Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 1023: It's Just An Act! What Are You Doing To Me! (Seeking Subscription)

After finishing speaking, Ji Ba looked at Yun Zhou with eyes full of expectation, and said with a smile:

"How about it? My friend, do you want to try to be the master of the Magic Mountain?"

While asking questions, he smiled.

But the look in his eyes revealed a sense of temptation that the sparrow food couldn't hide.

That's right!

As long as Yun Zhou agrees, after returning to Tianmo Mountain, he will have absolute time to test the other party's identity.

If it wasn't for Mozun, he could have teamed up with Lin Sheng and Xiao Tiankuo to attack him.


The rise of the demon clan and the glory of thousands of years ago will be just around the corner!


Lin Langyue dodged and stood between Yun Zhou and Ji Shuang.

"Yun Zhou, listen to me, this demon sounds nice, but he might be planning something, you must not be fooled by him!"

"Besides, you must be aware of your celestial appearance "Three Four Zero". You must not destroy your future and enter the path of the devil."


Before Lin Langyue could finish speaking, Yun Zhou raised her hand to interrupt.

He skipped over Lin Langyue, and passed the sound transmission to the Heavenly Demon":

"Ji Ba, I won't be gone for ten thousand years..."

"With tens of thousands of miles of Demon Land territory, you left a Heavenly Demon Mountain for this deity!?"

Yun Zhou felt that it was better to complete the task quickly.


He followed the original words of "The Devil" at the end of the original text.

Gaba gave Ji Ba a set.

Then this set, Ji Ba just can't stand it!

His smirking face stiffened instantly, and all his expressions froze in an instant.

A pair of eyes looked at Yun Zhou in disbelief, as if seeing his own father who had been dead for many years!

It's a calf, it's a calf!

This is the Demon Lord!

This kid is really a demon!!

Ji Ba, who was still suspicious in his heart, suddenly trembled.

A pair of legs felt a little weak, and he almost fell to his knees with a "plop".

Now, he finally knew why he wanted to kill his descendants first!

This is dissatisfaction with his loss of territory!

But, it's not his fault!

His cultivation base is not enough, after the Demon Venerable disappears, how can he surpass a group of righteous emperors!

Only then did it degenerate from the Demon Land, which controlled half of the territory, to the Heavenly Demon Mountain under the five major forces.

For a moment, he looked at Yun Zhou, feeling a sense of grievance growing in fear at the same time.

He wanted to open his mouth and ask:

Mozun, where have you been all these years?!

But before he could ask a question, Yun Zhou's "transmission" appeared in his mind again:

"Now, take this group of trash and get out, Tianmo Mountain, you have taken care of this deity, and I will go back after I have dealt with the righteous affairs."

"Also, the identity of the deity is not allowed to be mentioned with anyone."

"If you make any trouble for me, the consequences will be the same as his!"

The moment the voice ended in my mind.

Ji Ba's eyes stared like copper bells.

I saw Yun Zhou suddenly raised his palm and aimed at the Great Elder who had just been blown away by him.

The rays of light in the palm surged, and the terrifying coercion formed a dazzling thunder sword light.

It seemed to resonate with the Great Dao, and the sword light was like an arrow leaving the string, tearing apart the void, and piercing through the Great Elder who was watching the drama with lightning speed!

In an instant, a look of disbelief appeared in the eyes of the Great Elder.

His old body trembled, and the vitality in his eyes was dissipating at a speed visible to the naked eye.


Nothing came out after that.

There was a "bang".

He hit the ground, splashing dust.

Until the moment of his death, he couldn't figure it out.

I obviously hid aside obediently and healed my wounds, so why did Yun Zhou, who was in a stalemate with the Heavenly Demon over there, suddenly give him a cannonball?

It's crazy, it doesn't make sense!

Can't even close my eyes!

A sudden change happened before the eyes, and everyone on the peak was dumbfounded.

Step by step, Yun Zhou came to the side of the Great Elder's corpse, and the magic finger flame surged.

With a slight finger, the magic flames scattered and completely burned the corpse.

Ji Ba on the other side was completely dumbfounded!


This horse riding method is exactly the same as that of the Demon Lord!


As if being reminded of some kind of memory from the past, Ji Ba unconsciously started to wobble.

Immediately afterwards, Yun Zhou looked at Ji Ba, and made a meaningful look.

Sound channel:

"Follow this deity to act in a play."

In an instant, Ji Ba came back to his senses with a shake of his body, and hurried to the garden...

His old eyes pretended to be burning with anger, staring at Yun Zhou with awe-inspiring eyes:

"This devil has already explained that what happened today is a misunderstanding, why do you want to kill my elder?"

Yun Zhou glanced and followed him, Lin Langyue, whose eyes were excited, smiled silently:

"I thought he was upset, so I didn't know how to enter the Magic Mountain that day. If I wanted to fight, if I didn't dare, I would take my people and go back!"

Upon hearing this.

Before Ji Ba could speak, the old woman who had a crush on the Great Elder got anxious first.

With a ferocious expression, she drew out her long knife and took a step forward: "Today I will kill you..."


Who the hell didn't tie up her pants and broke her out!?

The old woman was holding a long knife, gnashing her teeth and was about to pass.

But it's not waiting for action yet.


The long knife fell to the ground!


Amid a group of bewildered eyes, Ji made a move.

Kaba knocked the second elder unconscious.

But it's not his fault!

Lord Mozun obviously doesn't want these righteous people to know their identities.

So play with him!

As a result, this dog ran out at this time, how do you want me to go down the steps?

"Fuck you, let's go!"

After such a lie, the scene was a bit embarrassing.

But Ji Ba pretended to be "scared" and glanced at Lin Langyue and Mu 5.1 Xueyun.

Everyone thought that he was afraid of these two strong men who had half-stepped to become emperors, so naturally they didn't suspect him.

It seemed that he was afraid of being seen.

Ji Ba's mouth twitched.

Subconsciously glanced at the smiling Yun Zhou, turned around and sternly said to a group of Tianmoshan elders:

"Everyone, come back with me!"

Up to now, he has already confirmed that Yun Zhou is the "Master Mozun"

In order to let the other party return to Tianmo Mountain, they will not vent their anger on him.

He needs to hurry back and fix the mess.

As a piggyback, you can occupy as much power as you can, and make the demon king happy!

As for the hatred of his descendants...

I'm sorry, but he is too afraid of the demon king in his bones, so he dare not report it.

Even, he decided to forget about it.


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