"Hey, hey!"

The moon was dark and windy, and the silence was eerie, as if there were countless pairs of eyes staring in the darkness.

On the hill outside the city, a burly figure shuttled in the cemetery, he looked left and right, looked around, and a terrible cool breeze blew, making him unconsciously nervous.

"Why are you back here again?" looked

at the picture on the tombstone, this was the third time he had returned here, and even if he was bold, his heart could not help but beat a little faster at this time, and he put his hand in his trouser pocket.

After the wind blew back his neck, as if a soft hand was caressing, the big bear was so frightened that his hair stood on end, and he turned his head sharply, turned around twice but there was no figure, and just breathed a sigh of relief, the strange sound sounded again.

"Hey, hey!" The

magical and strange voice, the big bear opened his eyes, trying to hear the direction of the sound, but the sound seemed to come from all directions, even from the ground.

The bear made up his mind and ran in one direction, ignoring the sounds around him, when suddenly, his foot was tripped by something, and he took a flashlight to shine it, only to see more and more white skeletal hands, pulling him to the ground.

A bottomless black hole appeared under his feet, and no matter how much he struggled, he couldn't break free, and finally he was completely pulled down.



the bear snapped his eyes open, his hands clutching wildly in the air, the sky, the rising sun, and a husky.

"Wang!" Fugui yelled at the bear twice, turned around and ran.

The bear got up from the ground and found himself lying in a dirt pit, looking around, rows of graves.

Jumping out of the pit and watching the husky run towards the hut down the hill, the bear patted the dirt off his body and followed.

An old man in a Taoist robe, with long white hair and a long beard, was pushing a cart and was about to go out.

"Uncle...", the bear chased after him.

Zhang Daxian turned his head and looked, and when he opened his mouth, he came: "Hi harm, hi harm hi... This strong man is going to buy a cemetery? Business has not been doing well lately, how about giving you a 20% discount?"

"No. Big Bear's mind was full of those three words, "Hi Hurt Hi", and he couldn't remember what happened last night.

I only remember that Rong Yue asked him to check the cause of death of the female killer Nancy, to see how Su He killed her, and the more important task was to contact the security guard of the cemetery, the grave keeper Zhang Daxian.

In his memory, he kept circling around the cemetery, like a ghost hitting the wall, and then he was pulled into a black hole, and he woke up in the pit of the cemetery.

Zhang Daxian let go of the small cart, looked at the tombs on the mountain, and said proudly: "The land of Youyan, the dragon and the tiger, the situation is majestic, the south controls the Jianghuai, the north connects the Shuo desert, and the Son of Heaven will be in the middle to receive the pilgrimage from all directions... This kind of feng shui treasure is one in a hundred, you look up, the left green dragon, the right white tiger, there is a case mountain in front, there is a Ming Hall, and there is a backer... Look at it again, there are all private villas, buried with big people, as the saying goes, next to the sages, listen to the voice of the soul, just start the one, is the boss of the cemetery, what are you still hesitating about!"

"No, I should have returned..."Da Xiong quickly shook his head, how could this be arranged.

But before he finished speaking, Zhang Daxian continued: "Hey, I'm just going to say one more thing, die early and die late, you will die sooner or later, look at you like this, did you secretly experience it last night, how about it, sleep soundly?"

Da Xiong nodded lightly, and quickly shook his head, and said: "Uncle, I don't buy a cemetery, I think..."


Uncle, I don't count my fate, I think..."

"Do you want to eat fart!" Zhang Daxian turned his head and pushed the cart away, and the rich and noble man on the side looked at the big bear with bared teeth.

Looking at the back of Zhang Daxian leaving, at this time, Da Xiong's phone rang.

"Hey, Big Bear, why did you go last night, I couldn't get through to your phone, the location shows that you ran all night on the mountain over there, and you were chased by a dog

!" Hearing Lin Bai's voice, Big Bear smiled bitterly: "I said that there are ghosts in this world, do you

believe it?" "Don't believe it!"

"Well, in other words, I may have met "him", that grave keeper, it's not easy!".

Lin Bai said excitedly: "It seems that they maintain some kind of connection between them, Yuan Ye, Li Beidou, Su He, and the grave keeper, how many secrets there are yet, we don't know yet... Oh my God, Big Bear, you're too happy, tell me more about what you did last night?"

Nobita was silent for a moment: "I was kicked by a dog." "


I learned from Li Beidou's mouth that the deadline to stay away from death is one month, just sent Nancy away, the next mission is about half a month later, it is still a life-and-death contest, Su He did not rush out of the base, and has been by the side of his parents and Shen Yue.

During this period, in addition to playing mahjong and chess, every meal was made by him, and he had not lived with his parents for a long time, and he cherished the short reunion.

In a blink of an eye, five days have passed, looking at the system's countdown reminder, there is only the last half hour left before Shen Yue wakes up, but he is a little nervous at this time.

In two years, he experienced despair, perseverance, not admitting defeat, and then to hope, expectation, protection, and no matter what costs... Now, when the flowers are blooming and the moon is bright, he thought that he would be very happy and would have a lot to say, but Shen Yue was still the same woman two years ago, and he had changed.

Became indifferent, cold-blooded, murderous like a mustard, Nancy's death, he didn't touch his heart at all, the brave wins when they meet on a narrow road, two people can only live one, and he survived.

As usual, Su He pretended to be casual and walked into the ward, holding Shen Yue's hand, without saying a word, looking at the countdown in a daze.

"Three, two, one!"

Shen Yue's hand snapped, and Su He looked at her nervously.

Slowly, her eyes blinked, and eventually, they opened completely.

In an instant, the two looked at each other, and tears poured out involuntarily, you look at me, I look at you, as if the eyes will speak.

Su He couldn't say a word of the lines he had prepared, grinning and smirking while shedding tears.

Shen Yue raised her hand, touched Su He's face, gently wiped his tears, and a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

Because I am looking forward to meeting you again, everything I have paid is worth it, you see, I am still me, and I am still very moved to see you.

Hey, Su He felt that in this virtual game, what he was most reluctant to do was the time he spent with Shen Yue.

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