According to the general protagonist template, Mu Yunke should grab the other party's wrist at this time, pinch it hard, pinch it until the bones are about to break, pinch it until the other party wails and begs for mercy, and then leave one or two cruel words, pretending to be a perfect force.

However, Mu Yunke just didn't want to go through the plot like this.

A head on a person's neck is not just for looking tall.

So Mu Yunke stood in front of Chu Yiming and said loudly: "I have heard of the imperial capital Chu family, and I also know that the imperial capital Chu family is one of the most famous families. But even so, it can't be said that the Chu family can go sideways in the imperial capital, right?Shouldn't the children of the real family be humble and polite?"

Mu Yunke deliberately amplified his voice, and almost everyone in the entire venue heard what he said.

So, everyone turned their eyes over to see what was going on.

Chu Yiming felt that there seemed to be something wrong in Mu Yunke's words, but after thinking about it carefully, he didn't figure out what was wrong. He is a fool, his brain is basically an ornament, and he doesn't bother to think about many things if he doesn't understand them.

He said triumphantly: "It turns out that you have also heard of our imperial capital Chu family! In that case, why don't you give me a little respect?"

Mu Yunke smiled secretly. This guy actually thinks I'm praising him

? But Mu Yunke pretended to be angry on his face: "The imperial capital of the Chu family is famous, why did you come out of such a fool? And the entire imperial capital is the world of your Chu family? You really dare to say it!"

Chu Yiming was stunned, and then he realized that something was wrong.

I didn't seem to say that the emperor was the world

of our Chu family just now, right? But before Chu Yiming could say anything, Mu Yunke said angrily to the people around him: "Please comment, our husband and wife came from afar, originally to communicate more with the big family of the imperial capital, maybe there will be opportunities for cooperation in the future." But this person was disrespectful to my wife as soon as he came up, is this the hospitality of the imperial capital family?"

Mu Yunke said in a loud voice. Thinking of what Chu Yiming said just now, it can basically verify that what Mu Yunke just said is the truth.

There were quite a few people from the eight major families at the venue, and no matter how they fought openly and secretly, they all attached great importance to the word "family". If anyone from other places dares to be disrespectful to the imperial capital family, no matter which family they belong to, they will inevitably be dissatisfied because of this.

So Mu Yunke's words are simply stepping on the face of the family on the ground.

But Mu Yunke is reasonable, if anyone comes forward to reprimand Mu Yunke at this time, then a hat of "right and wrong is unknown" will have to be buttoned up.

What's more, they don't want to stand out because of Chu Yiming, a person whose name is rarely remembered.

Even they felt that Chu Yiming was very embarrassed.

So at that moment, a young man stepped forward and said to Mu Yunke: "This gentleman, please don't get excited, if there is anything wronged, you can tell me, and I will help you solve it."

As soon as Chu Yiming saw the man, the muscles on his face twitched irrepressibly.

He's kind of tempting to slip away now.

But he clearly knew that if he really slipped away, he was afraid that the consequences would be worse, so he could only stay where he was with a bitter face, and he didn't dare to move.

Mu Yunke didn't know this person, and couldn't help but ask suspiciously: "May I ask who you are..."

The young man smiled faintly, and his expression looked calm and calm. He smiled at Mu Yunke and said, "Hello, my name is Chu Wenbin, and I am also a member of the Chu family.

Mu Yunke raised his eyebrows.

Unexpectedly, it was the Chu family who came out.

Looking at Chu Yiming's panicked look again, Mu Yunke could almost guess the identity of this person. He soon realized that if he didn't perform well in the next scene, he was afraid that he would bring trouble to himself.

But sometimes, acting is a two-way street. I'm not afraid that the other party won't know that you're acting, but I'm afraid that you can't act until the other party wants to pretend that you don't see it.

Mu Yunke pondered for a while, then thought of a countermeasure, and immediately sighed: "Mr. Chu, I was a little emotional just now, I'm really sorry. If there is anything offensive to the Chu family in the words, please don't be surprised by Mr. Chu.

Chu Wenbin looked at Mu Yunke with interest. He is not a fool, and naturally he can see that Mu Yunke is acting. But to be honest, judging from the other party's reaction just now, there is no rudeness, at most it is exaggerated when describing.

He likes to deal with smart people, and in his eyes, Mu Yunke is a smart person. In addition, according to Mu Yunke's words just now, the other party is still a smart person who knows how to advance and retreat.

This made Chu Wenbin feel a little good out of thin air, and he suddenly had the intention of making friends in his heart.

As for Chu Yiming, this guy has always been the shame of the Chu family, and he doesn't have to think about his thoughts at all.

So Chu Wenbin also hurriedly said: "Mr. Mu is serious, in the final analysis, our Chu family is not strict in discipline, and there is such a shameful guy."

He glanced at Chu Yiming coldly and said, "Why don't you apologize to Mr. Mu quickly?"

He didn't even need to ask the reason, he knew that the fault must be Chu Yiming. After all, a smart person who knows how to advance and retreat is unlikely to take the initiative to cause trouble.

