Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 1078: Standard Protagonist Template! Yun Is Messing With Your Daughter! (Seeking Subscriptio

Yun Zhou came back to his senses, grinned and said in embarrassment:

"Sorry, I was thinking of something else, what are you talking to me about?"


Xiao Tiankuo didn't know what to say anymore.

Now, he can see it clearly.

Kid Jie, didn't pay attention to him at all!

He who rides a horse, himself is dignified Emperor Xiao, except for Lin Sheng, Jiang He, Chen Fusheng...etc, in the entire Immortal Realm, who dare not take him seriously?

This little thing dared to think about other things when talking to him?

It's really twisted!

Xiao Tiankuo took a deep breath, frowned and said: "You are sure that I am not~ dare to shark you?"

Yun Zhou nodded his head, "That's right - because you can't afford to gamble."

"Can't afford to gamble?"

Xiao Tiankuo was a little puzzled, - "What do you mean?"

Yun Zhou said calmly, "On the surface."

"You want to touch me, this is a gamble in itself."

"Bet on whether my aunt and Jiang He will go to war for me, and bet on whether the door will accompany you to deal with it if you kill me.

"If you win the bet, everything will be fine, but if you lose the bet..."

"Not only the whole world, but even your own daughter must die!"

Speaking of this, he seemed to be describing something that had nothing to do with him.

He poured half a cup of tea on his own, and the old god savored it:

"Actually, to be honest, if I were you, I wouldn't dare to go down.

"Some balance... You, as the Emperor Realm, already know it."

"Nowadays, the major forces in the Immortal Territory are stable, and it is entirely because there is no background collision."

"If you moved me today, you broke this secret rule."

"I won't lie to you either. If you dare to bet, you will lose."

"If I die, Yunling and Jiangmen will definitely start a summer campaign against the heaven and earth

"Once the war starts, with Linmen's urea nature, it is natural to avoid it."

"Leaving the Heaven and Earth Region behind, it is no match for the two major forces, and it will definitely be annihilated...

"I'm not saying this to scare you, it's the truth."

With a "grunt" sound, the tea was drank in one gulp.

Yun Zhou put down his cup and didn't give Xiao Tiankuo a chance to interject.

In his opinion, sometimes chatting and laning are all about psychological warfare.

Either completely annihilate the opponent's shark heart, or do a real fight.

There is no need to be on guard all the time, it is too tiring.

"You can come to me today, and your attitude is very obvious."

"Even though your immortal soul was severely injured because of me, you still don't have the guts to attack me.

"Because you know that once you touch me, you can't bear the consequences."

"Even if you are fine, corpses will be scattered all over the world, and the foundation you have worked so hard to build will be destroyed in an instant."

"Even if you can give up everything for your daughter."

"But the premise is that your daughter will not be used by my aunt and Jiang He to pay for my life."

After the words fell, Yun Zhou's eyes sharpened suddenly.

It was as if he had seen through all the indifference.

Straight to the heart, playful and joking!

Just looking at each other, Xiao Tiankuo felt a chill down his spine!

He didn't expect that Yun Zhou would be able to understand his mind so thoroughly just by coming to him by himself.

He even expressed all his fear and hesitation.

He endured the confusion in his heart, shook his head and said: "You think too much, I miss you, why do you have so many scruples?"

Yun Zhou smiled, "No, you have more scruples than what I said!"

"You may have thought that once you kill me and get rid of the magic lotus, you will take your daughter away.

"But you should be aware that this is impossible."

"As soon as I die, my aunt will notice it immediately, not to mention whether you can go back and bring your daughter, or even if you go to Haoyunzong, she will block you.

"You can stand against her, but what about adding Jiang He?"

"Don't say whether you are seriously injured or dead, but your daughter alone can escape my aunt's palm?"

"Emperor Xiao is also the master of one faction, you understand these possibilities better than I do.

"So, even if you are thinking about me, you can only endure it, otherwise you can bear the risk of your daughter?"

Yun Zhou laughed and spread out the situation completely [then Youyou poured tea and drank.

………… Ask for flowers………………

Xiao Tiankuo, who plays different fires, is similar to the "Xiao guy" in Lan Xing's novels.

They are all "male protagonist templates" that value love and righteousness.

Talking to him about the consequences of heaven and earth may not be useful.

But if you talk about his daughter, it will work very well.

As Yun Zhou's voice fell, the scene became silent again.

After a long while, Xiao Tiankuo smiled lightly and said:

"Little guy, I have to say, you are the proudest person I have never encountered in tens of thousands of years.

"Let's not talk about cultivation talent and so on, your mind is also very flexible."

Yun Zhou raised his hand, "If you have something to say, don't lick it.

Xiao Tiankuo's eyes were condensed, "But you probably haven't heard a word, people with quick brains often have short lives.

"Oh? What do you mean?"

"Your words are correct, I do have concerns about what you said.

Xiao Tiankuo said calmly, "However, I may not want to kill you at this time, you are sitting in front of me now

"As long as I cut off your tendons, cripple your cultivation and bring you by my side, are you still afraid that Yun Susu won't throw a mouse?"

"So, after all, the one who can't afford to bet now is you!!"

There was a "boom".

A terrifying aura raged in the treasure chariot, and the majestic murderous aura swirled like a gale.

The void seems to be torn apart!

Yun Zhou seemed to be placed in a zero-degree space, his body sank suddenly, his face became stiff, and under the pressure, he couldn't even move his fingers.

Tiandiyu Xiao Tiankuo, one of the six emperors, cultivated to the first level of Emperor Realm (middle level).

In terms of his strength, even the entire Immortal Domain can rank among the top five.

With Yun Zhou's current cultivation base, at best he would have to fight Xiao Tiankuo's immortal soul.

How could he be his opponent in a perfect state?

Xiao Tiankuo looked calm, "Why, little guy, do you still feel confident?"

Yun Zhou's expression was a little stiff because of this power, but the smile in his eyes was a bit deeper:

"You said... the analysis I just heard, is it only you who heard it?"

Xiao Tiankuo: ?? soil?.

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