At nine o'clock in the evening, the street lights of the pedestrian street are still bright, but the light of the shops is dimming one by one.

It's time to close again.

After Wang Menglan cleaned up the flower shop, she closed the shop and went home. Walking on the quiet street, Wang Menglan was still recalling what An Jinyao said to her this morning.

She has been best friends with An Jinyao for many years and knows her character very well. She never speaks without purpose, and there must be a basis. But that Ye Fan... How could she have anything to do with him?

Wang Menglan thought as she walked, until a voice suddenly sounded in front of her:

"Yo he, brothers, look at what we found?"

"A beautiful woman! Her appearance is at least six times that of other women!"


And their red, yellow and blue hairstyles made Wang Menglan almost think that she had seen a Super Saiyan.

Wang Menglan was shocked, and then realized that she had walked a small alley.

It's strange, I've never walked this road before, how did I come here unconsciously?

Looking at the three gangsters in front of her, Wang Menglan subconsciously took a step back. Seeing this, the little gangsters became even more energetic:

"Don't be afraid, beauties, we are all serious people!" "

Yes, yes, we only do serious things!"

"Do you want to do something 'serious' with us?"

Wang Menglan cried bitterly in her heart. Serious? Don't you look at it, with your dignity, can you match the word "serious"? She wanted to call for help, but it was quiet as if it were isolated from the world, and she wasn't sure that calling for help would really work.

She barely managed to squeeze out a smile: "That... Three big brothers, I still have some money here, you can take it if you need it, I won't mind..."

The little gangsters couldn't help but laugh happily:

"The beauty is very good

!" "I just like such a beautiful woman

!" "So, I can't let you go!"

The last sentence finally revealed their true thoughts.

But they don't care. After all, they are self-aware, and if anyone who sees someone like them still thinks they are good people, then their brains should definitely be taken out and exposed.

Just when the three thugs were about to take some practical action, a voice suddenly sounded: "You three, what are you going to do to this lady?"

The four people looked in the direction from which the voice came from at the same time, and saw a tall man standing behind Wang Menglan, looking upright and uneven.

The yellow-haired thug was immediately unhappy: "Where did you run away

?" "Hmph!" the tall man said coldly, "Get out of here, don't let me see you again!"

"Yo he! This brother seems to be very confident in his skills, do you want to show your hands?"

the blue-haired thug shouted arrogantly, and then rushed forward. The other two were not to be left behind, and naturally followed closely with a "whoop".

Then, Wang Menglan saw how the tall man beat the three thugs to the ground with three strokes and five divisions, and the whole process took no more than fifteen seconds. And the three thugs seemed to realize that the idea was prickly, and after a few cruel words that were not nutritious, they fled.

The whole process is so bloody and cliché that the author doesn't bother to write about it again.

After the tall man drove away the three gangsters, he smiled at Wang Menglan like a brand trademark: "This lady, are you okay?" Wang Menglan

couldn't help but shudder, because at this time, she finally saw the appearance of this tall man clearly.

Isn't this the person who came to her flower shop in the morning to buy a rose

? I heard Jinyao say, his name is Ye Fan

? But why did he appear here?

Originally, Wang Menglan was still grateful to this hero who saved beauty, but after recalling what An Jinyao said to her, she couldn't help but become vigilant.

"Don't look at his dignified appearance, in fact, he is very promiscuous and lustful, and when he sees a beautiful woman, he wants to do everything possible to get it, and he uses all kinds of means. "

So, the scene just now was planned by Ye Fan

? Self-directed and self-acted?

Men like to direct and act in the scene of heroes saving beauty, so that they can have a good impression in front of their favorite women, which is nothing new. And the preconceived Wang Menglan is already convinced that this is definitely directed by Ye Fan.

So, what should I do?

Wang Menglan was silent for a moment before she barely showed a smile: "That... Thank you for your help. But it's so late, and I have to hurry home.

After speaking, Wang Menglan hurriedly ran in the direction of home.

Ye Fan also found out that the woman he accidentally saved was the beautiful woman he saw in the morning, how could he let go easily? Hurriedly chased after him and said, "Madam, it's so late, I'll send you home!"

Wang Menglan hurriedly refused: "Ah... No, no, my home is very close to here

!" Ye Fan persevered: "But madam, you are so beautiful, what should you do if you run into a bad guy again?"

Wang Menglan was about to cry: "I really don't need you to send me!"

Ye Fan has his own opinion: "Madam, don't be embarrassed, for fear of troublesome me." If

she hadn't been able to beat him, Wang Menglan would have really wanted to turn around and kick him. Who is embarrassed? Who is afraid of trouble? What I am afraid of is that you are worried about me

! She fled, he chased, and they were all unable to fly!

