Village Doctor.

Chapter 296

Chapter 296

“Li Jie! Where do you fucking raise fish? Quickly dry the wine in your glass! Daddy is done, dare you face me?”

“That’s right! We did it too! What do you want to do! Don’t give Erye Face?”

Li Jie hurriedly said: “Hu Erye, two brothers! I have already drunk a lot, I really can’t drink anymore! Don’t forget, we have another big business on hand. If we drink too much, it will be delayed. It’s troublesome if it’s business…”


Hu Zhenshan touched his big bald head, nodded and said, “Well! That’s right! If it’s because of drinking and we have missed a major event, we will all have to be unable to eat! The heart of drinking this wine is not at ease, damn it. ! Stop drinking! None of us stop drinking!”

“Little Si’er, you quickly call San Gouzi and see how things are going there! It stands to reason…At this time, the surname Zhang should be in the southern suburbs!”

The kid sitting next to Hu Zhenshan was called Xiao Si, and he hurriedly took out his cell phone and dialed the call.

“Brother Sangou! Erye asked me to ask you, how is your situation there?”

“Still no movement! Me and the monkey were freezing to death outside, and I didn’t see the surname Zhang coming. I’m afraid that kid was scared, so he should not dare to come! Hehehe…”

“Then you just stare at it for a while, and then execute according to the original plan. If he is not present after 20 minutes, you should leave as soon as possible!”

“Oh, I see!”

Xiao Si put down the phone and said, “Second Lord, there is still no movement over there!”

“Yeah! I heard it! Ma Wu, go out and take a look! I always feel a flustered feeling. Don’t be touched by anyone! Go out and have a look!”

“Don’t worry! Yellow leather steppers are buried under the surrounding walls, so no one can get in! Even if you get in, you have to fall inside!”

Ma Wu, who was sitting next to Xiao Si, said with a flushed face. He could tell from his eyes that he could not open. This kid was already drinking too much, and his tongue was a little hard when he spoke. NS……

“Damn! You fucking drink again! Get out! Go outside and blow the air sober and sober! Damn it, you are the one who makes daddy worry the most! You won’t be able to walk when you encounter two piss of cat urine Sooner or later you will drink to death!”

“Hehehe… I just have a hobby, just one bite! Hehehe… You talk, I’ll go out and have a look! Hiccup! Huh…”

“Mother! I drank a bit too much today, I feel a little bit up!”

Ma Wuhuang pulled a pair of shoes danglingly, and ran to the door and walked out!


As soon as he went out, he fell to the ground!

“Damn! That’s what you can do! If you can’t drink, don’t drink as a damn scholar! Xiao Si, you can help him. This kid is so fucking drunk!”

“Hehehe…he is the guy who drinks every wine, why drunk every time! If he doesn’t drink and gets down, he will be out of trouble! I’ll go and see!”

“Mom, that kid is so fat, he looks like a pig, and he’s dead! It seems that he has got more strength today…”

“Ma Wu! Did you fucking drink to death? If you’re not dead, get up quickly, lest daddy carry you. Get up! Uh…”


There was another sound of heavy objects falling to the ground! Shocked Hu Zhenshan!

Li Jie sighed and said, “I said I can’t drink anymore, look! The one whose surname is Zhang hasn’t come yet, let’s fall down two of our own. Hey… I’ll help them… ”

“No! Xiao Si only drank two bottles of beer! Damn! Something!”

Hu Zhenshan picked up the mountain knife that had been by his side, and immediately stood up! Then he suddenly jumped off the kang, blocking the door of the house!

Li Jie’s response was also very quick! Back and pull out a sharp knife for killing pigs and picking meat from the back waist! Then went straight to the back room, ready to hold Yan Ke!

“Yeah? The reaction is quite sensitive! Get down!”




Hu Zhenshan and Li Jie screamed almost at the same time, and suddenly fell to the ground!

Zhang Tianzong stepped in, and he was carrying more than twenty steel stepping clamps with serrated blades in his hand!

“Damn it! Fortunately, daddy watched carefully for a while, otherwise it is really possible to get your way! Not to mention, this method of burying and stepping on the folder is quite numb!”

“Zhang…Zhang Tianzong! You! How did you know we were here? What did you do to me? Why can’t I move!”

Li Jie yelled in horror.

“You’ll know in a while! Anyway, you used to be my employee! Daddy empathizes with you. You have also drunk a lot of alcohol. Let’s sleep for a while!”


A small stone was hitting his chest valve, and Li Jie suddenly fainted when he rolled his eyes and tilted his head…

“You! Don’t come over! Don’t come over!”

“Your name is Hu Zhenshan, right? I’m puzzled. The lessons I taught you last time were not enough? You want to make Daddy angry?”