Chu Yiming was stunned by Chu Wenbin's eyes, and he couldn't even say a quibble, so he had to step forward and say to Mu Yunke: "Yes... I'm sorry..."

Chu Wenbin smiled at Mu Yunke again: "Mr. Mu, are you still satisfied? If you are not satisfied, our Chu family will definitely punish him severely!" Mu Yunke

did not answer, but glanced at An Jinyao. An Jinyao looked pitiful and said in a low voice: "Or... Why don't we forget it?"

Mu Yunke sighed and said to Chu Wenbin: "Thank you Mr. Chu for your kindness, this is the end of the matter!"

After a pause, he said: "My wife is a little unwell, sorry for missing me."

After speaking, without waiting for Chu Wenbin to speak, he pulled An Jinyao and left.

I have to say that the cooperation between the husband and wife is really quite tacit. An Jinyao said, "Forget it", but that move didn't look like she wanted to forget it at all. She put on a posture of compromise, and Mu Yunke also made Chu Wenbin touch a soft nail. So what to do next, it depends on whether this Chu Wenbin is really smart or pretending to be smart.

Sure enough, not long after the two left, Chu Wenbin's face became gloomy.


he unceremoniously slapped Chu Yiming, and the force was so great that Chu Yiming spun around half a circle on the spot.

However, although he was beaten, Chu Yiming didn't dare to be angry at all, but his face was terrified. He hurriedly stood firm, half-bowed in front of Chu Wenbin, and didn't even dare to say a word.

Chu Wenbin glanced at Chu Yiming with a look of disgust, and said, "Are you from the fourth room?"

Chu Yiming nodded in fear

: "My dad is..." Chu Wenbin waved his hand and interrupted him: "I'm not interested in hearing you say who your dad is." You go back now, don't let me come out for the next few days! If I see you making trouble again, there will be fewer people in the fourth room

!" Chu Yiming cried and said with a sad face: "Yes! Yes!"

and then hurriedly ran out of the venue, looking at the posture, it was simply a desert and fled.

In fact, Chu Yiming is not the most arrogant among the children of the family after all. He's a little bit of a fool, but he's not really brainless, and he still knows that some people can't be messed with. It's a pity that in his "can't mess with list", there are only people from the eight major families. He still can't look down on some of the children of small families in the imperial capital, let alone Mu Yunke who came from other places.

But he didn't expect that it was rare to pretend to be forced once, but his face was beaten to a "snap", which made Chu Yiming feel like crying without tears.

After driving Chu Yiming away, Chu Wenbin looked at the backs of Mu Yunke and An Jinyao from a distance, and his face couldn't help but show a hint of playfulness.

From his eyes, it is natural to see that the husband and wife are acting. But instead of getting angry about it, he became extremely interested in the two. At this moment, a thought suddenly flashed through his mind, and a problem that had been hanging unanswered seemed to have a solution.

So he turned around and headed upstairs.

Because of this incident, Mu Yunke and An Jinyao made a name for themselves in front of these children of the family in an instant. At that moment, someone stepped forward and wanted to make friends with Mu Yunke, and Mu Yunke was smiling and polite, which made people feel like a spring breeze. But to all those who wanted to win him over, he politely declined.

The water in the imperial capital was very deep, and he didn't want to step into it without knowing anything.

After finally dealing with a group of people, Mu Yunke and An Jinyao came to a secluded corner.

An Jinyao casually took a glass of red wine and whispered to

Mu Yunke: "Brother Yunke, maybe you will have an affair later!" "Affair?" Mu Yunke was inexplicable, "What kind of affair?"

An Jinyao said with a smile: "Chu Feilan, the eldest lady of the Chu family, and Chen Lingyun, the eldest lady of the Chen family, are known as the two famous flowers in the imperial capital. If what I expected is correct, Chu Feilan may send someone to contact you later.

Mu Yunke was stunned: "Ye Fan is like this?"

An Jinyao nodded with a smile.

Mu Yunke's eyes rolled, and he guessed a few points in his heart: "Could it be that this Miss Chu also has a fiancé she doesn't like?"

An Jinyao couldn't help but ask in surprise: "How do you know?"

"Guess." Mu Yunke smiled, "You've given me so many hints, if I can't even guess this, isn't my brain growing in vain?"

An Jinyao smiled: "Then what do you think? You must know that Chu Feilan looks like a beautiful country, and no man can see her without being moved."

Mu Yunke shrugged: "Maybe." But I want to know more, what do you want me to do?"

An Jinyao restrained her smile and said in a low voice: "The Chu family is the second largest family in the imperial capital after the Ye family. If we want to deal with the Ye family, then gaining the friendship of the Chu family is the best option. And the Chu Wenbin just now has a certain status in the Chu family, and he can be said to be the Chu family's external speaker. Chu Feilan is his sister, and he has always wanted to help Chu Feilan break that marriage contract.

Mu Yunke understood: "So you want me to help her dissolve the marriage contract, so as to gain the favor of the Chu Wenbin brothers and sisters?"

An Jinyao smiled meaningfully, "Then Brother Yunke, are you ready?"

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