Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 1112: Oops, I Took The Wrong Medicine! Crashing Moon Cicada! (Seeking Subscription)

The Great Elder said in relief: "Don't worry too.

"I'll tell you when she gets a message."

Lin Yuan nodded excitedly, "Okay, then I will trouble the Great Elder."

After finishing speaking, he suddenly thought of something again, and said doubtfully:

"The Great Elder, there is something I want to ask you."

"Of course, it's not a big deal, it's okay if you don't answer..."

"Tell me." The Great Elder nodded.

Lin Yuan thought for a while, and said:

"You are the elder of Linmen, why did your grandniece go to Yunling to be a cook?"

"Is she... your undercover agent in Yunling?"

Hearing this, Elder Yin shook his head like a rattle:

"What kind of undercover agent? She was a cook in Linmen at the beginning, and once when she was cooking for the owner of the door, she ate Biga into a bowl and let the owner see it."

The corner of Lin Yuan's mouth twitched.

Pick your nose and eat it and throw it in the ancestor's bowl...

Good guy, this is a wolf!

The topic ended here, Lin Yuan was thinking of saying something and was about to leave.

The Great Elder suddenly raised his hand to interrupt.

He picked up the two bottles of pills on the table and said:

"Mie Dao Dan, you will take it away in a while, and then give it to your fiancee."

"The other one is to help you restore your cultivation, eat it."

After speaking, he opened the two medicine bottles, and put the pills inside on both sides of Lin Yuan.

Seeing this, Lin Yuan was taken aback.

He looked down at the pills in his two hands, and tilted his head in doubt:

"These two things look the same, and both have..."

"Which one can I eat?"

The Great Elder packed up the pill bottle and said without raising his head:

"The one on the left is the elixir prepared for you, and the one on the right is "Mie Dao Pill".

Lin Yuan nodded upon hearing this.

Without saying a word, he buckled his head down and put his mouth in his mouth.

Just eat the one on the left.

It seems that he is afraid that the Great Elder will feel that he "dislikes him for burying him", that is without hesitation at all!

After putting it in his mouth, he swallowed it whole.

Then this wave of moves.

The great elder who just raised his head on the opposite side was stunned.

He said in disbelief:

"Young master, what are you doing riding on the horse?"

Lin Yuan took it for granted, "Take your medicine."

"I know you take medicine, but why did you take the "Miedao Pill"??"


In an instant, the four eyes are stunned!

Lin Yuan couldn't close his jaw in astonishment, "Didn't you say that the pill on the left is prepared for me?"


The Great Elder lowered his head and took a look, then recalled:

"Young master, are you stupid for riding a horse? We are sitting opposite each other!"

"The left side I said is your right side!"


I @#¥!

Lin Yuan's face turned green at a speed visible to the naked eye.

He desperately pulled out "yue", but because he didn't have a hand, he couldn't pull out.

The Great Elder stared blankly for several seconds.

"Grass (plant)" sounded, and quickly got up to help.

Not long after, most of the pitch-black pills that had been drawn were spat out.

The strong and strange smell on it makes it difficult for people to get close.

However, Lin Yuan didn't care about these.

He looked at the Great Elder dully, his lips trembling:

"Great Elder, my cultivation is not lost, is it?"

Good guy!

His limbs were already broken, if he lost his cultivation to support...

God knows if Lin Sheng will take care of him anymore?

After all, even if Lin Sheng wanted to inherit it, he would not hand over the Lin family to a completely useless person!

"Ah this..."

The great elder's mouth twitched extremely frequently.

All right.

This "Mie Dao Pill" only needs to take a little, and the side effects will be there!

There are nine out of ten chances that the young master's cultivation will be lost!

But, can he say that?

Certainly not!

He took a deep breath, forced a smile and said: "Fortunately, you eat less, and you can save yourself. After a while, you can still make up for your cultivation..."


"Are you sure?"

"You won't lie to me, will you?"

Lin Yuan's eyes instantly glowed with anticipation, and he stared at the Great Elder eagerly.

The great elder's face twitched, and he nodded with a smirk:

"Really, don't worry, it's impossible for me to let your cultivation base fail, or the door will trouble me.

Hearing this, Lin Yuan's complexion finally became a little better.

A smile bloomed on his face again, "That's good, I believe in the Great Elder.

………… Ask for flowers… 0

"Then take a look, and help me refine a Dao Mie Pill?"

"This is already like this, Yun Zhou must not be able to eat...

The Great Elder nodded dully, and then set fire to alchemy...

He didn't even know how this Dao Mie Dan was trained.

In the head of the melon, it is completely a mass of paste:

"Damn it, I'm done!"

"I broke the young master's path of cultivation!"

"Isn't this tm abolishing the young master in disguise?!"

"What's the matter? Tell the door owner the truth?"

"Definitely not, the beating nature of the sect master will definitely kill me..."

"Ah, this, but it's his own fault, my unreasonable disaster..."


Just when he was thinking about it.

On the side, Lin Yuan took the refined elixir and looked at him with bright eyes:

"Thank you Great Elder, then I will go first."

"Help me take care of my recovery."

"By the way, about the fact that I took the wrong medicine, you should keep it from my great-grandfather first, and don't let him know.

"Otherwise, I'm afraid he will worry."

Are you afraid he is worried?

I'm afraid he will fuck me!

"Don't worry." The Great Elder nodded with a half smile: "I definitely can't tell him.


Lin Yuan was so excited that he turned his head and left directly.

He has made up his mind, and the day after tomorrow, he will let the maid give him some refreshment.

Although he has no hands or feet, his hairstyle is still there.

Anyway, he is his unmarried lady, even if he is going to serve Yun Zhou, he must let her see his most energetic side!

And after he left.

There was an inexplicable gleam in the elder's eyes.

Lin Yuan is useless...he just caused a big disaster in disguise.

This is Linmen.

I'm afraid I can't wait.

the other side.

Hao Yunzong, Yun Zhou Palace.

Yuechan is facing the same problem as Linmen Great Elder.

She was lying on the side, exhausted as if her body was falling apart.

Looking at the handsome face on one side, he said unhappily:

"There are so many people here, just stare at me and rush."

"You are like this..."

"This Haoyun sect, I can't wait any longer!"

Yun Zhou: "...and".

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