Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 1124: New Map On The Spot! The Land Of Desolation Orthodoxy! (Seeking Subscription)

As far as the present is concerned, there are few strong people around him.

It's true that there is Yun Susu in the background.

But there are only a few who can do things for him.

Wu Zhao and the others don't have to think about it, let alone whether it is his woman or not.

Just because of their status as elders, they can't be allowed to fight roughly.

The remaining Shun, Ling Weiyang and the three wolves...

These five people are enough for a short time.

But in the face of sect forces with a stronger background, they still have to avoid it.

At this time, if there is an advanced level of the Divine Phoenix mount town scene, the effect will definitely be different~!


If you want Haoyunzong to quickly advance to a first-class sect.

The little phoenix bird is the hole card.

It must be advanced quickly!

Then this thing is the same as "the woman you like should hurry up".

It's time for me to belong.

If you want to go to the Beast Race, you must first enter the Ten Thousand Race.

Thousands of races in the fairyland.

This is a huge force that has existed in the fairyland for tens of millions of years, with a long history and no boundaries.

It is rumored that before the Immortal Emperor became an Emperor, the Immortal Territory was always controlled by these ten thousand clans.

The various forces and sects covered completely occupy the entire domain.

Of course, this was thousands of years ago.

Ever since the Immortal Emperor controlled the entire Immortal Territory, the Six Emperors appeared frequently.

The glory of all races gradually faded away.

But even so, a lean camel is bigger than a horse.

The territory and forces controlled by the Wanzu cannot be underestimated.

Especially the top ten clans headed by the ten thousand clans.

One of these ethnic groups was chosen at random, and its background was comparable to the top sects in the outside world.

Together, it is no worse than any of the five major forces.

All cultivators in the Immortal Realm will be careful when passing through this place of thousands of races, so as not to offend some unknown boss.

And Yun Zhou is new here, and he doesn't know what to avoid.

Walking along the way as if no one was around, he entered the territory of the Wanzu.

Since the current Immortal Territory is controlled by the five major forces, the Wanzu has kept a low profile.

So Yun Zhou didn't encounter any obstacles.

It's just that there were two middle-aged men in long clothes blocking the way, and they asked Yun Zhou the purpose of his trip.

It was covered up by Yun Zhou's nonsense reason of going to the orc clan as a guest.

all the way forward.

Looking at the groups of people dressed in different clothes below, feeling their surprised eyes, Yun Zhou secretly clicked his tongue.

【I can only say... as expected of the Ten Thousand Races!】

[Not only is the cultivation level high, but these clothes are also different. 】

[emmm... this is good. This one is the same as that of the Blue Star Treasure Clan!]

Yun Zhou broadened his horizons and secretly said, "The author of the dog has a good setting."

He actually knew to use the clothes of more than 50 ethnic groups in the Dragon Kingdom to substitute in.

It looks like it's worked hard.

He shook his head, and took the strange spirit straight to the "extreme south described in the original text".

The division of ethnic groups within Wanzu is different from that of the outside world. Here, the territory of ethnic groups is divided by the environment.

The mountains and rivers in the extreme south are beautiful, the sun is shining and the trees are dense, which is suitable for the habitat of herds of animals.

so here.

Then it was divided into the territory of the orcs.

Of course, although this place is called the Beast Race, it is compared to the tens of millions of beasts in the Immortal Domain.

This is just a handful of beasts, an iceberg in Tuanguo.

And these beasts are obviously different from cultivators.

They don't look at cultivation, but pay more attention to blood.

There are many rare and exotic beasts in the entire fairyland, and there are not a few of them that have turned into humans.

But their blood is limited, at most they can only be the little commanders of "Hundred Beasts", what's more, they are in charge of "Thousands of Beasts"

In the herd of thousands of beasts, there is not a real leader.

This has also led to the current herd of beasts, which are scattered everywhere.

Although the orcs in Ten Thousand Clans are considered huge, they call themselves fairyland orcs.

But over the years, more and more beasts have left.

The main reason is that they don't have a Beastmaster.

The herd of beasts outside has a rare bloodline, and it can barely lead a "Qianlu"

But here is the origin of the orcs.

Without a strong enough bloodline to control the situation, who can obey?

Over time, those who wanted to be the beast king here gradually lost confidence and left with a group of fierce beasts.

And those who can't compete, don't have this thought, and leave with the ideal "boss".

……ask for flowers…

Therefore, this has led to the current tens of thousands of beasts, which no longer have the glory of the past.

until now.

Originally, there were only a few thousand fierce beasts left in the famous town.

It's almost the same as saying "the beast goes to the mountain and the sky".

at this time.

Among the lush greenery, the fairy mountains are empty, and the waterfalls converge and the long river winds continuously.

In the twinkling rays of the sun, a frightening aura of ferocious beasts permeates, and the beasts of all races are here.

Here, the ferocious beasts that have not turned into humans practice and forage in the dense forests of the mountains.

The transformed ones gathered on a mountain top.

The old man with a slightly higher bloodline trembled when he heard the young orc's report.

"You mean... that evildoer from the lower realm is outside the clan?"


Although the orcs live within the ten thousand races, they still survive in the fairyland anyway.

They know no less than regular practitioners about some rumors from the outside world.

Especially recently, this talented young man who has shocked the Immortal Territory can attract the existence of Yunling and Tiandi Territory.

Facing such a mysterious master, even a high-level orc with a strong bloodline feels a little weak.

After hearing the orc's report, the other elderly people were also a little surprised.

After looking at each other, they followed the old man at the front and headed out of the clan.

"Is this the beast race in the Immortal Realm? Sure enough, compared to the barren mountains where the fierce beasts live in Haotu, there are too many brocades.

"Just the vicious beast breath permeating inside has a terrifying charm..."

Outside the beast race, the strange spirit turned into a human form, with fiery red long hair cape, pretty face that can be broken by bullets, and looked at the scene in front of him with a shocked expression.

Knowing that Yun Zhou brought her here to let her advance to Divine Phoenix, she was quite happy.

After all, after advancing to Divine Phoenix, her blood and talent will be sublimated qualitatively.

Staying by Yun Zhou's side in the future will help him better.

Otherwise, it would be a bit embarrassing to always be a mount to be ridden.

"Anyway, this is also the orthodox land of the beast clan in the fairyland. Even if it is down and out, it is not comparable to ordinary land."

Yun Zhou's face was calm, and there was a meaningful smile in his eyes, with a shimmer of light... a thousand....

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