Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 1047: Encyclopedia Of Emotions? The Branch Point Of The Cultivator! (Seeking Subscription)

ah this...

There are a row of question marks on Yun Susu's little head!

What is this all about?

Where is the biological mother involved?

All right.

Yun Susu didn't expect either.

Because I didn't save face, it made things complicated.

But she didn't bother to argue anymore, she followed the words and said:

"It's hard for me to say what it is.

"Anyway, holding this child to sleep is definitely not going to work!"

"Think about it, is there any other way to ease the relationship between the child and his stepmother?"

"It's best to let the child have no barriers to his stepmother."

Chu Lingxiao thought about it seriously: "I understand, Lord Ling means that he wants this child to treat his stepmother better, and it's best to treat him like a biological mother, right?"

".....about the same." Yun Susu nodded.

"Then it should start with companionship!" Chu Lingxiao said seriously.


"Yes, if you want to shorten the distance between two people, you must be together often..."

"Of course, I'm not talking about being in a daze together, so that his stepmother can be more attentive.

"For example, helping children enter the country, or accompanying them to practice together..."

"No matter how bad it is, learn to cook, and occasionally have meals with the children, or take the children to go shopping, buy the ones the children like with fairy stones and give them to him..."

"Emotions are all accumulated from these little things!

Yun Susu was a little confused.

To be honest, she thought Chu Lingxiao's idea was very good.

It's just that there are many things that she can't do.

With Yun Zhou's talent, she is not needed at all for cultivation and entry.

As for this cooking and shopping...

You can try it.

"Unexpectedly, Chu Jianshou knows a lot about enhancing feelings." She said with emotion

"'s not, it's just that my mother treated me like this before, so I just have memories..."

Chu Lingxiao scratched her head and replied embarrassedly.

As a person who is dedicated to the sword, her emotional history

You can say that.

Apart from her parents and her only female disciple, she has no other emotions.

It's not much better than Yun Susu.

She was able to give Yun Susu an idea, in fact, it was because the bystanders were clear.

Yun Susu didn't think much about it, and chuckled lightly: "Okay, I see, you go to rest first.

"Yes... By the way, the lord, I want Liuli to participate in the Wuling Conference. Look..."

"Huh? Glass"

Yun Susu was taken aback for a moment, and then realized: "Your disciple of martial arts, isn't it?"

"I remember that she seemed to be unable to comprehend the power of the Tao, unable to practice..."

"But if you have confidence in her, let her participate.

Chu Lingxiao was overjoyed when he heard the words, and quickly lowered his head excitedly: "Thank you, Lord."

After speaking, she stepped back.

It wasn't until she walked out of the hall that she let out a long breath, with an indescribable joy on her face:

"I originally thought that martial arts practitioners were not allowed to participate in the martial arts conference."

"I didn't expect that Lord Ling was so easy to talk to!"

Xianyu is different from Haotu.

If you want to become a strong person above everyone here, you don't necessarily have to take the path of cultivation.

When encountering people with mediocre qualifications, they will also learn and practice martial arts to become the overlord of one side.

Although it is said that martial arts in the Immortal Realm is not the right way, even if you practice to the perfect level, you will not be able to match the Taoist practitioners.

But in the end, it is also a way out for cultivators with average qualifications.

Of course, there are exceptions to everything.

Not all martial arts practitioners have the same aptitude.

Take Chu Lingxiao as an example, his aptitude is...nothing!

That's right!

Her disciple directly broke the lower limit of cultivators in the Immortal Realm!

Even the ordinary Dao Yun has not awakened!

But is she normal?

Not really.

God closes a door for people, and correspondingly, it opens a window.

She found it by accident.

This little girl is actually a rare Martial Dao Holy Physique!

If you can persevere, you will surely be able to break through the usual boundaries in the future, with Wu Chaoxiu!

As for this Wuling Conference, Chu Lingxiao also heard about it from the Great Elder.

The mountain master will take out ten top-level sacred artifacts as rewards.

This is definitely a rare opportunity for her disciples!

…………… Ask for flowers……

After several years of careful teaching, her disciples already have enough strength.

She was sure that as long as the ten holy artifacts were in hand.

Liuli's combat strength must surpass all his peers in the Nirvana Realm!

Witness for Wu!

Thinking of this, she was very excited.

Looking back at Yun Susu who was in a daze in the hall, he felt grateful in his heart.

"Lingzhu is really different from ordinary people...she will not look down on martial arts practitioners."

"However...why do you think Lingzhu is so strange recently?"

This is both a child and a mother...

Why would the lord ask such a question?

"Could it be that..."

"Does Lord Ling have friends who have experienced such a thing?"

"Hiss—looks like I have to find time to talk to the Ridge Lord, so be careful when making friends!"

"Forcing someone's biological mother away, and filling in a hole to become a stepmother, can a person be a good person?"

Chu Lingxiao shook his not-so-intelligent head.

"And that Yun Zhou from the lower realm, Lord Ridge seems to treat him very well... Could it be related?"

"Emm... Lord Ling often mentioned her nephew before, could this be Yun Zhou?" She was thinking about it as she walked down the mountain.

She had this guess, but she couldn't guarantee it.

But anyway, none of this has much to do with her.

What she needs to do now is to go back and practice for her disciples!

Try to win the first place in the Wuling Conference and get back the ten holy artifacts!

Inside the hall.

Yun Susu took out a big book from nowhere, picked up a writing brush on one side and muttered.

At the top, write the word "companion".

The first column below writes "cooking.", and the second column writes "shopping."

"Emm... let's start with these two first."

"But I've never cooked, how do I do this?"

"Well... I'll try it myself first, if I can't get it out, I'm looking for someone to learn from!"

After all, she is also in the imperial realm, and she can practice so difficult without hindrance, so can she still be troubled by a meal?

The sun shines on the pretty face through the window paper, and the beautiful appearance is full of two words:

Confident mouth!.

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