yunling, the disciples who were dismissed and some deacons were also very enthusiastic about this competition.

Although they are no longer eligible to advance to higher-level resources.

However, it is also good for them to be able to watch the battle between disciples at the Tianjiao level.

But this time the Wuling Conference was different from the previous ones.

Except for the Tianjiao of each peak in Yunling.

According to gossip, that genius from the lower realms will also participate in the Hundred Players competition!

That is the existence that can force 090 to repel the demons and kill the elders of the other party!

So when the thunderclouds dispersed, just after noon, the inside of Yunling was empty.

All the disciples rushed to the Outer Ridge one after another, hoping to occupy a good position and appreciate the legendary demeanor!

And those disciples who are preparing to participate in the competition are all gearing up.

They have all made up their minds, and they must give this "monkey from the lower realm" some color.

From their point of view, it must be a matter of luck that the Heavenly Proud of the Lower Realm was able to kill the Great Elder of Tianmo Mountain.

After all, they are about the same age.

There can't be such a big difference in strength!

As for his reputation...

It must have been blown out by outsiders and this group of ordinary disciples who have never seen the world!

And as the protagonist of this "accident".

Yun Zhou, on the other hand, took his time.

He bowed his head and walked outside, rubbing his belly with his big hands, with a dissatisfied expression.

【This unlucky aunt, do you have blisters on your head?】

at this time.

Looking at the dark disciples in front of him.

Yun Zhou feels very fucked!

You asked me to compete with the elders, I am too lazy to say.

Peak Lord, I don't beep either.


What does this give me the whole "disciple wheel" mean?

Good guy!

Let a group of little Nirvana compete with him who is comparable to an emperor?

I'm Nima's!

Even if you want to give me prestige, you can't do that, right?

This is not a toothless thing to do!

However, this wasn't what frustrates him the most.

Instead, he plowed the land overnight, woke up early in the morning, and entered a new realm.

Actually missed breakfast!

For Yun Zhou, who can't afford three meals and never eats food, it's so fucking cruel!

Grass! (Still plants!)


Getting used to it, Yun Zhou only felt his stomach growling again.

It's impossible to be hungry, it's just uncomfortable.

He scratched his head.

[It’s fine to coax the children to play, but is it possible to coax them hungry? 】

Just thought of this.

next moment.

A small white hand suddenly appeared in front of Yun Zhou.

But it doesn't matter.

The important thing is that this hand is holding an antique food box.

"Yun Zhou~!"

Yun Zhou looked sideways, and there was a clean and lively cheek in his eyes.

A long white dress, long black hair bundled up, delicate and cute, her eyes smiling like crescent moons.


Yun Zhou raised his eyebrows, then took the food box:

"Who are you?"

The girl smiled coquettishly, and was about to say something.

At this moment, a female voice came from not far away:

"Liuli, what are you dawdling about? Come here quickly."

That's right! (ciai)

This smart girl.

It was Chu Liuli who "secretly slept with Yun Zhou in her arms and escaped early the next morning!"

Hearing this voice, Chu Liuli was startled.

She said to Yun Zhou, "Master is looking for me, I will go first."

Then he left Yun Zhou with a chic back.

Looking at the girl whose figure gradually faded away.

Yun Zhou was slightly taken aback.

After realizing it, he couldn't help but smile wryly, youth is so fucking bitter!

He is still very familiar with this girl.

Can you not be familiar with it?

When he was hugged to sleep all night, he even bullied other people's big bear dolls to come and see!

He even asked Yun Qiaoer specifically the next morning.

It's just that we haven't had time to meet each other.

Of course.

His "familiarity" does not refer to this matter.

It is about the "original record".

That's right.

In the original text.

This girl's surname is Chu and her name is Liuli, a beautiful girl from the Immortal Domain!

He is the master of Yunling Sword Peak and the direct disciple of Chu Lingxiao.

It's different from her "no fun" master.

She has many hobbies.

The most prominent of these are:

emm... Yun Zhou!


This girl's hobby is the villain in the original text:


Speaking of which, this world is obviously different from the original story line.

in the original storyline.

Before the fairyland plot begins.

When the male lead, Lin Yuan, was flourishing, it happened that Chu Li lost his footing and lost his mind.

I'm so immortal, I happened to meet Yun Zhou from the lower realm!

What is it that touches a girl's heart the most?

It must be a face comparable to that of Yanzu's readers!

Then all "love at first sight" is "at first sight"

The girl directly committed a nympho to Yun Zhou.

The direction of the entire original text, before the post-production begins.

Yun Zhou has become the target of everyone's criticism, only she is on Yun Zhou's side!

Of course, it doesn't mean that if you stand on Yun Zhou's side, you won't communicate with Lin Yuan.

On the contrary, she still communicates with Lin Yuan a lot.

It's a fake mistress.

As for the reason………….

very simple.

In the original text, when Chu Liuli went to the lower realm to fall in love with Yun Zhou.

Yun Zhou is doing Gu Xianer's licking dog.

And Gu Xian'er was also being pestered by Lin Yuan.

Therefore, she wanted to use Lin Yuan's hand to make Yun Zhou give up on Gu Xian'er.

I never thought that I would borrow a lot of money all of a sudden.

In the middle and late stages of the original text, because of her several small plans, Yun Zhou directly and Lin Yuan are in a constant fight.

Well, also tm is outrageous enough!.

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