But fortunately, Wang Menglan was still very lucky, and she didn't go far to come to the avenue. Seeing that a police car happened to be parked not far away, Wang Menglan hurriedly ran forward, and shouted in a crying voice while banging on the car door: "Police... Mr. Policeman, help me! There is a pervert who has been chasing me!

" The door of the police car opened, and a policewoman stepped out of the car, looked at Wang Menglan and asked with a serious face: "Where are the perverts you are talking about?"

From a distance, Ye Fan saw Wang Menglan asking for help from the police, and he couldn't help but feel a little regretful. It seems that he can't deepen his favorability through this hero saving beauty. But it doesn't matter, I already know the place where this beauty works, and it would be good to go a few more times in the future. I believe that with the charm of his dragon king, it must be easy to win such a woman.

Ye Fan was about to leave, but saw a policewoman get out of the car. When he saw the policewoman's appearance clearly, his eyes suddenly lit up.

Are you saying this is a coincidence? It was actually the police flower I saw yesterday!

So Ye Fan didn't want to leave again.

Just kidding! He, Lord Dragon, has never been in the habit of doing good deeds without leaving a name. He even has a special notebook to record that he has helped someone at a certain time, and even remembers the contact information and occupation of the other party clearly, so that he can use this favor to seek benefits one day in the future.

And just now, I saved a beautiful woman in front of a few gangsters

! This is a great favor

! I can't sleep too much

, right? It's very reasonable to make a personal promise

, right? From now on, I will be loyal to me, even if I hook up with other beauties in the future, you should support me, and even help me win the other party, it's very logical, right?

Ye Fan, very confident!

Especially when I saw Comrade Qiu Nan, I became more confident

! He, Ye Fan, is a man who is respected as the "Dragon King"

! Just now, the hero saved the beauty

! So you, as a police flower, should admire me, appreciate my character, and bow down under my jeans from now on, and become one of my women from now on! So

he came to Wang Menglan and Qiu Nan with his head held high, and then in front of the two bewildered beauties, the corners of his mouth were raised:" This young lady, since there are police here to take you home, then I am relieved.

Then he smiled evilly at Qiu Nan: "Comrade policewoman, although you are a policeman, as a woman, you must be careful when you go to the police at night!"

After speaking, he turned his head and prepared to leave.

Wang Menglan and Qiu Nan were in a daze. Ye Fan's operation completely made it impossible for the two of them to fix it.

What do you mean by this? Today's criminals are arrogant to this extent

? Also, what do you mean by that smile like a checkmark?

Although Wang Menglan didn't say it explicitly, Qiu Nan had already guessed that Ye Fan was the pervert who chased her as Wang Menglan said. But why does this pervert look so familiar?

uh... By the way, it seems that he was arrested in the bureau yesterday, and he was interrogated by himself!

Thinking of Ye Fan's performance in the interrogation room and the results of his subsequent investigation, Qiu Nan's face suddenly darkened.

Jie Kid is not a good silver!

"Stop!" Qiu Nan shouted angrily.

Ye Fan was stunned. You

yelled at me? You actually yelled at me? When did someone dare to yell at me

like this? If someone else yelled at him like this, Ye Fan would have already found a way to kill the other party's whole family. But for the sake of Qiu Nan being so beautiful, Ye Fan decided to endure it.

After all, it's your own woman! You have to be spoiled!

So Ye Fan showed his signature smile again: "May I ask the police officer what's the matter?"

Qiu Nan looked at Ye Fan and said in a fierce voice: "I suspect that you have bad intentions towards this lady, and now I will detain you according to law

!" and then pointed to the police car behind him: "Please, Mr

. Ye!" Ye Fan looked confused.

What the hell? I obviously did a good deed, and you actually want to detain me?!

Is there any royal law? Is there any heavenly reason?

When I killed my whole family abroad, I was not as unreasonable as you!

But for the sake of Qiu Nan's good looks (definitely not for the sake of the number of words in the water), Ye Fan endured: "This police officer, I think there may be a little misunderstanding between us..."

If there is any misunderstanding, you can go to the police station to make it clear!Mr. Ye, please cooperate with our work!"

The hook on Ye Fan's face twitched.

Woman, don't be so unscrupulous to me because of my love for you!

"What if I don't want to cooperate?" Ye Fan said coldly.

Qiu Nan picked up the pistol without hesitation: "Please! you! match

!" Ye Fan: "..."

, "Okay, I'll cooperate." "

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