Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 1130: The Beginning Of Evil Beasts? The Target Of The Cool Magic Phoenix! (Seeking Subscript

Everyone looked up in shock.

I saw a figure with two pairs of wings hanging in the air, burning with billowing flames, but mixed with inexplicable magic power!

The terrifying breath covered the sky and the sun, like a great terror!

Only Yun Zhou was sitting on the chair as usual, looking at the figure in the sky outside and touching his chin.

"Sure enough, compared to the Divine Phoenix, the Demon Phoenix is ​​more aggressive!"

The top of the sky.

An aura that seemed to be barren from ancient times enveloped the entire beast land of all races.

Wisps of black air burned out from the raging flames, exuding the power of destruction.

Phoenix Burning Black Flame!

This is the characteristic of a divine phoenix bewitched!

At the gate of the hall, Bai Chunhua kept swallowing his saliva, his jaw was so shocked that he couldn't close it.

Didn't you say that it's good to advance to the Divine Phoenix? Why is t-m still possessed?

Immortal medicine + array.

This is the way of "Shenhuang advanced" passed down by the ancient ancestors!

Can the holy phoenix be enchanted?!

Thousands of orcs froze on the ground, not daring to move at all.

I'm afraid that the big terror above will feel uncomfortable and kill them all!

A voice that was cold to the bone sounded:

"The difference between gods and demons is very interesting."

"I wonder what's the difference in "Advanced Selection"."

"So it was Shenhuang who wanted Nirvana to improve her cultivation, and she will be alone all her life..."

"Even so, the Magic Phoenix is ​​better."

Above, amidst the raging flames, a cold voice murmured.

Except for Yun Zhou below, the rest of the demon elders are all stagnant.

The same is true for Bai Chunhua!

The corners of his mouth kept twitching, and he wanted to stand up straight and ask a few words.

After all, he is the future helm of their orc clan, so it’s okay to be enchanted!?

But no matter how hard he tried, his body still seemed to be disobedient, no matter how hard he struggled, he couldn't stand up at all!

The difference between Shenhuang and Demon Phoenix.

But the implication is completely different.

Shenhuang has the power of being the mother of the world, showing mercy to all living beings, and giving selflessly.

But the Magic Phoenix is ​​synonymous with selfishness.

The plunder of sharks is the beginning of evil beasts!

Throughout the ages, there has also been a magic phoenix leading the beast clan.

In those years, there were so many beasts among the dead of the Zeng clan!

Seeing the Demon Phoenix descending into the world right now, Bai Chunhua couldn't stop shaking like chaff.

He tentatively glanced at Yun Zhou's smiling face, Bengbu was stunned!

Good guy, I thought he was here for Shenhuang.

As a result, he has advanced to become a Demon Phoenix, and he can still laugh!

It seems that Jie Xiaozi is useful even for gods and demons!

Off the charts!

And the other side.

Looking at the figure above, Yun Zhou smiled lightly and was a little surprised at the same time.

He didn't expect it.

Qi Ling will give up becoming a divine phoenix, and turn to become a demon.

Is it because she said "Shenhuang will die alone"?

So the reason for her obsession is "can't stand loneliness"?

Tsk...she got hairy?

Who knows.

Anyway, it's not a big problem.

Although the nature of the Divine Phoenix and the Demon Phoenix are different, their power is generally the same.

Even, the power of the demon phoenix who is the main killer can be even stronger.

And he could tell that the voice was still Qi Ling's voice.


His voice was no longer as silly as before.

Even, it gives people a sense of déjà vu that is cold in their bones.

[Hmm... a bit interesting. 】

At this time, the raging flames in the sky were completely blackened and gradually dissipated.

Magic like heart!

The fiery red long hair remained unchanged, but the wonderful red pupils turned into unwavering black.

The terrifying coercion shrouded the entire beast land.

She was dressed in black and red Luo Yu, and glanced down coquettishly and evilly.

The glamorous and pretty face, which is more mature than before, reflects a touch of playfulness.

The eyes froze, and the terrifying magic flame shrouded the sky and covered the sun.

In an instant, the whole herd froze, and their panic grew even worse.

Bai Chunhua on the main mountain trembled.

He struggled to wave his cuffs, and Bai Qian, who was kneeling below, appeared beside him in an instant.

Before Aries could react, he said eagerly:

"The magic phoenix shark is out of control and has a crazy temper, quickly take the orcs away, I

That's not the end of the story.

Suddenly, Yun Zhou's plain voice came from the side:

"Little Qiling, come back."

Qi Ling's voice sank, "Are you talking to this Demon Phoenix?"

Yun Zhou looked at her with raised eyebrows: "I'll give you three breaths to come back and apologize, and I'll beat you up if you're late and don't want you anymore."

………seeking flowers… 0

As soon as these words came out, there was an instant dead silence in the beast ground.

I don't want you anymore... are you serious?

She has advanced to the level of a magic phoenix, and she is still rushing to make a mount for you, are you afraid that you will not want her?

Qi Ling was silent for a moment, and then panic flashed across his face:

"Don't, master, I'll come down now."

The magic flames all over the sky disappeared without a trace.

The whole beast land:???

A group of people watched her swooping down dumbfounded, "Xiaotian is me" written in their eyes?

Yun Zhou withdrew his gaze as usual.

Let the "blackened strange spirit" who turned back beat his back to please.

He wasn't worried about what Qi Ling would do to the beast land.

It's just that it's still useful to keep Bai Chunhua and Bai Qian.

Fox father and daughter, although not the protagonist.

But this is the character that runs through the ending of the original text.

Can you still kill your little Demon Phoenix?

Aries came back to his senses, supported his father, and looked at Yun Zhou gratefully.

At the same time, the eyes looking at Tai Jiong are full of fear.

In the face of absolute strength, any kindness is useless.

After witnessing Qi Ling's advancement just now, she now really has a kind of awe towards Qi Ling.

"Fox King, Huang Niao's playfulness has surprised you."

Yun Zhou said neither humble nor overbearing: "This time the beast land helped her advance. I have written down the kindness. When I come back from the inheritance land, I will definitely repay it."

Bai Chunhua wiped his sweat and stood up from the ground, sneered and waved his hands again and again: "You are welcome, Lord Cloud."

As he spoke, he noticed the faint eyes of Qi Ling looking over.

His legs softened, and he hurriedly said:

"Forget about the repayment, just ask Sect Master Yun to take good care of the Phoenix Lord."

In the wave just now, even if Qi Ling advanced, it was the Demon Phoenix.

It is also blood suppression for them.

The identity of this wave of Beastmasters is only sooner or later.

"Hehe, that's for sure."

Yun Zhou responded with a smile, "But one yard is worth one yard. Fox King has helped me a lot, and I still have to pay for it.

Seeing that Bai Chunhua didn't dare to respond, he smiled and said calmly:

"Then don't bother the Fox King, I still have something to do, so I'll take my leave...Qi Ling, let's go."

"Okay ~ towel".

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