Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 1142 : Cook Raw Rice And Cooked Rice! Yun Wants To Perform The Ceremony Of Duke Zhou! (Seeki

Yun Susu in the hall smiled charmingly, and said unreasonably:

"The lower level of the emperor's realm is complete~ It may take some effort to trap you in normal times."

"But you drink a lot of immortal brew, and...this is still my Yunling."

"That would be much easier."

After finishing speaking, suddenly, he uttered two laughs that did not match his temperament:


The laughter fell, and the main mountain suddenly burst out with terrifying power, and the top of the mountain actually shone with simple golden lines.

In an instant, these lines seemed to have life, and directly bound Linlang Zhantai completely!

At the same moment, Yun Zhou bullied him.

The light in his palm flickered, and a rope emerged from the void.

Complementing each other with this golden pattern, what traps Lin Lang Zhantai is solid.

"Yun Zhou! What are you doing!?"

Lin Langzhantai panicked and struggled crazily.

But before she could make a move, Yun Zhou pulled her into his arms in an instant.

He stretched his neck and looked towards the main hall:

"Auntie, listen to me and say thank you..." 28

"Don't be useless!"

Yun Susu's dumbfounded voice came from the main hall: "Auntie can only help you here.

"Seeing that you are my nephew... Auntie only helps you with this kind of thing this time."

"As for whether you can win her heart, it's all up to you."

After finishing speaking, Yun Susu's voice disappeared.

Obviously, when the strength of the wine is over, the restless sleep is gone.

At this moment, Yun Zhou finally realized what the charm of backstage is!

He felt it.

With such an aunt around, I would feel sorry for myself if I didn't become a big villain who caused trouble.

What's more, he was originally going the villain's way.

At this time, the soft smile on Yun Zhou's face had disappeared.

He looked at the vigilant face in his arms and grinned.

"Oops...he wants to fuck me!"

Lin Lang Zhantai didn't know where his thoughts came from, and his heart instantly felt cold.

Unwilling to die just like that, she tried her best to use her immortal power.

Prepare to blow yourself up, and kill Yun Zhou!

But at the moment when her celestial power was about to condense, Yun Zhou's big hand suddenly pressed down on her head.

The other party did not stop the celestial power condensed in her body.

Instead, a ray of warm fairy charm wandered around her limbs.

This wave, Shengsheng made her stop her movements.

Lin Lang Zhantai's expression gradually became dull.

He is...

Heal me again?

Looking at that extremely handsome face, feeling his warm palm.

Lin Lang Zhantai couldn't help but bewildered.

Is the person in front of her who treats her kindly in every way really the ice-cold fairy emperor she loved in the past?

It's impossible to get the wrong person...

But... which link is wrong?

"Zhantai, if you want to kill you, you will be dead from the moment you step into Yunling.

"Until now, what are you trying to get revenge on?"

"Even want to die with me... How much do you hate me?"

Yun Zhou's voice was hoarse and helpless.

There is also a vague sense of "heart like a knife".

Lin Lang Zhantai did not reply.

Instead, he frowned, seemingly puzzled.

She doesn't understand.

He obviously gave up and blew himself up, why didn't Yun Zhou kill himself in the first place?

In her perception, Yun Zhou should not allow any danger to exist.

Could it be... is there any means he hasn't used yet.

Keep my life because I'm still useful to him?

Thinking of this, Lin Lang Zhantai felt a pain in his heart, but his frowning brows relaxed.

For the inhuman immortal emperor.

That's the only explanation that makes sense, doesn't it?

She took a long breath and didn't pretend anymore, "Just quietly looking at Qu Zhou:

"Up to now, I won't hide anything from you."

"That's right, I hate you, I wish I could eat your bones and bury your flesh and blood!"

"A shameless bastard like you, who can take advantage of his wife and abolish her cultivation, and trap her in the fairy palace, is not worthy of life at all, let alone being an immortal emperor!"

"I, Lin Lang Zhantai, swear, if I can survive today, I will definitely make you pay the price in blood in the future!"

"If you dare to save my life, then try it!"

This wave is completely tearing the skin off.

Yun Zhou couldn't help feeling the bravery of this fairy concubine.

Good guy, it's all in my hands, how dare you provoke me?

Cooperating with you for thousands of years, apart from being ruthless, your brain is still a muscle?

I think of the record in the original text, "The Immortal Concubine desperately threatened Patriarch Linlang for the sake of the Immortal Emperor to rule the Immortal Territory".

Yun Zhou just couldn't help but laugh.

Huqiang girl is really strong enough.

"It turns out that you hate me because of being's my fault." He smiled helplessly.

The eyes are doting, as if looking at an ignorant child.

Seeing this look, Linlang Zhantai became anxious again.

Obviously you are "wolf-hearted and dog-lung", why can you make a gesture of "you are wronged"?

What a shame!

But it was precisely because of this that the only discomfort in Linlang Zhantai's heart disappeared.

Seeing such a hypocritical appearance, she was more open to revenge.

She found another reason to kill the cloud 120 boat!

"I have been with you for thousands of years, but in the end I became a shameless bastard in your eyes... It's really ironic.

Yun Zhou looked up to the sky, with a touch of sadness in his eyes.

To be fair, he really wasn't pretending.

Instead, after merging part of the memory of the Immortal Emperor, he was really disappointed.

However, Linlang Zhantai didn't care about Sister Li at all, and said angrily:

"You still have the nerve to say that you will be with me for a thousand years? Did you ever think about this when you were imprisoning me?"

"In my eyes, you are a complete scum, scum! I fell in love with you only when I was blind."

Lin Langzhantai seemed to be offended, struggling crazily.

Look at that hysterical look, how can there be a bit of "imposing fairy concubine"?

Just like a little grieving woman in the market.

Hearing this, Yun Zhou stopped talking nonsense.

He took a deep look at Linlang Zhantai.

Then he suddenly bent down and carried her whole body on his shoulders.

He strode towards his bedroom in Yunling.

"Yun Zhou, what are you doing!?"

Lin Lang Zhantai froze for an instant, she fell on Yun Zhou's shoulder and sounded panicked.

Yun Zhou didn't even look back:

"This emperor wants to perform Zhougong's ceremony with his fairy concubine to make up for the helpless regrets thousands of years ago!".

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