Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 1120: Lin Asked You, Do You Believe In Love With Someone? (Seeking Subscription)

Lin Sheng looked "handy" and said in a calm tone:

"You don't have to think I'm human, I can still give you a chance to choose now."

"It's already the biggest concession I've made to you."

"Actually, you don't have to be so disgusted, and being a spy won't cost you anything.

"If you don't want to sell your body and have his aunt in Yunling, then Yun Zhou will not mess around."

"What I need you to do is to simply gain his trust and give him this pill."

"As for what method you use, I don't ask."

"Moreover, as long as this matter is over, I will never discuss your future major events, and will give you the treatment of Yunling's personal disciple."

After he finished speaking, he fell silent.

However, Jue Ling on the seat below clenched his fists and struggled.

Not long afterward, her thoughts of resisting a little were gradually wiped out.

The sparkling eyes also became darker and darker.

She doesn't want to be a spy, and she doesn't want to use any beauty tricks!

However, it was just like the choice Lin Sheng forced her to make.

If you don't do it, you will marry his great-grandson!

This is clearly not an option!

After knowing it for a while, she bit her red lips tightly, nodded and said:

"I agreed."

"But sect master, please keep your word and don't force me to marry your great-grandson in the future.

"Don't worry~" Lin Sheng didn't feel that he was shameless, but felt that he was in a good mood because he had handled this girl doll.

"As long as you agree, the engagement will come to an end.

"And... the benefits promised to you are also a little bit less. 27

"Of course, the premise here is that you must obey my orders, and you must not mess around in Yunling, let alone drop me at a critical moment."

Hearing this, Jue Ling silently nodded.

Lin Sheng seemed to have thought of something again, and asked:

"Do you know what this Yun Zhou looks like?"

Jueling shook his head, "I've only heard about him, but I haven't seen him before."

"But the outside world sells his portrait, I can buy it to see..."

"No need."

Lin Sheng interrupted casually, and with a wave of his hand, a scroll was thrown to Jueling:

"This is the portrait of Yun Zhou, remember his appearance, don't mistake him.

Jueling nodded and opened the portrait.

Immediately after taking a look, her beautiful eyes were slightly startled.

She is not superficial.

The reason for her daze was not that Yun Zhou's handsomeness made her lose her mind.

Instead, behind Yun Zhou's portrait, several beauties can be vaguely seen.

"This was drawn by a passer-by cultivator when that kid first arrived in the Immortal Territory."

"People don't need to look, the boy in the middle is Yun Zhou, you just need to know what he looks like."

Lin Sheng explained in a nonchalant manner, and then sat on the chair without making a sound.

After Jue Ling looked at it for a long time, he put down the portrait, with a difficult tone:

"These women around him are not inferior to me in appearance and beauty."

"There are even a few on top of me."

"Using me for a beauty trick... probably won't work. 11

"Hehe." Lin Sheng chuckled and said, "You need to have some confidence in yourself."

"You don't need to compare with the women around him, you just need to win his trust.

"Ten thousand steps back, you are no worse than those women around him...

As soon as he finished speaking, a voice of incomparable agreement suddenly came from the inner door:

"That's right, you're no worse than those coquettish sluts!"

"You are much better than them!!"

"They are a bunch of blind bitches!"

"Just let that bastard, Yun Zhou, trick you into passing on the heir to others.

"Damn, tui, a dog boy and a bunch of dog girls!"

Lin Yuan was pushed over by the maid in a rage.

Seeing him come out, Lin Sheng was not happy:

"Great-grandson, what are you doing here? Didn't I tell you to observe secretly?"

"No, I can't help it anymore, I have to explain something!"

Lin Yuan shook his head, ignoring Lin Sheng's bewildered eyes.

Directly ask the maid to push him to the opposite of Jueling.

Then, the unblinking eyes of the dead fish stared at him.

"Jueling, right? Can I call you Linger?"


"If you don't speak, I will take it as your acquiescence!"

Lin Yuan seemed to have started a chatterbox, and beeped directly:

"Ling'er, listen to what I tell you."

"That guy Yun Zhou... no, that beast, he's just a bad breed that doesn't come out once every ten thousand years, a big bad breed!"

"He is full of lust and boldness, and he is also a playboy.

"As long as it's the woman he likes..."

"He's going to use whatever means he can!"

"Listen to me, when you go to be a spy in Yunling, you must protect yourself!"

"You can't let him mess around like a dog!"

"You are a big yellow girl, you have to learn to protect yourself!

"O" Nima!

After he finished speaking, Lin Sheng stopped in Bengbu immediately.

What the hell.

I tried my best to get this girl to agree, but you ended up dismantling me as soon as you came out?


Aren't you my grandson? Aren't we in the same group?

And, it was your idea!

What are you doing!?

"Grand grandson, why are you beeping on the horse?"

Lin Sheng interrupted directly, and said: "Although Yun Zhou is a little bit bad, he is not as you said!"

"People's bamboo shoots are bamboo shoots, but they are not perverts."

He hastily excused Yun Zhou, trying to make amends.

However, Lin Yuan is in a hurry!

"Isn't he a pervert?"

"He's about to become a sex monster!"

Lin Yuan has no limbs, and he can't turn around like a maggot.

So he didn't go to see Lin Sheng, but continued to look directly at Jue Ling.

To be reasonable, he is really not a nympho now.

To be honest, he thought that this face had an indissoluble bond with him!

He looked eagerly at his little face, and even sneaked a peek at his crotch.


Damn, such an exaggerated existence must belong to me, Mr. Lin!

Although he is already in such a good shape, he can't do it even if he inherits his descendants...

However, he still likes women!

Especially this kind of woman who feels "destined" at a glance!

"It may be awkward to say it, but I still want to ask you a few words."

Lin Yuan didn't blink, "Do you believe in love?"

"Do you believe in love with a stick?"

"Is it Happier to Believe in a Spiritual Companion Seven?".

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