Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 1000: Unveiling The Veil, The Unknown World Of Fiction Cloak! (Seeking Subscription)

For a while, the three women looked at Yun Zhou, feeling a little dumbfounded.

"I thought that one day I would be able to catch up with him, but it seems that I will be used further and further away."

When he came back to his senses, Wu Zhao showed bitterness.

But soon the light in her eyes was rekindled.

What's wrong if you can't catch up? She's proud!

The man she fancy will definitely become Haotu in the future, no, he will become Immortal Realm!

As his woman, I am the fairy master's wife!

Well, when we go to Xianyu, we must hurry up and force the marriage!

The position of Mrs. Immortal Princess must belong to me~!

Wu Zhao thought for a while, then suddenly said:

"Dengtuzi, I heard that after awakening the immortal soul, you can use the soul to save strength, or you can pass on some immortal power to me, and I will try to transform it?"

"Of course, if you feel disadvantaged, I can compensate you."

To be honest, Wu Zhao just wanted to become stronger and not be a burden in the future.

But the empress has her own arrogance, and she can say such a thing, which is already a shame.

Yun Zhou frowned, touched his chin and said, "Well, it's not impossible, but if it's compensation, I want Xiao Zhao to show you."

"Ah this.

Wu Zhao's pretty face turned red instantly, her phoenix eyes dodged in a panic, and stammered:

"You, if you want me, you can, no, but this can't be regarded as compensation, this is not a transaction, it counts, it counts as my voluntary."

Yanyi Moon Cicada:(o(O_0)o)

"You two treat us as dead!?"

Yan Yi's holy and elegant pretty face was as cold as frost, staring at the second district with fixed eyes.

These two people are so daring, they dare to talk to each other in front of her?

What annoyed her the most was that this shameless woman even said she was "voluntary"!

All of a sudden, Yanyi lived in Bengbu!

"It's so immoral and shameless! What kind of husbands and wives are you!!"

Yan Yi clenched her fists angrily and burst into foul language.

Seeing the Great Treasure Master shaking coldly, Yun Zhou scratched his head:

"Master, don't think about it too much. What I mean by this disciple is that I want Xiao Zhaozhao to manage the forces in the Immortal Realm for my disciple. That's just half of what I just said..."

"Are you a fool to be your teacher!?" Yan Yi's pretty eyes were cold.

Yun Zhou twitched the corners of his mouth, and said seriously: "Master, I don't allow you to send me such words!"


Yan Yi was so angry that she almost rose to heaven, but she still had nothing to do with this traitor, and she couldn't bear to beat and scold her, she was so angry!

She looked sideways at Wu Zhao, gritted her teeth and said:

"Emperor Wu is really pure and pure! If someone wanted you, did you agree on the spot?"

"How can you say that it's not a deal... You are very principled!?"

In an instant, Wu Zhao turned his small head, his delicate face flushed slightly.

This apprentice doesn't care about the occasion when he says such embarrassing words.

"Ahem... Sect Master Yan, I'm just here to awaken the immortal soul, don't worry too much."


Yan Yi's beautiful eyes were cold, "For the sake of an immortal soul, Emperor Wu even risked himself to sleep with you, it seems that I really don't understand you.

"Nonsense, nonsense! Who wants to sleep with me?!"

Wu Zhao was about to turn into a steam engine, and he stammered, "Zhen, I'm not that kind of low-spirited person, don't let your mouth be full of nasty words!"

"Hmph." Yan Yi snorted coldly, "You are not better, I will explain clearly to you today.

"You'd better not do anything excessive to Zhou'er!"

"Otherwise, you will bear the consequences!"

When threatening others, she was arrogant, but forgot how she and Yun Zhou went too far.

Wu Zhao lowered his head, blushed and clenched his fists.

Judging by the blushing look, it seems that he can't wait to find a crack in the ground and get in.

The scene fell silent for a while.

Yun Zhou grinned and said with a sneer: "Master~ You are too suspicious, what kind of personality is a disciple?"

"That is the incarnation of "seriousness" and the object of "expertism"! My disciples are honest people!"

"Why do you have the thought of letting Xiao Zhaozhao sleep with you? You just think too much."

Yanyi's face was beating constantly.

Are you honest?

Brazen traitor!

The top three people in Haotu are not clear to you, how dare you call yourself "professional"?!

Her big eyes full of resentment glared at Yun Zhou:

"You have been hooking up with female cultivators over and over again, is it because you are suspicious of your teacher?"

This prodigal apprentice is simply a philandering radish!

It's fine if you don't let yourself go, but you still have to hook up with Wu Zhao and Yong Cicada...

……ask for flowers…

Bah, go from place to place!

Yun Zhou grinned, and sound transmission muttered.

Listening to his embarrassing love words, Yan Yi's heartbeat accelerated for a while, she turned her head helplessly, but all the anger dissipated.

"What a shameless traitor.

I don't know what's going on.

Yanyi can hold her airs in front of everyone, but in front of Yun Zhou, she seems to be a different person.

My emotions are being led by the nose by others throughout the process.

Can I just say one thing down one thing?

Just off the charts!

The first gleam of morning light shines.

The three queens stared wide-eyed.

And Yun Zhou looked at the sky in silence.


That's right.

It's dawn, which means it's time to leave for Xianyu.

A plot beyond the original is about to unfold.

There is no "original text" to refer to.

He can't guarantee what changes will happen in the fairyland in the future!

Actually tell the truth.

With Yun Zhou's current situation, he can stay in Haotu and become the emperor of the lower realm.

There is absolutely no need to take any risks in Xianyu.

But then again.

If he stayed in Haotu, he would have stopped completely.

Let's not talk about this mysterious world and Tian Dao, what changes will happen to him.

It doesn't matter whether Lin Yuan, who has become an orc, will rise again as the "male protagonist".

Just the fact that Lin Sheng and Xiao Tiankuo, two mortal enemies, live in the Immortal Realm is enough to make him fearful!

It is true that he is a villain, but he is not the kind of third-rate villain who just shrinks and begs for mercy when things happen.

The trip to the fairyland is a must.

Not just to become stronger......

Or to uncover the secrets of this world.

I don't know why.

He always felt that the Immortal Territory was just a "veil" hanging on the face of this world.

If you want to understand this world thoroughly, this veil... must be lifted!

[An unknown world in the cloak of a "fiction". 】

[It looks like it's trying to confuse me. 】

【What is the purpose?】

Yun Zhou looked at the sky with a shimmering light in his eyes, which lasted for a long time... 5..

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