“No! Mr. Zhang! I was instructed to do this! I didn’t want it! But I can’t survive if I don’t do this! Mr. Zhang, no! Zhang Ye! Ancestor! See if we don’t For the sake of hurting that woman, please forgive me, forgive me…”

“Bah! If I had a grandson like you, I would have chopped you up and fed the dog! Damn, the dog might not eat your stinky meat!”

“Yes, yes! I’m a stinky body! You just throw me away as rubbish! I will explain! I will explain all! I will tell you everything you want to ask! Please, give me a way to survive…”

“Damn! What a fool! If it weren’t for Li Yuanhao’s saying that it’s useful to keep you, daddy would have killed you long ago! Bah! The cheap bones that are bullying and afraid of hardship!”

“Li Yuanhao? Damn! He is my boss! My nickname is Hu Er, which is how I called it down. It turns out that you and him are friends! Misunderstanding, misunderstanding! Everyone is your own, your own what!”

“Fuck! Who is my own with you! But well… I can make you my own, and I will go with daddy in the future!”

“Okay! OK! Listen to you, what do you say, then what do you do!”

“Damn! Your kid is not only a cheap bone, he’s also a gangster! You really should get rid of you! It’s a curse to keep you!”

“No! Zhang Ye, I have value for use! I have value! I have a few friends who dig graves and robbers, and they can buy very cheap antiques from them! Those gadgets are very profitable! Are you? Do not want?”


Zhang Tianzong was taken aback for a moment, and he said, “Could it be…you are talking about the thief?”

“That’s right! Hehehe… Your path is really wild, and the thief is clear! Hehehe… You all say you are yours! Right? Hehehe… Just let me go… ”

Zhang Tianzong smiled slightly and said, “Well, let me take you to a place now! Don’t try to resist, otherwise I will definitely kill you!”

“Yes, yes! Don’t resist, listen to you, listen to you!”

Because Hu Zhenshan has been scared by Zhang Tianzong! In contrast, the soul has obeyed a lot on the ideological level!

When engraving the slave mark and sorting out the extra memories that belonged to him, it seemed so much smoother!

After Hu Zhenshan became a slave, his affinity and obedience to Zhang Tianzong became much more obvious!

Unlike Li Yuanhao, who even wanted to intercede for Han Feng!

This shows that in the unwilling engraving state, the affinity has declined!

Although the degree of obedience will not be reduced by half, if the degree of affinity is reduced, there will inevitably be some unwilling elements in doing things, so there will be some resistance!

In addition, Zhang Tianzong unexpectedly discovered a special phenomenon!

This very smooth combing process can produce a rapid increase in Mental Energy!

Zhang Tianzong has tried various methods, thinking about improving his own Mental Energy, so as to better cultivate the Three Yuan Zhenyi Jing.

However, in addition to calming down and meditating in Meditation, as well as the soul pleasure in the last moment when working with Liu Hongxiu’s body cultivator, there is no way to make the soul Mental Energy fluctuate, let alone increase the Ascension!

This discovery made him overjoyed! The mentality he had previously disliked because of Hu Zhenshan’s character problems was immediately wiped out! I even start to admire him a little bit!

Don’t look at the small, little increase, it’s the loosening of Realm bottleneck! From cultivation to the second element, Realm has taken another step!

Shinichi Town Evil Realm can strengthen the defensive ability of God and Soul after completing the Realm. And can master the method of “arranging arrays with curses”, has the ability to suppress evil spirits and exorcise ghosts, and protect the body with aura!

This is a real fairy technique! Zhang Tianzong has long dreamed of!

No idea, there is a surprise today! Hehehe…

In order to verify this situation, Zhang Tianzong came back alone and got Xiao Si’er and Ma Wu into the cell of Dongtianfudi!

First, Xiaozhi persuaded him with reason and moved with affection, and then Hu Er accompanied by intimidation and suppression as if they were suffocating!

After this operation, they became slaves smoothly!

This time! It only took Zhang Tianzong five seconds to sort out all the external memories!

At that moment, he was shocked to discover!

Mental Energy has more than doubled the Ascension! The scope of use of the ability to detect mental ideas has also more than doubled!

When he came out of Dongtianfudi again, he was pleasantly surprised to find that the scope of mind exploration has covered the entire Fukang Farm!

One grass and one wood, one stone and one sand, including the little bugs hibernating in the cracks of the rocks, every detail came to mind clearly!

Coupled with the ability of clairvoyance, even Li Yuanhao, who is still lying on the ground at a distance, can be clearly seen!

This First Stage discovery made Zhang Tianzong ecstatic and danced!

After a while, after communicating with the three of them for a long time and issuing a few death orders, Zhang Tianzong will take them back to reality…

——To be continued——

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