Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 1034: The Foundation Of A Qualified Villain! Come On, Aunt Hug~ (Please Subscribe)

Yun Zhou raised his eyebrows slightly, with a puzzled look on his face:

"I don't know...what happened when I was a child?"

Yun Susu looked straight at her: "You said you would protect me when you grow up."

The beautiful outline is permeated with a little bit of softness, as if full of longing and nostalgia.

"Ah this.....Your cultivation is the best, and it is difficult to find an opponent in the entire fairyland. Why should I protect you?"

Yun Zhou lowered his head, and calmly said: "I was young at the time, but I was just young, so there's no need for us to make a joke out of it.

For Yun Zhou, grasping people's hearts is the basis of a qualified villain!

To deal with this cheap aunt, Yun Zhou has his own set of opinions.

It's definitely not a good thing to catch up.

Keep licking all kinds of things, and one day the other party will no longer care about your thoughts.

This is not only aimed at his aunt, but even in the relationship between Taoist couples.

And now this is the case.

Don't look at Yun Susu being nice to him for the time being.

When it comes to a matter of principle, the other party will definitely not help him.

So, he's going to do it.

Just grasp Yun Susu's mind!

Keep a little distance, and the other party will definitely panic.

Once you panic, you will show kindness.

Since it is a "show of favor", maybe the "principle" will be lowered a little. 107

In the future, if he raises some slightly excessive demands, the other party will agree.

Of course.

The "excessive demands" referred to here are all aimed at his development in Xianyu.

That's all.


After hearing Yun Zhou's words.

The softness on Yun Susu's face froze.

The expectation in her beautiful eyes completely calmed down, her longing was shattered, and her eyes became quiet and deep.

"Is there nothing more to do?"

There was a touch of pain in her heart for no reason, "It seems that you have really grown up..."

He said something without thinking.

The atmosphere became quiet again.

A faint mist lingered on Yun Susu's face, constantly moving up and down.

It can be seen that the other party's mind is very disturbed.

Vaguely, Yun Zhou saw her eyes.

Those were clear eyes that had never been seen before, as if rippling with autumn water, bright and beautiful.

But among them, it seems to be shining brightly.


Yun Susu's voice suddenly came again: "I remember when I saved you last time, were you... protecting a transformed magic lotus?"

Yun Zhou raised his head, with a calm and handsome smile.


...The magic lotus is one of my most important people, and it is my duty to protect her.

Yun Susu was expressionless: "Even if I didn't go that day, Xiao Tiankuo killed you?"

"As long as she lives."

There was a sincere smile on Yun Zhou's face that had never been seen before, "I will die without regret."

Yun Susu was silent.

Her pretty face was drooping, and she couldn't see any emotion, but her trembling fingers exposed her heart.

After a while, a pleasant voice murmured softly:

"What if it was me?"

Yun Zhou was taken aback: "What?"

Yun Susu raised her head, with seriousness in her eyes:

"I mean, if the magic lotus was replaced by me that day, would you risk your life to save it?"

Yun Zhou was stunned for a moment, and after pondering for a moment, nodded:

Yun Susu's eyes brightened obviously: "Why?"

"Because my father said, you are my aunt."

Yun Zhou pulled up a smile, "If one day your life is really in danger, I will try my best to save you, just for...for my father."

For, father.....

At this moment, Yun Susu's body trembled slightly, and an unspeakable emotion filled her whole heart.

She quietly clenched her palms and pursed her lips tightly.

Until now, she had to admit one thing:

The little guy who stretched out his little hand and called "Aunt Hug" already regarded her as a stranger.

The only connection she has.

It's "(cidh) the other's father's younger sister", "an aunt without blood relationship"

Unfortunately, this little guy named himself.

How ironic...

The person who was supposed to be the closest has no relationship with me in my heart.

It's because I've been away for eighteen years.

Has he completely forgotten me?

How can I make up for this care that has been stranded for eighteen years?

She looked at Yun Zhou below, trying to find a relationship between the two.

But at the end, it turned into a sigh:

"never mind."

There was a sense of helplessness in her beautiful eyes.

There will be a long time to come, so let's take your time in cultivating feelings.

After all, I am his aunt.

Just do your best for him.

Are you still afraid that the position in his heart will not be able to catch up with a magic lotus?

As if he had figured something out, Yun Susu's face showed softness again.

Yun Zhou was silent below.

He seems to be smiling, but he has already started to scold his mother in his heart.

【I really am a tm little genius!】

【But with Yun Susu's mentality like this, isn't it a bit inhuman?】

[Tsk, that's not true either. 】

【I'm a villain, and I didn't use her for anything, I just wanted to have a mentality, and get more benefits and support, what's wrong?】

【I think there is nothing wrong with it!】

If Yun Susu is the heroine, you can hear his mood.

It is estimated that the current scene must explode.

But unfortunately, she is not a heroine, nor is she bound to a villain.

So, she can't hear it!

At this time, Yun Susu suddenly asked:

"I haven't seen you for eighteen years. Goodbye. Do you remember your childhood memories?"

Yun Zhou thought about it: "This... I don't have any memories, but I have a lot of feelings."

"Feeling? Let's hear it."


Yun Zhou gave a thumbs up and said seriously: "The number one beauty in the Immortal Realm, she deserves her reputation!"


Yun Susu's expression froze.

"The number one beauty in the Immortal Domain..."

She looked at Yun Zhou dumbfounded, and said angrily, "That's all your impression of aunt?"

Yun Zhou took a deep breath: "Well, my aunt's beauty covers up all the advantages, and this is the only thing I can feel.

"...Okay, let's go."

Yun Susu shook her head, and walked out of the hall first.

Yun Zhou tilted his head: "Where are you going?"

"Don't you eat three meals a day? It's noon, and I'll take you to dinner."

"Ah good!"

Yun Zhou followed her out.

For some reason, he always felt that Yun Susu's "negative emotions" seemed to have disappeared.

This cheerful look... Jill is vain!.

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